Lost, on a painted sky...

Lost,  on a painted sky...

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    Monday, October 20, 2008

    Gas at $2.44- Tom Hauser of KSTP is a windbag

    The good news is that I filled my tank today at $2.44/gallon in the northern suburbs of Minneapolis.

    The bad news- not really news so much as a sad reminder of the blatant KSTP bias- came on KSTP's "At Issue" today when Tom Hauser (who can't really be a stupid man and therefore I guess must truly be a political right-wing hack trying to pass as a legitimate news man) reported a recent presidetial poll in Minnesota that places Obama at 51% and McCain at 45%. He goes on to say that the poll has a margin of error of 3.9% so that the difference is clearly within the margin of error.


    How stupid is the audience of this show?

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