Lost, on a painted sky...

Lost,  on a painted sky...

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    Tuesday, August 14, 2007

    Check out the pics from my new Neil Diamond Memorabilia room


    Anonymous said...

    very nice room

    Anonymous said...

    I was just catching up with the news on your site, Jon. As usual, I linked to Fr. Jim Tucker's site, too. In browsing, I came across an entry about music in liturgy that included this quote from the Holy Father:

    ....the Pope said that sacred music has three vital characteristics: "its 'sanctity,' its 'true art,' and its 'universality,' in other words the fact that it can be presented to any people or assembly."

    These words struck a chord in me, telling me that a certain artist we all love has fulfilled those very requirements in much of his music.

    "Be" well!