Lost, on a painted sky...

Lost,  on a painted sky...

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    Wednesday, September 08, 2004

    How to create terrorists on our own soil.

    Step one: Drive interest rates so low that there is absolutely no value in saving money and bankers need to extend credit to those who would otherwise not qualify in order to make a profit.

    Step Two: Let the economy cave in under you and create a job deficit of two million jobs, allow formerly employed to fall off the unemployment rolls and lose basic support.

    Step Three: Prop up your own numbers by creating low paying minimum jobs and tell those who are unemployed and underemployed that things are getting better.

    Step Four: Favor big Business to such an extent that you cut overtime benefits for full-time workers and allow insurance companies to increase health premiums -while at the same time reduce the liabilities of these insurance companies for actual payouts (maximum benefits, reduced legal recourse for patients).

    Step Five: Allow the ban on assault weapons to expire and make weapons that are only good for killing people and opposed by police chiefs throughout the nation readily available.

    This five step process is given to you by the national Republican leadership of Tom Delay and GW Bush.

    Tom Delay offered to an NBC reporter the excuse that "there are not enough votes on the floor for the bill to pass." He therefore will not allow it to the senate floor for a vote.
    He offered no evidence to support his guess that it wouldn't work and told us that, "even if the president asks" he would not allow it to the senate floor.

    What the hell is he afraid of? Is he giving the president cover so that the president can avoid asking or is he giving political cover to himself and his neo-con croneys so that they don't have to make such a decision in an election year. Flip a coin.

    NBC reports tonight that 68% of all respondents support such a ban be continued. 61% of Republicans and a higher number of indepnedents are among those who support the ban.

    It occurs to me as I hear this report that such a weapon would be exactly what one might look for if they were going to ...I don't know... take a school full of children hostage.

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