Lost, on a painted sky...

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    Monday, September 15, 2008

    Alaska among the smallest states in the union.

    John McCain called Alaska 'one of the largest states in the Union' when he introduced Sarah Palin. But according to population Alaska ranks 47th out of 50 with North Dakota, Wyoming and Vermont falling behind. The populaton of Alaska is 683,478 and, while Sarah Palin claims to be a rejector of earmarks, the state ranks the highest in dollars per capita for earmarks from the Federal Government.

    Try this: Would you want the Mayor of Baltimore Maryland to be the Vice President? The population there is 635,815. A bit smaller than the state of Alaska- but executive experience is what matters -according to the Republicans.

    No, how about Austin Texas? At 690,252 Austin is actually bigger than Alaska.

    In fact, in ascending order there are 15 more cities that have larger populations than all of Alaska. Columbus Ohio, San Francisco, Jacksonville Fl., Indianapolis, Indiana, Detriot, MI., San Jose, CA., Dallas TX, San Diego, San Antonio, Pheonix, AZ., Philidelphia PA, Houston TX, Chicago Ill. (at 2.85 million, more than 4 times the size of Alaska), Los Angeles and New York.

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