Lost, on a painted sky...

Lost,  on a painted sky...

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    Sunday, January 31, 2010

    Yeah, don't worry about it pal!

    So I am walking through the store, and there is this guy- looks to be about 24 or 25.

    He had an Adam Lambert hair cut. He wore the obscenely tight jeans that look God-awful and uncomfortable.

    He had on mascara.

    His lips were black and his fingernails were painted this blue that does not occur in nature.

    He had a thick black studded leather belt that was over-sized and hanging slanted over his barely existing hip.

    One might have imagined him to be getting ready to take the stage with his non- existent band.

    His hands flailed in the air above his head when he spoke.

    He wore a t-shirt with a pink triangle on it. It boldly proclaimed: Please do not assume that I am straight!!!

    I may have made many assumptions about this guy. The one he was worried about was low on my list.

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