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    Wednesday, October 19, 2005

    "Hello Again"

    The 25th aniversary edition of "The Jazz Singer" was released on October 18 in DVD format. I am delighted by this but unfortunately it brings out all the snarky critic types who find more need to criticize than to enjoy.

    Take the movie for what it is: not much of a plot, credible but stiff acting on the part of just about everyone (save Lucy Arnaz), great music and overall a fun time.

    This movie came out the same year I graduated from high school. A few things struck me. First, Bubba asks Molly if she has any Charlie Parker "albums". Remember what parties were like back then, having to change the vinyl disk every 15 minutes or so?

    Molly ambushes the producer "Eddie" and puts a cassette into his car stereo. That's right, there was a time that cassettes were considered top of the line.

    I have read a few reviews that say the black-face scene is offensive. What in the hell are these people thinking? This is an obvious and amusing nod to Al Jolsen. To see it as anything more or less than that is just stupid. Some reviews point out, rightly, that Neil was to old for the role (39 at the time). But, these too I think miss the point.

    I have a dvd of this movie from some years back. The quality on this new production is far superior. Add to that my LCD widescreeen flat tv and a dvd player that upgrades standard dvd to hd quality and the experience of watching this movie is like visiting with an old friend.

    No, Neil probably didn't deserve any acting kudos but the fact that the music from this film was ignored by his peers is a disgrace.

    My recomendation is to buy or rent this DVD, grab yourself a glass or bottle of red red wine and enjoy the evening.

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