Lost, on a painted sky...

Lost,  on a painted sky...

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    Tuesday, February 02, 2010


    Sunlight fades as each day ends,
    Earth curves and turns, each ray gently bends.
    Concealing beauty of passing day,
    Saint and sinner come out to play.

    The glimmer of Silver Moon greets the Sun,
    forever apart, together one.
    This permanent dance of pleasure and pain
    instills in each heart a bitter refrain.
    Dancers get numb with pleasures of night-
    nothing revealed in pale moonlight.
    In dark of night, hidden pleasures show
    there are such things that day cannot know.

    Lonely ones mindless in the noise-
    move through the night, choosing their toys.
    Bound together, forever apart,
    dulling the pain of lover’s hearts.
    The dance goes on under glint of the moon.
    False comfort, false pleasure, false safety and soon
    day will return with glaring new light
    but never reveal what goes on in the night.

    And lost in the dance the lonely will find
    pleasures unreal to numb the mind
    Some truths it seems cannot be said
    when light, warmth and joy seem so dead.
    There’s comfort in darkness, no one can see
    each lonely heart that longs to be
    united forever in a dance of true love,
    no longer apart embraced from above.

    In the dawn of the day the pale moon wanes,
    taking away all of nights pains.
    They dance together these bodies of light.
    Neither one judges what’s wrong or what’s right.
    And first rays signal light of new day
    the cost of the dance each one must pay.

    Beauty revealed, the dance ends too soon.
    Night becomes morning as Sun waves goodbye to the Moon.

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    Like this one - can have relevance from many perspectives. Nice.
