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    Wednesday, September 15, 2004

    Weekend Warriors - no longer exist.

    Last night on MSNBC’s Debra Norville show there was an outstanding report about today’s National Guard. It detailed how these “weekend warriors” are now working full-time in Afghanistan and Iraq. It also detailed how their families are struggling back home because of lost income. National Guard pay, in most cases, is significantly less than these individuals were making before they were called to service.

    Contrast this with Bush’s praise of the honorable service of the National Guard. It becomes obvious that he is using these men and women as props in his campaign to make us think that this was the kind of service he did (one clip actually has him reference his own National Guard service, which even if more noble than the news reports suggest was still less of a sacrifice or commitment than today's guard shows).

    Someone (Kerry) should call him out for his lack of concern for these military personnel and their families.

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