Lost, on a painted sky...

Lost,  on a painted sky...

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    Monday, November 29, 2004

    The first of several holiday links

    This email was sent to me today. Along with the radio station that has been playing Christmas music for the past two weeks it is hard to not be in a holiday mood. The question is whether or not I can sustain it for another month. Anyway, enjoy this link.

    Tuesday, November 23, 2004

    Thanksgiving reflections

    Take a moment to share one thing from the past year that you are thankful for.

    Friday, November 12, 2004

    A Song for Andy

    On Aug. 22, 2004, early in the morning, Andy was tragically killed in an Auto Accident.

    I did not know Andy well but was privileged and blessed to share in the experience of celebrating his life with his family.

    At that funeral celebration was an odd collection of people that Andy considered his family and friends. You can learn a great deal about someone just by observing the people he holds close. And I wished I could have known Andy better.

    At his funeral, one of his teachers (he had graduated just months earlier from high school) read this poem. It was written by Andy for her class. I share it with you now.

    Shall I run or hide
    and die inside,
    Or pretend
    that I never even knew you,
    even as a friend?

    Can I go back in time,
    Before your hand was mine,
    Or erase the Kiss
    that I will forever miss,
    or forget your eyes
    that seem to hypnotize?

    Can my mind erase
    the feel of your embrace?
    How can I forget all of this
    and pretend it doesn't exist?

    I want you to know one thing that will never end...

    I was thinking of Andy tonight, and of his family. I hope you will think of them too.

    Saturday, November 06, 2004

    A new Direction

    This blog , and this blog host have been acused of being singularly focussed for the past several months. And I suppose that is a fair criticism. But today I am moving in a new direction.

    Don't suppose you won't find the occessional rant about the idiot in the white house, but let's be real - we lost.

    Today I went out and bought a completely new wardrobe to fit my leaner frame. Imagine the thrill of clearing the xl and xxl out of my closets and replacing them with m-l. Imagine getting rid of the 38-42's and replacing them with 36.

    $750 later I must say that buying clothes has not been this fun in a very long time. But that is a serious financial commitment on my part to make sure I don't backslide.

    Thursday, November 04, 2004

    it's all about tomorrow

    Time for a fresh outlook. Time to think about the future. Time to stand together for what we believe and to work to make a genuine difference.

    Now that the election is over I have a few thoughts.

    I have been an "Anybody but Bush" person. I think the reasons are clear. But now that the election is over I have changed my mind. Cheney would be worse.

    In 1973, Agnew was forced out of office for reasons having to do with tax fraud - the details are foggy, I was only 12. That opened the door for Ford before Nixon was forced out.

    We need to hope that Haliburton brings down Cheney before the secrecy, lies and cover-ups of this administration bring down "W".

    So, Who shoud replace Cheney? We haven't much time really. to stick to the time-frame of 1973 it must happen this spring.

    Your thoughts?

    Wednesday, November 03, 2004

    Tuesday, November 02, 2004

    Have you voted yet?

    4.5 hours left in my time zone. get out there people

    Monday, November 01, 2004

    Election Night Hit !!!

    Play it as Kerry takes each of the major states.

    Horse Race!!!

    Neck and neck with one lap to go!! Redskins went down in defeat! Bummer Mr President!!
    Look for Ohio, but it might come down to Hawaii. I will be up to the end - celebrate with me for Breakfast.