Opening comments-
Mike Cerisi commented that Tuesday night was a great caucus night for Minnesota. It made a profound statement against the policies of Bush and Coleman. He looks forward to taking on Coleman in November.
Al Franken stated that Caucus night and the high turnout was great for Minnesota and bad for Norm Coleman. Al emphasized Universal Health Care, strong economy for working families, getting out of Iraq and being a leader for those who have no voice.
Jeff Nelson Pallmeyer told us he is running because he has three daughters. He wants to help create an economy that provides better wages, health care and quality of life.
Asked specifically to comment on the economy and the stimulus bill they said:
Al Franken said it is always a bad idea to create a deficit and while the checks will provide some temporary relief we could have put a freeze on foreclosures to stop the plummeting housing prices and we could have focused on infrastructure which would have had the benefit of providing jobs and strengthening our infrastructure at the same time. Does not view federal gas tax as a good idea but feels we need to keep it on the table- favors exploration of renewable energy development and the jobs that could create. Believes universal health care would encourage transition from employment to entrepreneurship.
Mike Cerisi- said that government is not the answer to all problems. We need fundamental change to help the middle class. Interest on debt is killing us. The plan should have extended unemployment benefits and food stamps programs. We need to revise the tax structure and eliminate write-offs for business. Favors gas tax with sunset provision. We need to set infrastructure priorities.
Jeff Nelson-Pallmeyer said the package didn’t address the root causes of our problems- war spending, infrastructure, inequality (didn’t explain what he meant by this) and that the health care crisis is bankrupting us. Favors gas tax if used for renewable energy development.
On Iraq-
Mike Cerisis said that our Iraq situation is the result of failed policy in the world- in order to stablize our own economy we need to establish a timetable for withdrawl (6-9 months). No permanent bases in Iraq. We need to require Iraq to meet the already established benchmarks.
Al Franken said that we need to put more thought into how we got out than we put into how we got in. He stated that that is obviously a very low bar. He said that anyone (Cerisi) who says they know what is going on in Iraq is lying to themselves or lying to you. He strongly favors a regional conference but feels that is not doable until we tell the world we are getting out and start getting out. He said he would like to believe that 6 to 9 months is possible but that there are too many unknowns. He responded to Cerisi by saying that Cerisi has mis-characterized his position. He said he painfully supported movement based on false information and it still sticks in his craw that a president would actually lie us into war. It bugs him even more that , even knowing about the lie Coleman still supports this president.
Jeff Nelson Pallmeyer said we need to start by being honest about how we got in end the occupation and invite help from our allies. Favors timetable for withdrawl. He spoke in favor of a regional conference then he criticized Franken for what is essentially the same position. He said the surge is not working and that will become clear in the next few months. We have a moral obligation to help Iraq.
On health care-
Jeff Nelson-Pallmeyer supportts universal health care through a Canadian style single-payer system. Such a plan would free up funds to expand coverage and control costs. We need to reward wellness not cost cutting.
Al Franken tells us that we pay twice as much per person as any other industrialized country. His plan would develop universal care at the state levels with certain federal provisos . These would include portability for people with pre-existing conditions.
Cerisi tells us that Franken’s system won’t work. He said we need to establish ‘essential benefits’ which include portability. He also added that we need to cap administration costs.
All were in agreement that we could repeal Bush tax cuts to cover health care costs.
Okay, now for my take:
Cerisi was so busy sniping Franken that he failed to make his points. Nor did he distinguish himself from the positions of his opponent that he apparently doesn’t like (at least when they come from his opponents mouth. He frequently spoke over his opponents and on health care jumped in with his answer first, even before Tom Hauser was finished asking the question. He came across as rude .
Franken was more subdued than I would have expected. He was obviously irritated by the mischaracterizations of Cerisi regarding his positions. He is clearly the wonk in the group. The debate setting is not the best for him because his answers are not easily condensed.
Jeff Nelson- Pallmeyer is probably the most liberal of the group but he was way out of his league. Too bad really. I like liberals.
I have never seen these three debate before and I would say Franken did what he needed to do. He came across as knowledgeable on all three issues.
Cerisi came across as particularly angry with Franken. He strengthened the view, held by many, that he is a perpetual senate candidate who only got into this race this time because of his distain for Al Franken. I for one do not feel that is a good enough reason to run for senate.
Jeff Nelson-Pallmeyer probably didn’t help himself too much tonight. The folks who support him will continue to do so. I liked his view which are slightly left of Franken but I believe Franken stands a better chance of winning and therefore has a better opportunity to get things done for Minnesota.
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1 comment:
I would like to see the U.S. Senate candidates debate but I missed watching the Feb 10 event. I wonder it there will be another debate before Feb 23, or if there is going to be a replay or if there is a streaming video.
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