Lost, on a painted sky...

Lost,  on a painted sky...

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    Thursday, February 14, 2008

    What if Florida and Michigan delegates are seated?

    If these delegates are seated, without doing something to reapportion them it would be a disaster- unless the result of such a seating does not change the results of the final outcome.

    Seating these delegates in order to favor one candidate would cause me to rethink my party affiliation. The rules agreed upon by all parties need to be followed. It is improper to change those rules when the cards don't get dealt your way.

    It has been suggested that a binding primary or a caucus in these two states would provide proper apportionment. Maybe. But wouldn't inclusion of these delegates increase the number needed to win as well?

    My sense is that the state parties will not agree to new contests to determine delegate apportionment. Therefore, I do not think these delegates should be seated.

    It is sad that we have come to this but the state party leaders brought this on themselves.

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    I agree with you 1000 percent. Even if it doesnt' change the outcome of who's the nominee I don't believe these delegates should be seated. It's not fair - it would be breaking the rules. They knew the rules going into this and for these two states to break the rules and then be allowed to still participate is bulls***!!