Lost, on a painted sky...

Lost,  on a painted sky...

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    Friday, September 19, 2008

    This Clip is more relevant each day.

    I think this sums up the whole of what is said in a 45 minute testimony. Galloway is speaking directly to Senator Norm Coleman and his condemnation is directed both at our Nation's policies leading up to the Iraqi war and the policies involved in building up and sustaining our involvement- even against the the opinions and wishes of our allies and Norm personally (because of his vocal and continuous support of those errant policies).

    Why is this imortant now?

    Even as our country suffers the worst economic meltdown since the Great Depression we continue to send money to our policitcal enemies for their oil- thus funding their actions against us. Further, we continue to be the sole financial contributor to the military efforts in Iraq at a rate that is almost exactly equivalent to the amounts the Iraqi's are putting into their bank accounts.

    Obama has a great opportunity to rightly link our failed policy on Iraq to the overall falure of our economy. Closer to Home Al Franken can and should do the same thing.

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