Lost, on a painted sky...

Lost,  on a painted sky...

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    Wednesday, February 14, 2007

    Tom Vilsack

    Yes, I know he's not any where near being a front runner but he still deserves at least a look and listen too. Tom Vilsack is going to be on Jay Leno tomorrow night, February 15th. I'm sure I had nothing to do with his appearance but I will have to confess that after I saw John Edwards on the Tonight Show I emailed them and suggested they be fair to all of the candidates and invite each of them on the show. I also said that since Vilsack was the first to get into the race on either side they should start with him.

    If you get a chance you should watch or at the minimum record him on your DVR.


    Anonymous said...

    I plan on watching this, thanks.

    Jonathan said...

    I wish they would have given Him more time.