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    Tuesday, January 20, 2009

    Community Organizer in Chief

    This guy has a way of saying what needs to be said. The inaugural address was really no different from what he has said before- but it sure felt great to hear him say it as president.

    He is clear that we have a job to do. He was also clear that it will take all of us.

    Monday, January 19, 2009

    By What Moral Authority?

    national sanctity of human life day 2009

    A Proclamation by the President of the United States of America

    All human life is a gift from our Creator that is sacred, unique, and worthy of protection.

    On National Sanctity of Human Life Day, our country recognizes that each person, including every person waiting to be born, has a special place and purpose in this world. We also underscore our dedication to heeding this message of conscience by speaking up for the weak and voiceless among us.

    The most basic duty of government is to protect the life of the innocent. My Administration has been committed to building a culture of life by vigorously promoting adoption and parental notification laws, opposing Federal funding for abortions overseas, encouraging teen abstinence, and funding crisis pregnancy programs.

    In 2002, I was honored to sign into law the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, which extends legal protection to children who survive an abortion attempt. I signed legislation in 2003 to ban the cruel practice of partial-birth abortion, and that law represents our commitment to building a culture of life in America.

    Also, I was proud to sign the Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004, which allows authorities to charge a person who causes death or injury to a child in the womb with a separate offense in addition to any charges relating to the mother.

    America is a caring Nation, and our values should guide us as we harness the gifts of science. In our zeal for new treatments and cures, we must never abandon our fundamental morals. We can achieve the great breakthroughs we all seek with reverence for the gift of life.

    The sanctity of life is written in the hearts of all men and women.

    On this day and throughout the year, we aspire to build a society in which every child is welcome in life and protected in law. We also encourage more of our fellow Americans to join our just and noble cause. History tells us that with a cause rooted in our deepest principles and appealing to the best instincts of our citizens, we will prevail.

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim January 18, 2009, as National Sanctity of Human Life Day. I call upon all Americans to recognize this day with appropriate ceremonies and to underscore our commitment to respecting and protecting the life and dignity of every human being.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fifteenth day of January, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third. GEORGE W. BUSH

    Source: White House News

    Lovely, except that acts by our government to udermine the dignity of Human life through torture, through unlawful detainment and through agressive acts of war on sovereign lands have eroded the very authority this president claims in this symbolic act.

    Notice this president- who has spent the last several weeks, like a prospecter looking for small nuggets of gold, singling out the smallest of achievements in his eight-year reign- did not mention anythimg about an actual reduction in the number of abortion (it didn't happen). Nor does he mention anything about the plight of children and poor women who are falling through the cracks of our health care system.

    He mentions his abstinence based education programs but fails, even now, to admit their absolute failure to achieve their established goal.

    Once again, this president, on behalf of the extreme right, is spoon-feeding us with tripe and failed rhetoric where policies have failed.

    The message of the above declaration is stunning and it is a challenge to which our country could indeed respond. The problem is the absolute lack of credibility of the messenger. As such, it looks more foolish and arrogant.

    Some have already said that this is a feable attempt for this president to try to remain relevant in his last days. That may be partly true. More likely, this is a planned conservative movement to try to come out of the failed policies of the past eight years with an issue they can call their own.

    And it may work. Memories are short- look no further than the resurgent popularity of past presidents Nixon and Bush I. In 2 years time it is just this sort of message that a Sarah Palin or Mike Huckabee (and locally Michelle Buchanan ) could use to crystalize the abortion issue.

    Simgle issue politics has worked in the past and in the end, as we bid farewell to to this failed administration, it may be all they have left.

    Wednesday, January 07, 2009

    He was a Democrat before he was a Republican...

    He was an anti-war protester before he was hawlish on Iraq.
    He has claimed to be a fighter for Minnesotans.

    I could go on. The point is that Norm Coleman is a liar who will say anything to obtain and hold power. This is an exact quote from what he said to the media the morning after the election, after claiming victory in the Senate Race:

    Coleman said the odds of anything changing with a recount are "extremely remote." Coleman also encouraged Franken to handle it the "Minnesota way" by not dragging it out in the courts.
    Coleman said he is encouraged after a recount in the primary between Hennepin County District Court Judge Deborah Hedlund and Supreme Court Justice Lorie Gildea. After a recount in that race, only seven votes out of over 100,000 votes were changed.

    The senator also said at the news conference that he will not use the courts to challenge the outcome if the results move in favor of Franken.

    But, we all knew he was lying so I guess he feels it is okay.

    Former Governor Arnie Carlson has asked Coleman to let this go in hopes of preserving whatever political future he may have left in Minnesota. The long-time Coleman supporter (regardless of party allegiance) is concerned that whatever goodwill remains for Coleman will disappear in a protracted and likely unsuccessful fight.

    Right now, the former senator does not seem to care. He seems to have forgotten that as recently as two weeks ago he said: "This fight is not about me. It is about the people of Minnesota. This process has been lengthy and , while I am optimistic about the outcome, I can do other things (presumably, besides being a senator)."

    But again, People must always remember --- and never forget--- that Coleman lies.

    Tuesday, January 06, 2009

    Coleman: Waah!! Waah!! Waah!!

    Here it is- Do the words "arrogant prick" mean anything to anyone?

    Coleman shrugged off the idea that he might concede the election to avoid a protracted fight that could leave Minnesota with only a single senator in Washington for months.

    "Something greater than expediency is at stake here," Coleman said. He added: "Democracy is not a machine. Sometimes it's messy and inconvenient, and reaching the best conclusion is never quick because speed is not the first objective, fairness is."

    He also said:

    This is not just about me. The eyes of the nation are on the state that we love and we need to show them that Minnesota has done everything we can to make sure that we protect every voter’s right. At this moment, I may not have a working office in D.C. or in St. Paul, but I still have my voice in Minnesota, and I certainly plan to use it.

    We need to get this right for all of us: a true, accurate and valid result of the Minnesota United States Senate Recount so all Minnesotans can have a Senator with the full credibility to lead and serve.

    Funny he would - all of the sudden- care about having a senator with 'full credibility.'

    Monday, January 05, 2009

    Minnesota Canvassing Board Certifies election results-

    Clearly indicating Franken as the winner of the election but without certifying Him as a senator elect. This little nuance is caused by Minnesota law which does not certify the winner as long as there is a potential contest.

    But the action of the board today starts a 7-day window for Coleman to file his election contest with the courts.

    My guess is that we will see this thing play out over the next 5 to 7 days while we qwiat for the Coleman camp to file the challenge they have already called inevitable. The reason for the wait is simply to run down the clock. Coleman knows that the best he can hopew for at this point is to obstruct Franken from taking his rightful place in the senate. For that reason, he will undoubtedly drag out every action for the longest allowable time.

    I would hope that the powers that be, such as they are in the Republican party, would sit down with Norm and have a "Come to Jesus" talk. Surely, someone must realize that a prolonged fight in the courts will seriously limit his options for a political future in Minnesota. The problem is that Coleman is incapable of being gracious or of putting the interests of the state before his own.

    We have seen it too many times before.

    After three months- this election is finally over. Now we just need to get him rightfully seated. That may take a bit longer.

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