Lost, on a painted sky...

Lost,  on a painted sky...

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    Wednesday, January 09, 2008

    Rudy Guliani should never be our president-

    Here's why: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMAfnJIFB-c. This clip comes from his speech at the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York. Pay particular attention to his comments at the 6 minute mark and forward. This is where he learned to pepper all of his speeches with 9/11. Most astounding (and I said so when I first heard it at the time) is the comment at about the 8 minute mark.

    As mayor, watching the chaos that was 9/11 happening in his city, Rudy Guliani said "I thank God that George W Bush is our president."

    I challenge the veracity of this "recollection." But even more frightening is this statement if it is true. Scarier still is the notion that anyone who is a serious contender for the white house would have admitted such a position in 2004- after GW Bush exploited 9/11 to get us into an ill-fated and unnecessary war in Iraq.

    If you doubt me, watch the man speak the words for himself. At the time, I called him a seven letter compound word that was a favorite of candidate Bush when referring to a member of the the media. My assessment hasn't changed.

    Guliani has demonstrated a consistent ability to exploit 9/11 that rivals even the current administration.


    Anonymous said...

    Nothing to doubt here, Jon...I agree 110%. He's playing the 9-11 card to the nines. This said, he did handle the tragedy in a way that comforted NY and gave it some semblance of calm when there was very little to be calm about. It's human nature to recall positive moments to build ourselves up, especially in politics; no?

    I can separate "then" and "now" very easily, without diminishing those achievements. I would dread having him in the White House. It is why I need time, and then some more time, to be comfortable with the candidate I think has the power to truly turn us around.

    Hey, did you know that I swim, bike and run.....and twenty years ago, I had a great time result in a triathlon!! Just joshin' ya, Jon. You get the point.

    Thanks again; I love the reason behind your forum....and the fact that you support what you say.

    Anonymous said...

    I always think about what Joe Biden kept saying in the debates. Something like Rudy puts a noun and a verb in a sentence, adds 911 and thinks he's said something. I don't like him at all!