Lost, on a painted sky...

Lost,  on a painted sky...

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    Wednesday, July 21, 2004

    I was thinking

    that as of today, the media is placing Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin in the toss-up column for this falls elections.   I don't know if they are reading the tea leaves correctly.

    I can speak in a most informed way about Minnesota.   My home state has not gone Republican since 1972 when by a fluke it went for Richard Nixon (of all people).  While some have suggested that GW Bush and Richard Nixon have a great deal in common (personally I think Nixon was smarter)  I don't think things look that good for the R's in my backyard.  There are a large number of people disgruntled over the "yes-man" attitude of our junior senator who is in office only because of a fateful plane crash in October of '02 where his beloved opponent was tragically killed along with his wife, daughter and staff members.  His toothy, cocky and smug attitude has even my ultra-conservative brother outraged. 

    Add to that that our current governor is a mannequin who found his way into office on the coattails of our fluffy junior senator.  This man has proposed state-wide gambling and attempted balancing the budget on the backs of the poorest of our citizens.  That kind of thinking doesn't sit well in this bastian of liberalism.  Seeing these two buffoons trying to rally troops for Bush/Cheney makes me confident (that if voter turnout is high) we can continue to count MN in the blue column.

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