Lost, on a painted sky...

Lost,  on a painted sky...

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    Sunday, January 27, 2008

    The Democratic side of this election

    Anyone who knows me or has read anything I've posted here knows that I'm a big supporter of John Edwards. And unless you've had your head buried in the sand or someplace else where the sun doesn't shine you also know that he is not doing well at all. There are a lot of reasons he's not getting the votes, some of which go way back to the last election and John Kerry but I think the main reason is because he's running at a time in our history that is unprecedented - running against a woman and a black man. This is the one time when a white man is the underdog in the race, the one time when the white man is really in the minority. I saw all three of them while they were campaigning in Iowa and they each bring their own style and uniqueness to the race. I like Obama and would happily vote for him. I also like Hillary but she would be my third choice. Edwards is my first choice because I truly believe his run for President is coming from his heart, it's truly a passion for him. I don't see that in Obama or Clinton. I believe it's more of an ambition for both of them.

    My point in this post. Edwards is saying he will not drop out of the race, that he's in it until the convention. I guess time and money will tell on that but if he does stay in until the convention what's your opinion on why and what is his strategy? The media is saying he could be a "king-maker" and if that's the case who do you think will be the beneficiary?

    1 comment:

    Jonathan said...

    I would be mor einclined to support Edwards if he were doing better. He in fact would be my second choice of the three.

    For some reason the leaders within the democratic party are not fans of Edwards. He is even being shun by Kerry.

    Remember that Kerry selected Obama as his Keynote speaker for his convention 4 years ago. He has been a media darling and a darling of the party ever since.

    Just as there is no love lost between the Clinton's an Kerry. They have the same hostility toward Obama - I think of this as the Clinton wing and the Kerry wing of the party.

    I can't pretend to know what is going on in Edwards' mind. I doubt he would be interested in a second VP nomination. Pro\bably a cabinet post ( attourney General?).

    The Clinton's seem to think his presence in the race is helping them. I don't think the evidence is clear.

    My guess is that he reflects an anti- Hillary vote. Bad for Obama as long as he stays in.

    If there is a deal to be struck, it is with Obama