Lost, on a painted sky...

Lost,  on a painted sky...

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    Sunday, November 02, 2008

    Is the combination of crying and lying "clying"?

    Quit Clying Norm!!!

    Seriously, is anyone else tired of his whining? The way his voice breaks as he bemoans how unfairly he is being treated?

    Well, his most recent ad mixes a fair amount of false indignation with outright false acusations against Al Franken. KSTP had better do a fact check on this one. But I am not optomistic about that.

    There are no facts in the ad- just an acusation against Franken without a shred of evidence to support it.

    The attached article repeats the story of how a Republican from Texas filed the lawsuit against Coleman- for doing something along the lines of money laundering.

    Note especially, the person offering a clinging hug to the senator. It is a woman in MN politics who is noted for clinging hugs, Michelle Bachmann.

    Adn while writing this I see another ad from Coleman- another where his eyes are all pouty and his voice breaks when he talks about what he believes: " A senator must we willing to roll up his sleeves and work together, EVEN ACROSS THE AISLE"

    If he were the unifier he claims to be, wouldn't working across the aisle be more than an afterthought?

    I love the visual, though, of Bachmann embracing Coleman like her political life depends on it.

    What we all need to remember about about Coleman is that he was handpicked by the Bush administration in his bid to oust Wellstone, he is currently involved in a campaign to head up the National Republican Senatorial Committee - the group that runs partisan attacks across the nation to protect Republican seats, and his willingness to outright lie in order to hang on to power.

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