Lost, on a painted sky...

Lost,  on a painted sky...

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    Wednesday, June 29, 2011

    Cost of Bush decision to go to War exceeds $3 trillion.

    Cost of War    In this article the financial costs of sustaining the war in Afghanistan and the continuing cost of the war in Iraq are made plain.  It becomes clear that the total financial burden will exceed $4 trillion. This does not even begin to touch the human cost or the negative impact on our economy from going to war without paying for it.

    Anyone on the right will deny these numbers or say it was somehow necessary.  But none of them now will say that the proceeds from sale of Iraqi oil would pay for their folly.  

    The article is a good one and it should stimulate conversation about what we really need to do to get our economy and our country back on track.  We need to end the Bush tax cuts- if for no other reason than to pay for the wars that have never been funded.  We also need to find a quick and just exit to Afghanistan. 
    If we bring our tax rates and military spending to prewar levels,   the deficit will take care of itself over 10 years without cutting any programs that meet the needs of the poor.

    When will more people start telling the truth?

    Tuesday, June 28, 2011

    Debt Ceiling - Unconstitutional?

    According to a piece on Olbermann tonight,  there are Democrats who believe this to be the case and are considering a challenge to the debt ceiling law as violation of the 14th amendment, requiring that the US make good on all of our debts.   "The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law... shall not be questioned," reads the 14th Amendment.   This link will take you to the full article in the Huffington Post.

    The Crazies are at it again- You really can;t trust Wiki for your research.

    Bachmann Followers learn from Palinites  and change wiki here to validate her assertion that 8 year old John Quincy Adams had anything to do with the revolution and was a founding father.

    Monday, June 27, 2011

    How did I miss this Before?

    I was amused by the Chris Wallace question of Michele Bachmann from Fox News Sunday on June 26.  I actually thought,  "Wow,  he's not pulling any punches here, is he?"  It made me think for a minute that perhaps he was starting to earn the title he's been given as the most impartial person in the Fox line-up  ( I still cut that one to Shepherd Smith).

    But then,  he came out with his apology.  Then, the other media picked up on it and started playing it in a continual loop:  "Are you a flake?"   Then,  it happened.  This afternoon a Tea Party member-  That question would never be asked of a man.  That question was only asked because she is a conservative.   It is clear the Media will try to "palinize"  Michele Bachmann.

    There it is.  That was the goal.  Thanks to Chris Wallace Michele Bachmann becomes the victim- a role she loves.  Now her followers do not need to answer questions about the idiotic things she says and does. Instead they can challenge anyone who dares ask the questions.

    I now am convinced that this was planned by FOX and the Bachmann campaign.  It explains a great deal, including her calm response.  

    The media today is crowning her queen.  They are enamored with her and will cut her a lot of slack.  Be afraid!

    Thursday, June 23, 2011

    What must be done for the good of our country-

    This is a rant along the lines of the original intent of this blog.  Where I have all the answers and am perplexed by the idiots who run our country who either cannot see it so clearly or are letting political factors dictate their behavior.

    First,  there are two lagging indicators in the going on two-year weak economic recovery.  But anyone who looks beyond themselves can clearly see that we are on headed in a direction than is preferable to the one we were on when Bush left office.  There are several examples of that all over the web with charts that demonstrate jobs growth and the like. 

    Housing and job growth continue to drag our economy.  Both are the result of the policies of the Bush Administration and the efforts of the Obama Administration and Dems in congress to bring relief to the situation have been thwarted by the other side.

    As recently as yesterday,  Senate Republicans stalled a jobs growth idea that was wholly born of their ideology.  The plan was to extend the payroll tax breaks for new hires.  This is a holiday on payment to FICA by employers and employees- a direct reduction in cost for hiring new employees.   The plan would not be my first choice,  but it was something.  The drawback of course would be that it would cut flow of revenue to social security and give the R's more ammunition for killing that program.   But the potential for immediate improvement if job growth, it could be argued, would be worth it. 

    The current situation is putting more and more money into the hands of the wealthy with no benefit to the larger economy.  The Republicans seem to be perfectly happy with this situation and are promoting the lie (and they know its a lie) that given the resource (cash through tax breaks)  the corporations and the rich will provide the jobs that make the economy grow.

    Wealth,  among the richest of Americans continues to grow,  Wages among the working class have been stagnant for 30 years, and productivity (how much work the employer gets out of the employee/dollar) continues to rise.  In 30 years the regular work week is creeping up to over 45 hours and the middle and lower classes are taking less vacations than they did before.

    Anyone familiar with the truth can only conclude, that the Republicans in fact care more about controlling government than they do about improving job growth.  While running for office in 2010, they asked:  "Where are the Jobs?"   Who knew they were job assassins trying to kill the ones they would find.

    The housing bubble burst in 2005 and 2006.  I know it is popular to blame this on Obama but he was still a newly elected senator from Illinois.  The housing market continues in decline because of this bubble burst as home values are being based on a current market standard.  Home values for purchases and for refinancing are being based on foreclosure prices.  This makes it impossible for current home owners to take advantage of interest rates that are at 3 year historic lows.  In turn,  home owners are unable to do work on their homes, update their furniture or do other improvements they would otherwise do and thereby create jobs.

    Yet,  any attempts to improve this situation are either killed outright or favorable terms are given to lenders- who created the problem in the first place so that the struggling homeowner who has done everything right has no recourse.    The same people who lied about the economy for over a year while we were in recession (starting in 2007) are trying now to tell us that the results of the recession are the fault of the current administration.   The right will always be better at playing that game.

    Last night, Obama gave his plan for the draw-down of troops in Afghanistan.  In Afghanistan he has done exactly what he said he would do prior to the election.   It is a plan I would not have chosen but I saw wisdom beyond the ill-stated and ill-fated plan of Bush.   My preference now would be for a faster draw down and end time.

    I cannot help but wonder if part of the consideration here is to keep the troops occupied there to avoid an influx of more people into a weak job market.   Maybe I am too cynical.

    I think we need a dose of realism.   I prescribe a serious jobs bill that focuses on a five year plan for infrastructure, green technology and independence from oil, foreign and domestic.  I prescribe an immediate end to the Bush era tax cuts on the wealthy (over $250,000).  I prescribe a more aggressive plan to withdraw from Afghanistan to bring our troops home and to end the flow of cash from our part of the world to theirs.

    The president needs to lead in the area job and economic growth with an eye toward debt reduction.  At least some of his message should focus on the 'peace dividend' that can be achieved by using that money at home that we would otherwise be spent abroad when we bring our military home.  Any conversation about using our military to help police other nations as they build up their own internal strength (Afghanistan/Iraq) should include some sort of payment for that service.   It does not make sense for others to benefit from our commitment and sacrifice.

    Obama has a pretty good track record for doing exactly what he said he would do.  He never was the liberal the right and the media made him out to be.  So, he gets blamed by the left for not doing enough and he gets blamed by the right for being a socialist - as if they have given any thought to what the word actually means.

    My concern with Obama has been the same as it was during the health care debate.  He seems more concerned about what people think of him and how he is doing his job than he is about actually doing his job.  The Audacity of Hope has turned in to lack of commitment to purpose.   I am not sure anyone else could have stood up to the constant attacks that the right would have directed at anyone in his position but the salesman and communicator we saw during the campaign has been in hiding for the better part of two years.

    Wednesday, June 22, 2011

    Michele Bachmann may be crazy but she is definitely a liar.

    Rolling Stone article on Michelle Bachmann tells you better than I ever could.  We need to keep getting this word out.

    Somehow, a story about cigarette warning labels goes racist in the first comment.

    RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -- You may think an image of rotting teeth and a mouth lesion are gross. But the U.S. government says it's just what you need to kick the habit.
    Cigarette packs in the U.S. will soon feature new warning labels with graphic images of the negative health effects of smoking, including diseased lungs and the sewn-up corpse of a smoker. The U.S. government hopes the new warnings will discourage smoking, but smokers and nonsmokers alike question whether the ads are too gory.
    "Somebody said when they first saw the warnings, `These are really gross.' And they are," FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg said at a White House briefing. "We want kids to understand smoking is gross ---- not cool ---- and there's really nothing pretty about having mouth cancer."
    The labels, which were released on Tuesday, are a part of a campaign by the Food and Drug Administration that aims to convey the dangers of tobacco, which is responsible for about 443,000 deaths in the U.S. a year.

    You can see the whole article by clicking  this link

    The very first comment ( posted by someone calling himself "Dude") for this article read:

    The funnny thing is that cigarette smoking will take MUCH longer to kill me than not being able to eat anymore. Obama's big "recovery" is the only time in my long life that I've been worried about not being able to afford food. Hmm funny...the black family next door has lots of foodstamps...

    To which I replied:

    F***ing racist! unbelievable. Give me the slow Obama recovery over the rapid decline of the Bush recession any time. Your comment has absolutely nothing to do with this story and I challenge your values as you defend smoking on a computer, with some form of internet access and complain that you are starving. Perhaps you should give up your internet access and quit spending your money on cigarettes. Then, if your situation is really dire, join the family next door in the invasive and temporary process that provides food stamps for people in need. But do it quick before the republican cuts in that nutrition program take effect.

    I have long despised the trend to allow commentary at the end of news stories.  The comments and individuals who comment often become the center of attention and many will use any story to beat the drum for their red banner issues even if they are not remotely connected.

    I am certain the the blogging culture, of which I play a small part, has something to do with this.  There is a small difference here in that people who come to my blog know what to expect.

    My biggest problem with the comment above is the blatant and unabashed racism.  It is a frightening trend that need to be challenged for all its ignorance and ugliness.

    Monday, June 13, 2011

    GOP debate lesson- be v ery afraid of Michele Bachmann

    The press called the debate tonight between republican rivals "gracious."   They crown Romney and Bachmann as victorious.

    There are many reasons to be afraid of Michele Bachmann as a presidential candidate.  First,  she has this way of smiling at her opponent while slapping them in the face.  Did anyone else notice the way she continually interrupted everyone else on stage?  She is also highly skilled at avoiding the question and saying what she wants to say,  the media never seems to call her out on that. 

    Next is her extreme lack of familiarity with the truth.  I wonder sometimes if she even knows when she lies, even about her own history.  Again,  the media is to blame.   They seem quite uninterested in investigating what is truth and what is fiction.

    Lastly,  she hasn't done it to her republican opponents- and will avoid it if she can.  But in a one- on-one against Obama this singularly self involved and overly ambitious woman would love the opportunity to infuse a subtle racism of the black man ganging up on the defenseless white woman.  Her tea party backers would eat that up.

    God has decided that Michele Bachamnn should run for president

    She told us tonight during the (yawn) debate that She will make a formal announcement in Iowa.  It is a good idea for her to reclaim Iowa as her home state since Minnesota has demonstrated in several polls that they do not support her.

    Being very familiar with her style of politics over several years,  I am a bit surprised by this overreach.  Even the right wing zombies of Minnesota's sixth district (the definition of gerrymandering) will find this self serving leap to be unseemly.

    I am very curious to see how much appetite there will be for her lunacy in the GOP primary circus.  But we need the media to call her out on her lies, to call her out on her bigotry and to make sure she actually answers questions put before her.

    Tonight she said the health care reform "Obamacare"  is a job killer.  She lied
     made several factual errors about the constitution  and said that regarding DADT she would need to consult with "the commanders in chief."   Who the hell would they be?

    I was really hoping that she and Norm Coleman would feed off of each other in order to get defeated by Klobuchar for senate in 2012,  but this might be as fun to watch.  And she will no doubt make lots of money off of the people God tells to contribute to her campaign.

    I just hope God has the sense to tell enough other people to contribute to other candidates too.  After all he has asked so many of them to run, it only seems fair 

    Saturday, June 11, 2011

    Maybe, they don't know when they are lying.

    It's possible that some of them simply do not know that the talking point given them by Fox News or by Karl Rove,  or by John Boehner or Eric Cantor or Mitch McConnell (each of whom has told the lie time and time again, is in fact a lie.  

    But this morning,  in the Republican response to the Weekly Presidential Address  ( when did they start doing these, anyway?) they told the lie again.  

    That lie:  Obama said the stimulus package would prevent unemployment from going over 8% , however, is absolute bullshit.   And the people telling it know it.  The problem is that there are other people, like people in the media who supposedly know better and have a duty to report the truth,  do not bother to call the liars out on the facts.  Also,  the supposed political allies of the president frequently hang him out to dry on this one as well.  if they bother at all to correct on the facts they do so in a timid and unconvincing way.

    In the article linked above the point is made that the statistics used are from a pre-presidential report by staff of the future Obama administration.   The report itself indicates  nothing by way of an unemployment rate  and is quite emphatic about the unknown impact of the recovery act except that passing it would prevent the loss of as many as 4 million jobs.

    Directly from the article :

    "Once again, it is CLEARLY STATED that these are ESTIMATES and LIKELY to be incorrect. So why is the media pretending like the President predicted definitively that the stimulus would keep unemployment under 8% when he NEVER DID?

    The unemployment rate in January 2009 was 7.6%, so CLEARLY nobody in there RIGHT MIND thought that the Stimulus package was going to be able to hold it under 8%. The stimulus bill wasn’t signed into law until mid February . . . the unemployment rate then was ALREADY 8.1%."

    Why would anyone make a promise to keep unemployment below the point it had already crossed?  They would not-  and Obama did not.

    Thursday, June 09, 2011

    News from the Truth Campaign

    Joe (You Lie) Wilson today endorsed Former Governor Tim Pawlenty's Campaign of Truth.   Apparently the guy who has the self control of a poorly disciplined puppy believes that Tim Pawlenty has the perfect solutions for our country.   

    I hope T-Paw continues to surround himself with such noble characters.

    So, will they still call it ObamaCare?

    July 1,  will bring peace of mind to those who currently are uninsured because of pre-existing conditions.

    This is yet another example of good news coming from the Obama Presidency in spite of united opposition from the minority party who would rather see Obama fail than see the nation succeed.  

    Now if we continue to see job growth- as many project will strengthen in the next year, with higher income jobs returning,  and if we can draw down significantly in Iraq and Afghanistan,  things will loo bright by summer of 2012.

    Thursday, June 02, 2011

    It makes no sense to ask Republicans: "Where are the Jobs"

    In a Wall Street Journal article dated January 9, 2009 they described George W bush as the worst performing president for job creation since Herbert Hoover.  This is demonstrated with a chart that tracks job creation by president going all the way back to Herbert Hoover.  The figures represent non farm jobs and areprovided by the bureau of labor and statistics- Department of Labor.   The number shown is annual growth and shown as a percentage rate.

    Listed from worst to best- notice the party affiliations:

    Herbert Hoover (R)                        -6.9
    George W Bush (R)                          .02
    George Bush (R)                               .06
    Dwight D Eisenhower(R)                     .9
    Gerald Ford (R)                                1.1
    Ronald Reagan(R)                             2.1
    Richard Nixon  (R)                            2.2
    John Kennedy (D)                             2.3
    Bill Clinton (D)                                   2.4
    Harry Truman (D)                              2.5
    Jimmy Carter (D)                               3.1
    LB Johnson (D)                                  3.8
    FD Roosevelt(D)                                4.9

    And now the boneheads will no doubt say,  "Yes,   but Obama has been so much worse..."  But this WSJ article will demonstrate that Obama's record on job creation is actually pretty strong.   In fact,  at the current rate of job creation, Obama will have created, by the end of 2011, more jobs than were created in the whole 8 years under George W Bush (whose best claim about job creation can only be that he helped his dad look better.

    Now,  at the same time I do not want Boehner and his ilk to stop asking, "where are the jobs?"   But they need to start asking that question of their wealthy corporate buddies who are sitting on 1.6 trillion dollars in wealth that was put into theor pockets through tax breaks with a promise of job creation.