Lost, on a painted sky...

Lost,  on a painted sky...

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    Thursday, March 08, 2007

    Idol Results--

    No Surprise that Lakisha and Blake are declared in the top twelve straight away. No surprise either that Chris Sligh and Jordin were kept in the game. Next Phil was named to the top 12. He and Chris S engaged in an uncomfortably long hug.

    Then Jared is sent packing because we didn't really love him afterall. That means that Sundance or Sanjaya will be around next week. No surprise either that they cut to a break at this point. They do need to drag this out for an hour and milk the ads for Coke and company- not to mention the ads for the FOX line-up.

    The challenge questions are lame BTW.

    Melinda and Brandon are both safe. Gina and Chris R are both safe. That means we get to hear the chipmunk for another week. Three of the remaining six will be sent packing. That leaves several scenarios on how they can play with the contestants emotions.

    So here we go!!! Antonella and Stephanie- Antonella goes (Yeah)!! Oh, she's gonna cry. Stephanie will stay.

    It occurs to me that we are going to see Sanjaya and Sundance standing next to each other and one of them is going to return next week. Yuck!!! But if I had my druthers at this point I would choose Sanjaya to return- Yeah, he is out of his league, but unlike Sundance, he knows it.

    Haley and Sabrina are up. Haley STAYS- that is just plain wrong. Sabrina is going home.

    And finally, Sundance (he's the fat one with the hairy chin) and Sanjaya step up. 82% of the people who voted on which guy to send home voted for Sanjaya and 4.8% (putting him in second place) picked Sundance. These have been the bottom two since the beginning.

    Sanjaya and Sundance step up. of course they would go to a commercial- that's what this hour is really about. Oh dread, we have to hear one of them sing again tonight- Sundance get's what he deserves. Sanjaya lives to get eliminated next week.

    That makes the top twelve: Lakisha and Blake, Chris Sligh and Jordin, Phil and Melinda, Brandon and Gina, Chris R and Stephanie, Haley and Sanjaya, the two least deserving of the bunch.

    Antonella, Sundance, Sabrina and Jared are sent home. None of them was going to win it so there is no sense feeling bad.

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