Lost, on a painted sky...

Lost,  on a painted sky...

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    Wednesday, December 26, 2007

    My wishes for 2008!

    Neil is already planning a tour. My wish on this front is that he follows up on Europe with a jaunt through the US including nearby cities in the upper midwest.

    On the political side I will continue to do all I can to help Al Franken take Paul Wellstone's seat in the US Senate from the current occupant. This will include caucusing in February.

    On the Presidential front I am interested in seeing Obama defeat Hillary in Iowa and would like Edwards to do respectably well so that he can continue his campaign. My favorite candidate on both sides is Richardson but his chances look bleak.

    None of the Dems have said or done anything that places them in the 'definite no' category.

    Should prove to be an interesting year.

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