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    Saturday, January 06, 2007

    Best of 2006

    Best News Commentary: Keith Olbermann
    His ‘Special Commentary’ segments are truly must see TV. This is apparently the only media personality left with a spine. I encourage everyone to check him out at MSNBC.

    Best Local Weather Personality: Sven Sungaard
    This guy may not be the best at what he does but at 25 years old he is very well seasoned. He is very short and based on the MN State Fair live appearances he has a legion of 12 year old girls following him. He seems a bit too intelligent to fit in with the rest of the weekend crew at KARE11 but he has a way of making the weather more watchable.

    Best 2006 Election Result-
    Hands down, for me this was Amy Klobuchar in the US Senate for Minnesota. The first woman elected to the senate for Minnesota Amy brings a glimpse of what the Dems have to offer for the future. As an added bonus she blocked Mark Kennedy from the ambition set forth for him by Chenney and Co out of Washington. If Coleman gets similarly routed in 2008 I will indeed be a happy man.

    Best Decision of the Bush Administration
    The final disposition of Donald Rumsfeld. If only it had been 3 or more years earlier.

    Best Celebrity Moment
    I can’t think of one, sorry.


    Anonymous said...

    Best Celebrity Moment:

    Andre Agassi's elegant acquisition of grace and class at a remarkably young age; I'm proud to be a fan.

    Worst Celebrity Moment(s):

    Mel Gibson & Michael Richards tied for their loss of the same; I'm no longer a fan of either.

    Jonathan said...

    very well said.