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    Wednesday, January 30, 2008

    Edwards Withdrawl--

    see attached article for information. Sorry Jean. I am sad to see this happen. he added a necessary voice to the debates.


    Anonymous said...

    I can't begin to tell you how upset and sad I am about Edwards leaving the race. I've never sat out an general election but the way I feel right now I may. Edwards was the first one to include the plight of the poor in his campaign, the first to really push for health care for everyone, the first to talk in depth about what needs to be done so our young people can get an education, the first to talk about the corruption in Washington and how we need change in Washington to get anything done. After he stated talking about those issues Obama and Clinton began talking about them as well. Anyone who is passionate about these issues needs to thank Edwards for making them a big part of this election. Without him in the race they would not be at the forefront. I'm hoping that whoever does win in November, assuming it's a Democrat, will be smart enough to include John in a high level cabinet position. I can see him as Attorney General, maybe even Secretary of State. He has too much talent and passion to be completely left out of the political scene.

    Jonathan said...

    I agree. I think he would be an excellent choice for attorney general. But whatever he does I hope he is given some voice in policy.