Lost, on a painted sky...

Lost,  on a painted sky...

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    Friday, January 04, 2008

    Okay, this is disturbing...

    All over the Net folks are commenting about the political happenings in the US. And everyone has an opinion- or so you would think.

    I found this little posting on another board and could feel my blood begin to boil.

    "They are starting way to early, and neither party has a favorite candidate. Winners will change from state to state. I just wish we had some one really strong and experienced in world politics as well as a good financial background and strong (not a flip flopper)on border control! For whatever reason, none of these people appeal to me. I hope things look up as time goes on. Just my .02!"

    Perhaps things got started earlier because people are so fed up with a completely non responsive government that has trampled on our rights at every turn.

    With fifteen contenders between the two main parties I find it astonishing that anyone could say they don't have a favorite. There might be concerns about each individual but we certainly have had ample opportunity to learn about who these people are.

    That having been said, I am not at all surprised by the outcome in Iowa. Both Obama and Huckabee are well spoken, warm and charming, likeable and appear thoughtful. Both have been critical of the current administration as well.

    I am singularly impressed with Huckabee's ability to criticize his opponents- on both sides- while still demonstrating (what seems to be) genuine respect for those same individuals.

    Both Obama and Huckabee are consistent in their message about changing the way politics is done.

    If you have been living in a cave and don't have opinions about a slate of people who have been on the road and in the press- and in our living rooms-for an unprecedented amount of time, stop complaining and use your computer, tv or news paper.

    The process, as long as it has become, provides us with (what is still) the best opportunity in the world to shape our own future.


    Anonymous said...

    Commenting with regard to this statement herein, Jon:

    "With fifteen contenders between the two main parties I find it astonishing that anyone could say they don't have a favorite. There might be concerns about each individual but we certainly have had ample opportunity to learn about who these people are."

    I do not yet have a favorite. Using the words of that other songwriter we love to love, "It's a Matter of Trust"!


    Jonathan said...

    Actually, you are right. The point this other person made wasn't that they don't have a favorite. It was that none of the candidates appeal to them.

    My point was that if a person wants to be uninvolved- that is fine- but I see no point in offering meaningless blanket criticisms that serve only to turn others away from the process.

    Your point helps me to clarify what I was trying to say, hopefully.