Lost, on a painted sky...

Lost,  on a painted sky...

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    Saturday, July 31, 2004

    Is it un-Christian to vote for Democrats?

    This article sums it up pretty well, although not perfectly. I certainly agree with the perception that the anti-tax (my money) attitude of the Republicans is fundamentally selfish. And it is my personal belief that most Republicans would choose tax reduction over anti-abortion if pressed.

    The abortion issue will likely come up again and I will get more opportunity to comment in the future. But show me a Republican that says "reduction of abortions in this country is of the highest priority" and backs that up with legistlative initiatives that provide government funded alternatives for women in crisis pregnancies - even at the expense of tax breaks - and I will revise my position on this issue.

    The lip service toward making abortion illegal and the moral proclamations that women need to keep their knees together or fend for themselves are no longer an acceptable public answer to this issue.

    That having been said, I long for the Democratic candidate who will allow themselves to even admit that abortion is an evil that should be avoided. Your thoughts below -

    Friday, July 30, 2004

    Thursday, July 29, 2004

    Take the trickster test

    I Am Robin Goodfellow
    You are that merrie wanderer of the night - outgoing and playful. Like Robin Goodfellow you enjoy a great joke, even when the joke's on you. You're the life of the party - you have a happy disposition and you like to laugh and have a good time. You're mischevious and you enjoy pulling someone's leg, but your jokes are generally good-natured and well meant (unless of course you're dealing with some fool mortal). When it comes right down to it, you'll do what you can to help out a friend.

    Take the test and let us know below

    Aperfect love story- illegal in 49 states

    You kind always knew didn't you?

    Chalk up Another One for Minnesota's Fluffy Senator

    See below where I say that I miss Paul Wellstone.  Now you know why.  Your thoughts below--

    Wednesday, July 28, 2004

    Tonight, Edwards speaks

    I'll be listening - open thread here for you comments-

    Tuesday, July 27, 2004



    Tuesday at Convention - open thread

    A very touching moment midday honoring Democrats who have died since last convention.  this was emotional for me as they recalled Paul Wellstone.   This one man embodied everything that makes me remain a Democrat. 

    In all of public life, there is not another who spoke from his very center and believed every word he spoke.  After almost two years, I miss him still.

    Monday, July 26, 2004

    Monday of Dems Convention (open thread)

    any and all comments relating to Dems party in Boston, enter below.

    Sunday, July 25, 2004

    This is kinda fun.

    Ask the question:  Who wants to elect a Horny Jerk?  and your answers will very.
    It really depends if your other choice is "he grew bogus" or " Uhg, Sewer Bog!" paired up with "Prick's ethic: deny evidence."

    Odds get even better when you pair up "Horny Jerk" with "John's Red Wad"

    To think we we have three more months of this.  Your thoughts below.

    Saturday, July 24, 2004

    Support our Troops - No Really.

    Check out this link for information on how you can provide support to our troops who are caught IN GW Bush's "stop-Loss' policy in Iraq.  Call or email your senator in support of htis amendment.   This is an issue that should easily transcend party lines and politics.   Add your thoughts below.

    My turn !!!

    so soccer is good for something - your thoughts below

    laugh at yourself and the world laughs with you

    add your thoughts below

    Good enough for me !!!

    I'll take the "not bush" please.

    Another fun personality test.

    Could this be more accurate?  I don't think so.

    Wackiness: 60/100Rationality: 70/100Constructiveness: 64/100Leadership: 90/100
    You are a WRCL--Wacky Rational Constructive Leader. This makes you a golden god. People gravitate to you, and you make them feel good. You are smart, charismatic, and interesting. You may be too sensitive to others reactions, especially criticism. Your self-opinion and mood depends greatly on those around you.You think fast and have a smart mouth, is a hoot to your friends and razorwire to your enemies. You hold a grudge like a brass ring. You crackle. Although you have a leader's personality, you often choose not to lead, as leaders stray too far from their audience. You probably weren't very popular in high school--the joke's on them!You may be a rock star.

    Take the test and let me know  --- below.

    Find out more about your favotire musicial artist

    or mine.  This is a cool link.  It shows a graphic representation of any musician or group clustered with others according to similarity.   It also provides a discography for your artist that groups each album/cd according to similarity with others by the same artist.  Check it out.   Please comment below on its accuracy according to your taste.  

    Friday, July 23, 2004

    No wonder people compare him to Reagan

    at least W stayed awake.

    The picture I have sworn doesn't exist.

    I was wrong.   The anecdote is that the girl points his error out to him.  I have expressed my doubt about that too, but even I can be wrong.

    Yeah, that's class !!!

    Never mind run our country, would you be comfortable turning your back on this guy?

    the following words are not my own but I couldn't agree more:

    How would you feel about a person who thinks it is okay to grab your shirt and use it to clean their eyeglasses?That's how arrogant our "President" is. During a commercial break on the David Letterman show, producer Maria Pope was on stage and discussing something with Letterman, and while she was standing there in front of Bush, George leaned forward, grabbed the back of her sweater and used it to clean his glasses. Check out the Quicktime video.Regardless of your political party and beliefs, we all know that this administration has raised some serious questions, and has often asked for us to blindly believe in the their drastic actions, all of which are clearly far more serious than this boner on the Letterman show. However, there is not a spin, explanation, or flat out lie that can defend Bush's character in this revealing moment, when he was dumb enough to think that people or cameras were not looking. Even worse scenario is he did know, but just didn't care. We deserve better leadership and representation. If you have any doubts, please vote him out.

    Your thoughts encouraged below --

    Thursday, July 22, 2004

    Kerry loyalty test (equal time after all)

    Hey folks,  only 5 out of 10.  best thing going for himis he's not GW.  This poll says I am a conflicted media created swing voter.  This poll doesn't take into account the results of my Bush loyalty test.

    Click the link, take the test, share your thoughts below.

    Hey everybody! Open thread, What's on your minds?

    Please use comment line below to comment.

    What a hateful Bastard!!!

    He sooo obviously liked Spot better!  enter your thoughts below

    Welcome to " A page that Aches"

     This original post has moved to the archives page.  I am reposting it here because of the many people who have emailed or asked:  "What the heck does the name mean?"

    This title comes from the words of Neil Diamond's song "Be" from the soundtrack for the movie "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" based on the book of the same name by Richard Bach.

    on a painted sky,
    where the clouds are hung
    for the poet's eye.
    You may find him
    if you may find him.
    There, on a distant shore,
    by the wings of dreams
    through an open door.
    You may know him,
    if you may.

    as a page that aches
    for a word which speaks
    on a themethat is timeless,
    while the sun
    God will make for your day.

    as a song in search
    of a voice that is silent
    and the one God
    will make for your way.

    And we dance
    to a whispered voice,
    overheard by the soul,
    undertook by the heart.
    And you may know it
    if you may know it.

    While the sand
    would become the stone
    which begat the spark
    turned to living bone.

    Holy, Holy
    Sanctus, Sanctus

    as a page that aches 
    for a word which speaks 
    on a them that is timeless
    while the sun 
    God will make for your day.
    as a song in search 
    of a voice that is silent.
    And the one God
    will make for your way.

    Words by Neil Diamond

    These words create an atmosphere that I hope we can live up to. respect for persons with diverse opinions will be expected. Whether weighty or whimsical, I hope the topics found herein will be interesting enough to provoke an occassional response.

    Barry Goldsmith died this morning.

    trivia question;  Who was this guy?
     responses below

    Wednesday, July 21, 2004

    This is fun in case anyone is wondering where I stand.

    here is my result to this quiz, where do you stand?

    Your score is 0 on a scale of 1 to 10. You hate Bush with a writhing passion. You think he is an idiot, a liar, and a warmonger who has been a miserable failure as president. Nothing would give you greater pleasure than seeing him run out of the White House, except maybe seeing him dragged away in handcuffs.

    I wouldn't say I hate him.  but the rest is accurate.

    take the test, responses below

    Let the Little boy sing

    a picture is worth a thousand words.

    Just one more for now

    I will give you back your civil liberties for a gazillion dollars!

    "My Precious"

    nothing to say about this one.

    Frodo failed!

    One ring to rule them all.  But if this were real wouldn't he be invisable?

    I just love this story

    Three teens can get this guy so rattled.  You just gotta love the sense of power it gives them.  At the same time,  are we comfortable that this guy gets so easily rattled.  I just wish the photo was better.

    They're pyramid protest thing is also somehwat shocking.  glad to know that we have such youth in the world.  Makes me believe their might be hope.

    A nation divided

    Everyone keeps talking about us and dividing us, not as liberals and conservatives, but according to whether we are part of red america or blue america.  Check out this quiz to see which america you live in.  It tells me that I exist uncomfortably in red america.  I think that is true.   Where do you fit?

    I was thinking

    that as of today, the media is placing Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin in the toss-up column for this falls elections.   I don't know if they are reading the tea leaves correctly.

    I can speak in a most informed way about Minnesota.   My home state has not gone Republican since 1972 when by a fluke it went for Richard Nixon (of all people).  While some have suggested that GW Bush and Richard Nixon have a great deal in common (personally I think Nixon was smarter)  I don't think things look that good for the R's in my backyard.  There are a large number of people disgruntled over the "yes-man" attitude of our junior senator who is in office only because of a fateful plane crash in October of '02 where his beloved opponent was tragically killed along with his wife, daughter and staff members.  His toothy, cocky and smug attitude has even my ultra-conservative brother outraged. 

    Add to that that our current governor is a mannequin who found his way into office on the coattails of our fluffy junior senator.  This man has proposed state-wide gambling and attempted balancing the budget on the backs of the poorest of our citizens.  That kind of thinking doesn't sit well in this bastian of liberalism.  Seeing these two buffoons trying to rally troops for Bush/Cheney makes me confident (that if voter turnout is high) we can continue to count MN in the blue column.

    John and Elizabeth Edwards tonight on Larry King

    Yeah, he's a blowhard, but sometimes (although rarely) he actually snags a guest you want and need to see.  Let's hope he can give up his affection for his own voice long enough to let his guests speak.

    Monday, July 19, 2004

    If you were a leader in Iran, would you be nervous?

    Now the administration is making noise about connections between Iran and Al qaida.  These connections seem stronger than the non-existent ones with Iraq.
    Since the president of the US has already linked you in what he calls the "axis of evil" and he has a tight election coming up, should you be nervous?  Probably.  But consider this.  he will give you an ultimatim before he attacks you.  It might only be for show and he will have no intention of letting you fulfill whatever requirements he puts forth in the ultimatim but you will get one.
    But when that happens, pack your bags.  Good thing you have ties with Al Qaida.  they are the only ones who seem beyond his war happy grasp.

    Using blue language in a political campaign, is this ever acceptable?

    The following article was submitted to bring further context to our discussion of the political campaign.  This incident happened in December of 2003 when kerry was considered a long-shot in his bid for the White House and no single vote had been cast in any primary for any candidate.
    The New York Post reports that Kerry, who voted for the Iraqi war resolution, used unprecedented foul language in the interview to describe President Bush's handling of the war.
    "I voted for what I thought was best for the country," Kerry told the Rolling Stone interviewer. "Did I expect Howard Dean to go off to the left and say, 'I'm against everything?' Sure. Did I expect George Bush to f--k it up as badly as he did? I don't think anybody did."
    Brookings Institution presidential scholar Stephen Hess said he could not ever recall any other candidate using such language to attack a president in a public interview.
    "It's so unnecessary," Hess told the Post. "In a way it's a kind of pandering to a group he sees as hip. I think John Kerry is going to regret saying this."
    Kerry spokesman David Wade confirmed to the Post that the quote was accurate, saying that Kerry's use of the "f" word reflects the fact that Bush's Iraq policy "makes John Kerry's blood boil."
    The latest polls among New Hampshire Democrats show Dean crushing Kerry three-to-one.
    Copyright © 2003 Talon News -- All rights reserved.
    I think the assessment of Stephen Hess is pretty accurate.    As  I recall this incident when It happened, I didn't really care- Kerry wouldn't have been my first choice and I beleived, like so many others, that he would be irrelevent.
    So now we have context for three uses of foul language or gestures by high ranking officials.
    Kerry said during an interview about Bush: 
    "Did I expect George Bush to f--k it up as badly as he did?..."
    Cheney said to Leahy during a photo op on the senate floor:  "Go f--k yourself."
    And GW Bush gave the finger to young protesters ( I think in Michigan) during a political rally.

    Certainly the behavior is boarish by all concerned.  But my concern about Kerry would have begun with his choice to do an interview for "Rolling Stone" and continued with his choice of words in that interview.
    My concern about Cheney is that he got caught with his pants down infront of the cameras as it were.  Of course he feels that way, wouldn't we all?  But to say that at all, let alone within earshot of the media  "bigtime" screw-up.
    And the one-finger-wave from the president, during an election rally, that's just stupid, and therefore funny.
    Bottom line,  if you are going to put yourself out there for public scrutiny don't get worked up when people notice what you are doing.

    Sunday, July 18, 2004

    Visit to a fansite gets Political (Part II)

    During a recent visit to iaisnd.com I encountered the following post.
    Disappointed in Neil's Political Participation 
    One of the things I have always appreciated about Neil Diamond is that, unlike so many of his fellow performers such as Streisand, the Dixie Chicks, etc., he has had the good sense and intelligence to remain silent about his political leanings, not venturing into areas in which he would flaunt his ignorance. Indeed, I have over the years observed that Neil has been a "bipartisan" performer, having performed for both Democrat and Republican functions and leaders. So, I am especially disappointed that he would choose to appear at such a strongly partisan--not to mention absolutely vitriolic--event such as the recent John Kerry fundraiser. Mr. Diamond should remember that many of his fans are Republicans, Independents, or of other parties, and if he seeks to continue keeping THIS particular fan's support, he will think twice before he becomes involved in another hate-fest against any candidate--Republican, Democrat, Independent, or otherwise. His participation in this recent event showed poor taste and bad judgment, and I have a higher opinion of Neil Diamond than this particular behavior demonstrates.
    Given that the above post past muster with the strict "no politics" code of the board I thought that a factual response would surely be allowed.  I will try here to reconstruct it as best I can.  It was deleted.
    In fact Neil has been political in the past.  Back in the early 70's Neil had what only could be described as a "Dixie Chick' moment when during the recording of "Gold, Live at the Troubrador" (during the Vietnam war) he said. "this is being recorded for our boys overseas, and uh, in Canada."
    From all that I have heard about this event there is nothing about the way Neil carried himself that would suggest participation in a vitriolic hate-fest.  Nor would I say that he excercised anything close to poor taste, or bad judgement.  After all he didn't give anyone the "one-finger wave" (like GW Bush) nor did he tell anyone to perform an anatomical impossibility on themselves (ala Dick Cheney).
    When asked for a reason for my post being deleted, the board host said this:
    "Your remarks about President Bush and Vice President Cheney were uncalled for.  I suppose you have forgotten about the "Rollingstone" interview.  You never seem to mention it.  I will continue to delete posts that take pot-shots at candidates or any other posters."
    To which I responded:
    I respectfully disagree.  The original poster accused Neil of participating in a vitriolic hate-fest and said that this has not been characteristic of Neil's past.
    I pointed out a past comment Neil made (almost 30 years ago) that disputes his facts.  Further I challenged whether or not singing songs at a fund-raiser could be characterised as participating in a vitriolic "hate-fest" or "flaunting his ignorance."
    I put all of this in the context of foul language and inappropriate behavior used by the candidates this guy obviously supports.  While doing so I was careful not to use such language myself.  What kind of strange world do we live in if we can criticize performers and others for supporting candidates but cannot criticize the candidates themselves.  It seems then that we are forced to choose candidates based on whether or not Britany Spears likes them.
    I don't know what "Rolling Stone" interview you are talking about but if it serves to contradict anything I have said I would like to know about it.
    If you want to avoid any of these situations it might make sense to delete the first post and any like it that might elicit responses like the one I offered.  If the site chooses to stay out of politics you should be consistent. 
    All of this is prelude to what I hope will become a very productive political debate where ALL SIDES are welcome.  Foul language and outright rudeness will be the exceptions and i hope everyone will hold each other accountable, but I created this site so that differing view can come together for lively discourse.  Enjoy

    Visit to a fan Site gets Political (Part I).

    I admit it, I have a problem with Entertainers who speak out about issues and think we care precisely because of their celebrity.   However,  I got into a broil recently on a Neil Diamond fan site over this issue.
    For background,  I find I have very little in common with the likes of Barabra Striesand, Bono, Whoopi Goldberg, Mel Gibson and the countless others who think I care about their politics because they are celebrities.  So, mostly I wish they would all shut up and go away.  Leonardo DiCapprio's support has never made me jump up in support of any candidate.
    But,  does that mean I should get into a snit if a celebrity that I like supports a political candidate at a fundraising rally, by doing the very thing that made that celebrity famous?  I believe there is a significant difference. 
    Such was the case late last month when Neil Diamond appeared at a fundraising event for John Kerry.  he did what one might expect him to do.  He sang his songs.  Four of them according to reports, including his dpopular duet with BS.   I didn't get all bunched up about it.  Frankly, I didn't get that excited when Arnold decided to run for Governor of Caliornia and it (regretably) didn't keep me from seeing T3.
    Fundamentally I think there is a big difference between a celebrity becoming the news story by spewing there posititions on every issue that exists and choosing to participate in the system by using their craft to raise money for their candidate or even running for office.
    The question we all have to figure out is- "when does the line get crossed?".  For me it happens somewhere between Neil Diamond singing at a fundraising event and Kelsey Grammar ranting about being "blacklisted' because of his political views.
    What are your thoughts?  When is a celebrity just being a citizen and when are they being a blow-hard?  Concrete examples are most helpful.

    Saturday, July 17, 2004

    The word on the street

    Our local community paper does a weekly feature "the word on the street" where random people on the street are asked to respond to the question of the week.  When asked for his opinion of the kerry/Edwards team on the democratic ticket one Jeff Tofte responded' " I don't think that anyone who has a show called "Crossing Over" and talks to dead people should be the vice president.  it is not fair that the Democrats have a psychic on their team."
    God help us if he is not joking.

    Thursday, July 15, 2004

    Oh My God ! Whoopi Goldberg is a potty mouth!

    Conservatives feign shock at the exploits of Goldberg and ask Kerry to distance himself from her foul immoral anti-family comments.  She said nothing that hasn't been heard by anyone who spends any time around Cheney and Bush.    The money people at Slim-fast have dumped her as their spokes person  (I always thought she was an odd choice).  
     Hypocrites?   "BigTime!!!"

    A tooth that Aches and other stuff

    In case anyone wanted to know what kept me up all night. I will be going to the dentist today to get that figured out.

    But as long as I was up all night I did some reading. From the pages of US News we find that The team looking for a site for the GW Bush library is considering Waco or Dallas. These folks are very impatient. It seems wrong somehow that they can't wait out the few remaining days he will have in office.

    Kerry and Edwards are simultaneously pictured as "The Brady Bunch (in a political cartoon) or The ambiguously Gay Duo from SNL's Gary Smigel (as referenced by "Bush aides" as if they ever watch the show). GOP insiders are calling the Dem hopefuls 'the first metrosexual ticket.' Given their apparent hate for homosexuals, which rivals their hate for Hillary Clinton and her wandering spouse, can these comments be viewed in any way other than derogatory? And should we expect a higher level of discourse from our leaders and those who would seek to hold those positions?

    Did anyone else hear of the episode in the news yesterday where President GW Bush gave some High School Age (first time voter) protestors the "one-finger wave"? As far as I know the footage has not been aired - its probably buried in the vaults at Fox News- but can't you just see him chuckling in that unfortunate way that makes his shoulders convulse in an up-down motion and his face contort like someone -perhaps Barbara- is about to slap him?

    Maybe the fact the Kerry leads Bush in tracking polls for the 6th straight day will be enough to stir commentators.

    Wednesday, July 14, 2004

    Why can't each of us be a dog, occassionally?

    It occurs to me as I watch the news, search the web and plan for a meeting tonight before the city council about, of all things, a parking lot that my dog's life is easier.

    He has spent the last 1 hour in my lap with me rubbing his belly, asleep and with his tongue hanging out.

    I wouldn't want to give up most of this life, but that would be an okay retreat from all the hassles of life, don't ya think?

    Tuesday, July 13, 2004

    Open Thread - Strut your stuff - baby,baby, baby, baby

    I hope you like the improvements. i have been working on it for the better part of the day.

    "I think Gay marriage is something that should be between a man and a woman" Arnold Schwartzenegger, Governor of California

    Topical, since our leaders will be voting on this in the next few days. Let's dance folks. Remember respect for one another.

    Agree? Disagree? Does it shake your faith?

    Senator Norm Coleman, (D) oops (R)now of MN was on the news last night talking about how he will support this movement because there are so many people out there whose values and moral sensibilities will be offended by Gays getting married.

    Good for him. I think when they talked to him he was late for his weekly teeth cleaning because he didn't mug for the camera nearly as much as usual.

    Welcome to "A Page that Aches..."

    This title comes from the words of Neil Diamond's song "Be" from the soundtrack for the movie "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" based on the book of the same name by Richard Bach.

    on a painted sky,
    where the clouds are hung
    for the poet's eye.
    You may find him
    if you may find him.

    on a distant shore,
    by the wings of dreams,
    through an open door.
    You may know him
    if you may.

    as a page that aches for a word
    which speaks on a theme
    that is timeless,
    while the sun God will make for your day.
    as a song in search of a voice
    that is silent
    and the one God
    will make for your way.

    And we dance
    to a whispered voice,
    overheard by the soul,
    undertook by the heart.
    And you may know it
    if you may know it.

    While the sand
    would become the stone
    which begat the spark
    turned to living bone.
    Holy, Holy
    Sanctus, Sanctus

    as a page that aches for a word
    which speaks on a theme
    that is timeless
    while the sun God will make for your day.
    as a song in search of a voice
    that is silent.
    And the one God
    will make for your way.

    Words by Neil Diamond

    These words create an atmosphere that I hope we can live up to. respect for persons with diverse opinions will be expected. Whether weighty or whimsical, I hope the topics found herein will be interesting enough to provoke an occassional response.