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    Wednesday, November 08, 2006

    A big sea change in Minnesota and across the nation

    apparently failed to capture the governor seat in Minnesota. One must ask why.

    I believe there are three reasons for this :

    Tim Pawlenty is non-controversial as far as Governors go. After all his predecessor was Jesse Ventura. I liked Ventura's governance better but he was a blowhard who constantly drew a spotlight to himself in a negative way. It would have been extremely difficult for anyone to look bad by comparison and Minnesotans like things to be quiet.

    Pawlenty is a supposed powerhouse for the future of the Republican Party ( I don't get this at all) and a possible contender for the VP spot in '08 (watching he and the fluffy Senator trip over each other at the 'o8 GOP convention in the Twin Cities will almost be wort the hassle of having these hoards stiffed shirts around for a week.

    Mike Hatch has tried and failed in bids for the Governor seat in Minnesota more times than I can count. Like Mark Dayton in the US Senate, and GHW Bush in his presidency, he has failed to express what he would do if he ever won. It is not enough of a goal to simply attain and hold the office.

    Between Hatch and Hutchinson there was a strong majority who opposed Pawlenty in his re-election. Perhaps that, along with the elected Democrats who will surround him as he conducts state business will moderate some of his more extreme aspects.


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