Lost, on a painted sky...

Lost,  on a painted sky...

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    Friday, January 05, 2007

    Kudos to Jim Tucker at Dappled Things!!!

    I highlighted the Moron of the week, Zak George because of his displayed ignorance at (mis) AdventuresofZak on YouTube. It is fitting that I should give Kudos to Jim Tucker at Dappled Things (clickable link above) for his blog entry on January 3, 2007 accounting of an officer who is refusing to return to Iraq.

    Unlike Zak, Jim has a way of clarifying the issues without inserting his own opinion. His balance is refreshing. He brings illumination to the topic and challenges the reader to deeper thought. He says, in part:

    “Even if we grant that the decision to invade Iraq was wrong and immoral (as I have held from the start), now that our forces are there and everything's in chaos, what is the morally most correct way for us to deal with the mess we've made? What kind of an obligation have we incurred toward the Iraqi people as a consequence of our government's decision to conquer their country?”

    I like Jim’s blog but regret that he does not allow comments. Check it out.

    It is regrettable too that when I tried to add this comment to AdventuresofZak he refused my comment- probably too political for him.

    I hope, if I actually get readers and commenters some day that I will be more hospitable.

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    Links to the writings of Fr. Jim Tucker interest me...actually, it was such a link that brought me to your page sometime back. The problem is that by the time I've linked here, there and elsewhere to read his opinions, I've forgotten just what it was that brought me there in the first place. I didn't forget this time...the mental and moral anguish inflicted upon the soldier is torture, I'm sure, for many without a voice, too.

    Referencing your "housekeeping" comment above: For now, I'll remain anonymous. "Boarding" has become rather tenuous of late. Perhaps it's the fickle nature of the human beast. Hmmm; seems that I read about that on Jim Tucker's site at one time!