There is a link at the upper left . I am attempting to create a free comment space. Check it out and enjoy.
This is interesting; an option I might consider in the future. Thank you.
You've been busy on your blog site, with some interesting entries. I can't help but notice, though, that on another board, you seem disinterested in threads of others, posting only within those you initiate. Perhaps if there was a bit more participation on your part, you would attract a few more posters to visit this site.
I hear what you are saying, but find some of those conversations a bit tedious. Also, I find that people really want to engage in conversation. Rather, they want eveyone to agree. I contribute, once in a while, but mostly just stalk that site these days.
Everything you say is one hundred per cent true....ONE HUNDRED PER CENT. However, it shall never change if the "We" who desire it to do so don't persist. I have had no fewer than ten e-mails this week, all with complaints that it has turned to a personal bulletin board. Some of us can be movers and shakers and change that. Honestly speaking, I'm considering the stalking route myself, these days.
This is interesting; an option I might consider in the future. Thank you.
You've been busy on your blog site, with some interesting entries. I can't help but notice, though, that on another board, you seem disinterested in threads of others, posting only within those you initiate. Perhaps if there was a bit more participation on your part, you would attract a few more posters to visit this site.
Just a thought.
I hear what you are saying, but find some of those conversations a bit tedious. Also, I find that people really want to engage in conversation. Rather, they want eveyone to agree. I contribute, once in a while, but mostly just stalk that site these days.
Everything you say is one hundred per cent true....ONE HUNDRED PER CENT. However, it shall never change if the "We" who desire it to do so don't persist. I have had no fewer than ten e-mails this week, all with complaints that it has turned to a personal bulletin board. Some of us can be movers and shakers and change that. Honestly speaking, I'm considering the stalking route myself, these days.
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