Lost, on a painted sky...

Lost,  on a painted sky...

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    Tuesday, October 24, 2006

    PAUL WELLSTONE: OCTOBER 25- 10:22 AM CST (click for full article)

    I once had a conversation with Paul where I made the mistake of asking "why should I bother to vote?" Like the teacher he was he gave me a 25 minute answer. Like a mediocre student I have forgotten his exact words but his message was clear.

    It is the same message exemplified in his -all to short- life: One person can make a difference and it is the responsibility of every person to try.

    I will be lighting a candle today. I hope everyone will make a similar gesture.

    Indeed, the conscience of the US Senate left us on that fateful day- four years ago.

    When you vote on November 7th- make a difference.

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    My name is Mark Johnson, and I've been an avid reader of your blog " A Page that Aches.." for about the last six months. I'm a recent UC Berkeley Political science grad and I along with some fellow Princeton alums have been working hard to launch our own internet startup called www.Rizzleweb.com. Rizzleweb is basically an online political community where people can log on and write performance reviews\comments for congressmen, senators, the president, and various other local and state officials across the country. I was hoping that if it would not be too much trouble you could place a link of our site on your blog. If this is not possible (which we completely understand), we still hope you will check out our site, and post some reviews