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    Wednesday, August 16, 2006

    See the latest ad from the 'bad' Kennedy

    In his latest ad, Mark Kennedy, Republican candidate for US Senate in Minnesota, takes an aim at gas prices. It's about time. For nearly six years he hasn't said a word about gas prices. He has stood mute when others in congress have called for repeated investigations about gouging at the pump.

    His answer- cut taxes. Take away the federal tax on gas during summer months. Given their history of turning every opportunity to their advantage, this 'relief' at the pump would translate into greater profits to oil companies. Once they see that the public can is willing to pay $3 at the pump (some are suggesting the new ceiling is $4), does anyone doubt the tax would be instantly replaced with a bump to profits and the cost at the pump would remain the same.

    He does not address how we will maintain roads and provide funding for federal transportation initiatives that are dependent on those tax funds.

    He also recommends that the government cut the tax breaks to oil companies in favor of tax incentives for alternative energy initiatives. This is a good idea but it will hardly do what he says it will. In response to this cut into the belly of fat oil there can be no doubt that oil companies will replace this mother's milk with an increase at the pump.

    Both proposals will do nothing to reduce the price at the pump- they will make it worse. Both will give the oil industry the opportunity to dig deeper into your pocket and both will make the situation for you and for me worse than it is today.

    On the flip side, these ads are focussed on a campaign where the opponent needs to be much better about getting her message out.

    Here in Minnesota, we have three shallow fluffy Republican puppets, formed in a Washingtom back room by Karl Rove and hand picked for their offices by Bush-Cheney- Senator Norm Coleman, Governor Tim Pawlenty and Rep. Mark Kennedy. They act in lock step with the Republican administration- Pawlenty actually said that he would remain 100% loyal to "W" even if his popularity was at 2% (funny he said nothing about whether or not the idea was a good one).

    This fall, we have the opportunity in Minnesota to get rid of 2 out of three. Unfortunately, I have no confidence in the ability of their opponents to run the campaigns necessary to actually win an elelction. Let's hope that "W" will invite himself to come to Minnesota and campaign for his friends. It couldn't hurt.

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