Lost, on a painted sky...

Lost,  on a painted sky...

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    Monday, June 13, 2011

    God has decided that Michele Bachamnn should run for president

    She told us tonight during the (yawn) debate that She will make a formal announcement in Iowa.  It is a good idea for her to reclaim Iowa as her home state since Minnesota has demonstrated in several polls that they do not support her.

    Being very familiar with her style of politics over several years,  I am a bit surprised by this overreach.  Even the right wing zombies of Minnesota's sixth district (the definition of gerrymandering) will find this self serving leap to be unseemly.

    I am very curious to see how much appetite there will be for her lunacy in the GOP primary circus.  But we need the media to call her out on her lies, to call her out on her bigotry and to make sure she actually answers questions put before her.

    Tonight she said the health care reform "Obamacare"  is a job killer.  She lied
     made several factual errors about the constitution  and said that regarding DADT she would need to consult with "the commanders in chief."   Who the hell would they be?

    I was really hoping that she and Norm Coleman would feed off of each other in order to get defeated by Klobuchar for senate in 2012,  but this might be as fun to watch.  And she will no doubt make lots of money off of the people God tells to contribute to her campaign.

    I just hope God has the sense to tell enough other people to contribute to other candidates too.  After all he has asked so many of them to run, it only seems fair 

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