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Lost,  on a painted sky...

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    Thursday, November 20, 2008

    Check Recount Updates Here

    Nate Silver is following this closely and offers continuing analysis here.

    Wednesday, November 19, 2008

    Why Coleman should lose-

    In the midst of a political campaign, the fluffy senator from MN voted in favor of an unpopular 'bailout' package under the auspices of 'saving us from economic disaster. He then defended that vote during a debate claiming that they had to do something rather than nothing and that people who criticize from the sidelines (Franken, in particular) don't know what it is like to make tough decisions.

    We now know that the tougher decision would have been to vote against this packame that did nothing to boost wall street and nothing to change the attitudes of the money grubbing executives who benefitted from that package.

    Now, given the opportunity to actually save jobs, prop up the economy and formulate a future that will retool our whole economic structure toward a greener and more independent future, Senator Norm Coleman chooses to vote against a loan for the auto industry.

    His rationale is looney when contrasted with the very things he said about the bailout for banks and financial institutions (companies that do not actually make anything).

    What really seems to be going on in the Republican 'let them seek remedy in bankrupcy' solution supported by Coleman - and by the way Bush/Cheney- is the continuing effort to devalue labor n this country. In Bankrupcy a company need only go before a judge to get labor contracts with unions eliminated or renegotiated (lpike was done in the airline industry). Mitt Romney is touting this 'cost saving tactic' on MSNBC as I type this.

    I guess Coleman did not receive enough money for his election and recount effort from auto workers for him to care about them as much as he does big corporations.

    Now, let me be clear. I for one am stunned at notion that the big three are looking for any handout, given their complete lack of response to concerns of our economy, our security and the wants and needs of their customers regarding development of more efficient and alternative fuel vehicles.

    So take some of that banker's bailout and shift it to a loan for the big three. Next, as President Obama begins his work this January, either give up the talk about another stimulous package or create a package that puts the money behind sustaining jobs, rebuilding infrastructure and retooling our future.

    Monday, November 17, 2008

    This modestly optimistic view is offered by Nate Silver

    Yet there continue to be morons out there screaming that there is no point to a recount.

    Friday, November 14, 2008

    Tom Hauser of KSTP gets a "Truth Test" right.

    there were never 32 votes in the trunk of a car. Of the 32 votes that Coleman tried to get disallowed 18 went to Franken (not 32 as has been reported), Coleman got 7 and the remainder either went to another candidate or had no senate vote cast.

    But Coleman, Pawlenty and the Republican minions continue to tell this particular lie.

    Thursday, November 06, 2008

    Mn Secretary of State's Office

    Check here daily for updates as the gap continues to close.
    As of Friday November 7, 2008 at 7 PM- Franken trails by 221 votes.
    As of Monday November 10,2008 at 10 AM Franken trails by 204 votes.
    As of 12;26 PM November 10 Franken trails by 206 votes.
    (let it not be said that Coleman isn't seeing any vote additions in this process)
    This Story
    Tells us exactly how close this election is. There is a potential for about 1653 new votes within the margin of error. Depending on where they com from, this certainly could tilt the scales toward one candidate or another.

    At 8 PM it's only 236 votes---

    At 8 PM it's only 236 votes---

    Pine county accounting error

    The gap between Coleman and Franken has closed to just 336 votes (less than 1/100 of 1%) and the recount hasn't even happened yet. No wonder Coleman wanted Franken to "do the Minnesota thing."

    Based on the accuracy of the scanning machines and the number of votes cast, there are potentially 2 ballots per 1000 that need to be accounted for. That means that nearly 6000 additional votes could come into play. That would certainly leave the outcome uncertain.

    Wednesday, November 05, 2008

    Don't think I missed this

    Who in this world did not get choked up last night when it was announced that Barack Obama would be the next President of the United States. Images of people, gathered throughout our nation, but particularly in Grant Park in Chicago where the crowds cheers at the announcement were deafening.

    It would be easy- reading this space for the past 24 hours- to think that I missed this moment in history. Quite the contrary. My sense of glee is perhaps dimmed. But my appreciation of the history and the hope are indeed palpable.

    Coleman encourages Franken to "Do the Minnesota Thing"

    and call off the recount. Apparently the law would allow Franken to concede. Coleman assures us that if the situation were reversed that is what he would do.

    But there is nothing in Coleman's history to indicate that he is telling the truth. In 1998 he never conceded to Ventura but instead gave a drunken speech about Minnesota voters 'letting him down' and not knowing what they were doing.

    He has filed one lawsuit in this campaign already and deflected the attention of another lawsuit against him toward Franken.

    There is no dirty political trick that is beneath Coleman. In fact, his empassioned plea now is not for the good of Minnesotabut for the good of Norm Coleman.

    In a race this tight a recount would certanly clarify that we got it right. Either candidate would be able to go to office with their head held high - at least on this issue.

    This from KARE 11 seems to get it right

    But AP gets the numbers a bit different with a difference between the candidates of only 314 votes.

    AP- US Senate Minnesota

    Precincts Reporting: 4130 of 4130 (100%)

    Winner Candidate Votes %
    Norm Coleman 1,211,403 42%
    Al Franken 1,211,089 42%
    James Niemackl 8,893 0%
    Charles Aldrich 13,909 0%
    Dean Barkley 437,376 15%

    It could be December before we know the outcome-

    Okay, I'll admit it.

    I have been awake all night, so it is entirely possible that I heard Al Franken wrong. after all, why would KSTP say that he was 'demanding' a recount if it weren't true?

    I know what I will do. I will find a print copy of his speech and read it again for myself:

    Yeah, that's what I thought I heard. Guess Tom Hauser should do a 'truth test' for KSTP TV. They also report Franken at 41% of the vote when, in fact, both the major candidates have a count in excess of 42% and are separated by hundreths of a percentage point. According to the current tally, 570 votes exist between the two candidates ( Coleman with 1,210,940 and Franken with 1,210,370.

    I give KSTP TV an F on the truth test and hold them responsible for the fact that FOX News and MSNBC are repeating this false information.

    It looks like it will be days before a final tally is calculated. In the mean time, I will take Al's advice and be thankful that Minnesota has a superior voting system and a long history of laws and practices that protect the individual voter.

    7:00 AM November 5, 2008

    Just a fraction of one percent of the vote remains uncounted in St Louis County, in Northern Minnesota. Coleman has 1,210,790 and Franken has 1,210,082.

    In the state of Minnesota, when the difference in vote count between the candidates is less than .5% (one half of one percent, or in this case 14,300 votes) there is an automatic recount of the votes. This process can take days.

    Yet Coleman, Classy gentleman that he is, declared himself the winner and told us that he is humbled to have won a second term to serve the great State of Minnesota as a US Senator.

    The arrogance is amazing, but not altogether surprising.

    3:51 AM Franken down by 690 votes

    if CNN is right there are still about 10,500 votes out in St Louis County. If the trends frm that area continue Franken will pick up about 2000 votes to regain the lead.

    2:48 AM- Why can't I just go to bed?

    Franken is now up by 2200 votes with 98% of the vote in. I can only guess that the remainder votes are coming from St Louis County and Hennepin County (MSNBC stopped updating ther site). Anyway, there is no doubt that this will go on with an automatic recount. That will give Norm more of a chance to whine for the cameras.

    2:00 AM

    Franken is showing a lead of 1000 votes thanks to St Louis County in the north- still more to come from that Democrat friendly county and 9 % still out in Democrat friendly Hennepin County. Those are the major holdouts.

    1:34 AM

    78 votes to go- There are still 10% out in Hennepin County, which looks good for Franken, also some returns in the From the north are due, which should further help Franken.

    1:15 AM

    The Senate candidates in Minnesota are separated by less than 3000 votes. If my calculations are correct there are still enough votes for Franken in Hennepin County to put him well over the top. However, given his penchant for lawsuits we can guess that Coleman will insist on a recount.

    But let someone tell me they didn't vote and I am likely to punch them in the face (or at least thing about it).

    Tuesday, November 04, 2008

    And This from Barack Obama at 10:29 PM CST

    Jonathan --

    I'm about to head to Grant Park to talk to everyone gathered there, but I wanted to write to you first.

    We just made history.

    And I don't want you to forget how we did it.

    You made history every single day during this campaign -- every day you knocked on doors, made a donation, or talked to your family, friends, and neighbors about why you believe it's time for change.

    I want to thank all of you who gave your time, talent, and passion to this campaign.

    We have a lot of work to do to get our country back on track, and I'll be in touch soon about what comes next.

    But I want to be very clear about one thing...

    All of this happened because of you.

    Thank you,


    Monday, November 03, 2008

    It's being called "Donorgate"

    Just click the link here for an update on the earlier story. Still no evidence offered from the Coleman camp.

    And you won't get this in the media-

    I had to go to the Franken website to find a fact check for a disturbing ad that yet again takes Franken's words out of context. The ad claims that Franken supported subprime lending. Watching it you could see that there was a likely 'but' at the end of his statement. Yet KSTP's Tom Hauser, who claims to be the "truth tester' for such ads ignores the blatant falsehoods.

    Here is a small segment of the full text Franken spoke in 2002:


    Many sub-prime lenders are doing a real service. They’re doing exactly what we want.


    Here’s the entire portion of Al’s 2002 National Press Club speech that deals with subprime lending. The line taken out of context in the AJS ad is underlined.

    “Here’s what I can tell you about predatory lending. (predatory lenders will seek out people in poor neighborhoods):

    How about we refinance your mortgage, and I can give you some cash to fix your roof.’ The woman refinances her mortgage. Now, the problem is, this is a predatory loan. There’ll be all kinds of hidden fees, prepayment penalties, which will prevent her from ever refinancing again, balloon payments, and very often — this is very often — built-in rate increases, so the mortgage goes up — the payments go up in a year.

    “Now, all of this will be buried in the fine print, and often borrowers end up not being able to make their payments and end up losing their homes or their businesses. It’s theft. Now, don’t get me wrong. Many sub-prime lenders are doing a real service. They’re doing exactly what we want; lending to people who couldn’t borrow money to buy a home or start a business. It’s the predators that we want to get rid of it.”

    The full article can be found here, at Al Franken's website.

    On the eve of an election I believe our country would benefit from stronger regulation on our campaign advertising. The blatant falsehoods would not be tolerated in any other advertising. There needs to be accountability.

    This- from Minnesota Independent.

    I found this through a link on the KARE 11 website, yet why are they not reporting it. You will fnd clear answers to what Coleman knew and when he knew it regarding the lawsuit filed against him. His accusations toward Franken are consistent with his sleazy style of politics (first employed in his mayoral bid in St Paul, then for Governor in 1998, then in two races for senate, including this most recent race.

    What does it take fr Minnesota to realise that this guy will say and do anything to get elected?

    Bush/Cheney/Rove orchestrated Minneasota politics to get him into his current position. He walked lockstep with Bush- except on issues that would clearly win without his support.

    We know that Stevens of Alaska had been a significant mentor to Coleman in his early days in the Senate. It looks like he learned well.

    Let's get rid of Coleman before he becomes a national embarassment.

    Sunday, November 02, 2008

    Is the combination of crying and lying "clying"?

    Quit Clying Norm!!!

    Seriously, is anyone else tired of his whining? The way his voice breaks as he bemoans how unfairly he is being treated?

    Well, his most recent ad mixes a fair amount of false indignation with outright false acusations against Al Franken. KSTP had better do a fact check on this one. But I am not optomistic about that.

    There are no facts in the ad- just an acusation against Franken without a shred of evidence to support it.

    The attached article repeats the story of how a Republican from Texas filed the lawsuit against Coleman- for doing something along the lines of money laundering.

    Note especially, the person offering a clinging hug to the senator. It is a woman in MN politics who is noted for clinging hugs, Michelle Bachmann.

    Adn while writing this I see another ad from Coleman- another where his eyes are all pouty and his voice breaks when he talks about what he believes: " A senator must we willing to roll up his sleeves and work together, EVEN ACROSS THE AISLE"

    If he were the unifier he claims to be, wouldn't working across the aisle be more than an afterthought?

    I love the visual, though, of Bachmann embracing Coleman like her political life depends on it.

    What we all need to remember about about Coleman is that he was handpicked by the Bush administration in his bid to oust Wellstone, he is currently involved in a campaign to head up the National Republican Senatorial Committee - the group that runs partisan attacks across the nation to protect Republican seats, and his willingness to outright lie in order to hang on to power.