Lost, on a painted sky...

Lost,  on a painted sky...

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    Thursday, January 11, 2007

    George W Bush actually said

    Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and Persian Gulf states need to understand that a U.S. defeat in Iraq ”would create a new sanctuary for extremists — and a strategic threat to their survival.”

    Why did it take him so long to get the message? didn't Collin Powell say exactly the same thing prior to our invasion? Didn't France? Others?

    He finally got the message but his bumbling of this whole mess for over 4 years has taken closer to that point. His policies drew the terrorists to Iraq- pick off an American Soldier like going fishing at a fish pond or trout farm. No challenge.

    Now they are there and we have a real enemy. Time to send in more bait- er ...soldiers. And this time we mean business.

    In the earliest days of 2003 I was asking this question: What cost would there be in waiting?

    Today, that question hardly makes sense. If we accept the Powell doctrine that says- if you break it, its yours- we need a plan now that requires real thought and has the courage to listen to the views and ideas of the rest of the world. It means genuine humility and a willingness to start with the premise that we do not have all the answers. It means developing and understanding and a combined consciousness that escalating the number of soldiers and the number of weapons in a particular area eascalates the violence in that same area.

    Maybe to it means admitting the possibility that- Democracy cannot be imported to any region at the point of a gun and that the American form of democracy might not be a solution to all the problems of the world.

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    The heartbreak of it all has become unbearable....comments exhaust me at this point, though yours were excellent, as always. Your final paragraph sums up our stance, as it has been for so very long.

    I just want to cry.