Lost, on a painted sky...

Lost,  on a painted sky...

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    Monday, August 02, 2004

    Incompetitent mayor follows lead of fluffy senator.

    In order to understand this story it is important for people to be aware that Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman spent the mid- nineties polishing his teeth and fluffing his hair as he greedily contemplated a power grab in Minnesota politics. He very soon would make a calculated switch to the Republican Party to gain support from party cronies in a failed bid for Governor.

    At the time of this party switch Norm declared that he had no interest in higher office and only wanted to continue as mayor of the capital city. No sooner was he re-elected than he began fist pumping and money grabbing for his race toward the governorship two years later. Upon losing that race the New-York boy with the perpetual grin told Minnesotans (particularly those in St Paul) that he was content to continue as Mayor.

    When Norman decided to grab for power once again in 2001, his sights were once again on the governor's office for 2002. But a newly appointed president had different ideas for the shiny young slick politician who reminded him of a stupid Texas governor he once knew. He realized that with the "right' mix of out- of- state money, Norman could be a senator who could displace the pain-in-the ass ( George the first called him a chickensh*t in 1991) whose seat was up for re-election. Thus Norm Coleman, at the bidding of a president and vice president, entered the ugliest and most tragic senate race Minnesota had ever seen.

    It was in that year that Coleman supported Kelly to replace him as mayor. So it is really no surprise that Kelly would make this irrelevant statement today. Kelly has probably become interested in a senate seat of his own someday (2006) and is looking for the same out- of- state money to fund his bid. Don't be surprised! In that time frame the messes in Saint Paul may not have blown up yet and it would be his best chance. Look for him to begin making dramtic shifts in his positions on gun control, taxes and welfare. He is coy about his immediate interest in being a poster boy for Bush. Look for that too. These guys do fluff quite well. But he will probably need to get contacts and a hair makeover.

    Republicans are arrogant people. They probably think that Pawlenty is good enough as governor to have coattails for that election and that the current junior senator will retread the exact same negativity that he is spewing about Kerry ( most liberal, ineffective, etc.) toward his senior collegue, Mark Dayton.

    This is my first blogged prediction. Write down the date. Comment below--

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