Lost, on a painted sky...

Lost,  on a painted sky...

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    Wednesday, August 09, 2006

    Joe Leiberman -- There was something about that kiss!!

    I don't know as I write this what the outcome of the primary in Ct. will be for this one-timeVP candidate who would share a strong pro-war pro-defense position with his one-time political foe.

    Something tells me that this guys troubles started when a president, whose popularity was sinking, fast concluded his state of the unino address by planting a big wet one on Joe's forehead.

    The senator seemed befuddled at the time, as well he should have in that he was the only person on either side of the aisle to receive such affection from Mr. President.

    Leno made the Jokes I expected out of SNL about Bush softening his stance on Gays. I was waiting for someone to do a parody ala Al and Tipper Gore but it necer came to pass.

    I told people that night that it was a kiss of death for the man who, at the time seemed a realistic contender for 2008.

    Now he is embroiled in a political smackdown worthy of "MTV's Celebrity Death Match" and it is not likely he will survive.

    1 comment:

    Jonathan said...

    Okay, so now we have the facts. Joe does hmself a disservice and gives all liberals a bad nameif he goes the "hang on to power at all costs route' that he seems to be headed toward.

    Personally, I always liked Joe Leiberman- but his behavior in this issue has lost him some respect.

    4:29 PM