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    Wednesday, December 30, 2009

    Year in review

    It has been a relatively quiet year for A Page That Aches. But still, there were some highlights/lowlights. We said farewell to "W" in January and welcomed a new President in the US. And Coleman publicly cried foul and proceeded to take the State of Minnesota to court (after promising not to). February brought a new season of Idol,Neil Diamond appeared on the Grammys and Micheal Phelps proved himself to be a DOPE! In March we had Coleman continuing his court case and talking out of both sides of his mouth. Michelle Bachmann demonstrated that she was still a nutbag. In April, Conservatives approved of teabagging and threw parties to show people how and why. Finally, Senator Franken in July. Hot August Night/NYC DVD. Obamacare, State Fair. Go TWINS!!, Cold Fingers, Heavy Snow and Happy Dog.

    Its all there- check it out month by month.

    Saturday, December 26, 2009

    On the second day of Christmas...

    I am finding myself exhausted from (what would seem to be constant) snow removal for the past two days. Bailey still loves it and does not seem to tire from tunneling under it. I need to try to get a photo of his tail sticking up out of the snow. it is hillarious.

    Thursday, December 24, 2009

    Cold fingers- Heavy Snow- Happy Dog

    I wish I could find the same delight in the snowfall we received last night that my dog seems to enjoy. His little black head bobs up and down in the snow drifts and at times the only sign of life in my yard is his curly little tail wagging freely out of a white blanket that covers the earth (looks like a creepy underground monster in a B-movie).

    At the same time I blow the snow off of the sidewalks, trying to set a new speed record, well aware that I will be doing a repeat performance tomorrow or the next day.

    The same dog who enjoys the newfallen snow is the culprit for a merciless attack on my gloves (the right one is missing a pair of fingers). As a result, my right hand enjoyed the tingling sensation that can only be known when wet flesh meets ice-cold air.

    But for now the sidewalks are clear, the dog is dry once again and sleeping.
    My muscles are feeling slightly worked and my fingers are thawing nicely.

    This Christmas Eve morning finds me well. I wish the same for you.

    Tuesday, November 17, 2009

    Comments temporarily suspended to get rid of spammer

    I keep getting a spam comment on a post made six months ago. I want to take up this blog agan at some point, but in the meantime I can't monitor a spammer every day.

    Wednesday, October 07, 2009

    Michelle Bachman

    Okay, I have been funny before about Michelle Bachman and have called her loony or insane, or even stupid.

    Seriously, I think she is none of these things. Let's try- in all seriousness- a manipulative liar who is motivated only by the idea of getting and holding on to power (which currently, she understands to be TV airtime).

    In the link provided Michelle Bachman refuses to say what she believes about so-called "birthers" (even though she herself has asked questions about Obama's legitimacy) and at the same time keeps saying her constituents are asking "where are the jobs?"

    She helped Bush create the disasterous economy that caused the collapse of manufacturing in this country and now she is pretending that such poor stewardship of our economy and the losses of jobs are not connected.

    She's like a mean old lady walking around kicking puppies and then yelling at children for not taking care of their dogs.

    She may be stupid, I don't know. She may be crazy, I have no way of knowing that either. Actually, our nation could survive that. But she is a mean spirited, self interested, egomaniacal, self promoting liar.

    That is what makes her most scary.

    Tuesday, October 06, 2009

    GO TWINS!!!

    Extended Season Play- Post Season Play- The best reasons to like Baseball.

    It is your typical Autumn day, 50 degrees and rainy.

    The only thing that would make this all better is if we had an outdoor stadium.

    Wednesday, September 09, 2009

    Tea Baggers Unite

    Michelle Bachmann just needs to be in the news- doesn't she? One wonders why she didn't appear at the State fair to have open dialogue with MN citizens.

    Obama Care

    Check out this link for an outline of the president's goals for Health Care Reform.

    Obama Care

    This should (but probably won't) settle down Catholic opponents to Health Care reform:
    No Federal Funding of Abortion in this plan and (as if it had to be said) no death panels.

    He made a strong case for a public option based on the goal to make insurance affordable for all. In the process, he dispelled myths that Health Care Reform would be a governmental takover of the health care industry. ( Note that Rep. Charles Boustany of Louisiana continues to promote this untruth).

    MsNBC indentifies Rep Joe Wilson of SC as the idiot who yelled . "It's a Lie!!" when Obama stated that Health Care Reform will not provide coverage for illegal aliens.

    It is time to shut out Republicans who refuse to do anything except sit on their hands and obstruct this process.

    Obama Care

    This term created by the Right Wing to scare people into thinking health care reform is a conspiracy to take away your benefits and ultimately kill you (death panels) has not until now existed.

    The question is whether the President's speech tonight will create an actual Obama Care or continue to leave it to congress to create an actual plan.

    The challenge for the president is to set forth guiding principles that will be used by congress to shape an ultimate plan.

    If anyone asked me I would tell him to completely ignore the right wing and tell the Dems to start working as if they actually held a majority.

    Tuesday, September 08, 2009

    Al Franken speaks about his first bill in the Senate

    I am so proud to have voted for this guy.

    More Al Franken at the State Fair

    another ten minutes of honest and intelligent dialogue

    Saturday, September 05, 2009

    Civil Discourse over Health Care- Who'da thought?

    His enemies called him an angry partisan liberal. He has been accused of lowering the level of civil discourse. Yet Al Franken, at the Minnesota State Fair, manages to conduct a civil discussion with 'TEAP' members who are known for shouting down their opponents and disrupting town hall meetings across the country.

    Check out the link. Way to go Al! Keep it up!

    Monday, August 17, 2009

    Hot August Night/NYC DVD Review

    Anything negative about this DVD I said in July of 2008 after seeing the concert.

    The most remarkable thing about this concert package is the way it captures the experience of a Neil Diamond Concert.

    Usually Neil Diamond on TV does not come close to measuring up to Neil Diamond in person. And while I would not trade the real concert experience for anything- this DVD comes darn close. From camera angles that make you feel like part of the audience, to close ups of individual band members and Neil himself and the timing of the show itself, this is a cmpletely satisfying dvd.

    It would be easy to complain about problems with the show itself- like the repetitive calling out of "last chorus" for Sweet Caroline (probably the result of editing together the encores of several nights). I also was reminded of how disappointing YDBMF was this last time out. Perhaps it is time to retire this gem.

    In spite of what anyone else might say or think, I am glad for Song Song Blue on this DVD. The importance of this song in Neil's carreer cannot be denied. It adds a nostalgic feel to thew concert and Linda and he singing it together is thoroughly enjoyable.

    It is probably very uncharitable for me to say so but I continue to be distracted during "I'm a Believer". The girls l,ook incredibly unconfortable dancing in this sequence and remind my of Rocky, Brad and Janet in the final floor show of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Maxine, Julia and Linda, together, are one of my favorite parts of a Neil Diamond concert. But the camera angles during this song are truly unfortunate.

    "Crunchy Granola" and "Done too Soon" help to recall an age when we were all younger. "I Am I Said" at this earlier point in the show helps to celebrate the consumate lyricist and poet and places the song appropriately in his carreer. "Hell Yeah" creates an excellent capstone for the concert and for Neil's career (so far).

    This dvd is truly a gift for Neil's fans. The $12 price tag is entirely worth it and actually an extreme value.

    Wednesday, August 12, 2009

    I hate Walmart!!!

    I have not been a customer of Walmart for nearly 3 years for reasons that are largely my own. Mainly, I care about local economies and justice in employment. But I am not a fanatic and do not presume to tell others what to do or not do in this area.

    But, since Neil Diamond saw fit to release his new concert dvd "Hot August Night/NYC" as a Walmart exclusive I chose to break my personal policy for this case and buy the dvd/cd pack ($12).

    I ventured in to a Walmart about 3.5 weeks ago and asked about ordering a dvd for pick-up in the store (as opposed to ordering on-line and paying shipping). The completely unhelpful person in the dvd/cd/electronics section told me that the dvd could only be purchased on-line and would not be available in store.

    Well, I went back and ordered my copy on-line and had to register with Walmart on-line in order to do that (even though I used an alternative on-line payment method).

    After all that hassle, I was waiting patiently for the 14th, the official release date for the dvd and my anticipated shipping date. So, as I wait I get wind from various websites and friends on-line that the dvd is in fact available in stores and was made availabe on Tuesday the 11th.

    Buying one in the store should have been a very easy process but I encountered a second wave of incompetence from the people working the registers.

    So now I return to my personal boycott of Walmart stores. I believe my blood pressure will return to normal soon, at least I hope so.

    I plan to do a full review of the dvd experience later but want to make two points.

    The 2009 take of 'Sweet Caroline' on the cd is an enjoyable treat and reinforces my contention that this is the way this song should be song. There is a 2009 version of "Play Me" as well and it is okay but not special. The rest of the cd is a rehash of original releases and a disappointment.

    The DVD quality is striking and so far I am enjoying it. But Like I said, I will do a complete review later.

    My best advice right now would be to go to your local Walmart and buy this dvd/cd pack. It would be worth it at twice the price.

    Saturday, July 04, 2009

    Once a Nutbag, Always a Nutbag

    But she doesn't ever want to be a 'lame duck' nutbag.

    This is great news in so many ways. Sarah Palin is the gift that keeps on giving.

    Wednesday, July 01, 2009

    Just when I was thinking it was over-

    Franken finally makes his claim on Wellstone's seat which had been held hostage by a political opportunist for slightly more than six years, Obama is making a dent in the pile of crap he inherited from "W", there is significant movement toward withdrawl from Iraq and giving that country back to the Iraqis (although I am suspicious). All of this was adding up to good reasons to make my hiatus from blogging permanent.

    But still, there are at least two solid reasons to keep this blog going. Michelle Bachman (who previously has been dubbed on APTA as 'nutbag'), and Sarah Palin. Now the article attached to this post might require me to reclassify Bachman. While clearly a nutbag in her own right, Sarah Palin, the spotlight grabbing governor from the north, might be making a serious claim on the title.

    Read for yourselves.

    Wednesday, April 29, 2009

    Talking out of both sides of the mouths of both faces

    There is no way anyone can still rationally believe that Coleman is motivated by anything other than obstructing Franken from taking his seat and tearing him down.

    Tuesday, April 28, 2009

    The Lady is a nutbag!

    I could post daily links like this one and still not cover all the ridiculousness of Michelle Bachmann. The woman must be insane.

    Monday, April 13, 2009

    Friday, April 10, 2009

    Conservatives Approve of Tea-bagging

    In a radical shift in social policy conservatives now overwhelmingly appove of and promote "tea-bagging" Parties are being scheduled and promoted my FOX News and their viewers.

    Thursday, April 09, 2009

    The Real Reason Coleman and Republicans keep fighting Franken

    Be it card check, or any number of issues that were clearly supported by voters in the last election, The Republicans, who lost huge in November are going to be obstructionists for at least the next two years- no need to come up with new ideas, or honest men and women to promote thos enew ideas. It is so much easier to lawyer up and fill the airwaves with talking heads to contantly rail against anything and everything the majority tries to do.

    And Al Franken and the people of Minnesota suffer for it.

    Tuesday, March 10, 2009

    Wish I could say it was worth the wait.

    TPM has been doing an awesome job with this story. I am hoping for a decision by Easter

    Saturday, March 07, 2009

    Coleman Lawsuit- Franken Motion to Dismiss

    Ever since the Minnesota Senate recount concluded- even before- the Coleman team has been trying every method at their disposal to discredit the system. They have even gone so far as to repeatedly challenge the decisions of the three-judge panel in place to rule on this case.

    It is no longer any secret that the Coleman camp and all of the Republican talking heads are asking for a re-vote, for which there seems to be no provision in Minnesota law. Clearly, they have given up on the idea that they can actually win, so they plan to muddy the waters, change the focus and criticize the referees in order to delay, for as long as possible, the outcome of this proceeding.

    Now this twist in the mix. In the hearing for dismissal of the Case Coleman's attorney says:

    Langdon summed up his case, against dismissal: "We believe that we have presented competent, persuasive evidence so that on a preponderance of the evidence, this court can find that there are a material number of ballots that should not have been rejected -- and by material I mean a significantly larger number than 225."

    I doubt it, but let's suppose that Langdon is exactly right. Let's suppose that there are in fact a significantly larger number than 225 ballots that need to be counted in this case:

    Including the number of votes added to Frnaken's side during Coleman's case presentation there would need to b somewhere over 500 additional ballots (the evidence does not suggest this is the case). Also, each and every one of those votes would need to go to Coleman in order to overcome Franken's lead.

    So even if Langdon is absolutely correct that they have proved what he says they have (a big if), they have not proven what they needed to prove- namely, that engaging in any activity to count ballots would have a reasonable chance to change the outcome of the election.

    I doubt the court will dismiss they case. Afterall, why start making sense now? Still I think the argument is a good one. I am surprised also and disappointed that Franken's team chose to start they case before presenting the motion to dismiss. The fact that they already began a defense might suggest that they feel points were made that need to be defended against, thus working against their argument to dismiss.

    Local media (namely, the Minneapolis Startribune) has been terrible in their reporting of this case, often substituting opinion for facts and engage the loony fringe who like to comment in the comment threads.

    I find "Talking Points Memo" much more informative.

    The big question that remains for me is whether I will have paid my taxes befor eour new Senator takes his seat in Washington.

    Tuesday, March 03, 2009

    This will solve the problem of unruly teens loitering in the Mall.

    I love the idea.

    Entertainer? GOP Leader, still a Big Fat Idiot!!!

    So now the leaders of the GOP are fawning over Limbaugh and apologizing for calling him an entertainer. But wait, didn't fatso himself broad;ly proclaim himself as an entertainer n order to avoid using such things as facts in his daily remarks? Didn't he himself deny being a GOP leader at a time when it suited him to do so and in order to make outrageous and uunsubstanciated claims against Clinton and other political leaders?

    Well, at least he is consistent. And Al Franken is still right about this guy.

    Wednesday, February 18, 2009

    Idol Recap-

    Okay- I tried, but bringing two rejects back from last season to perform in order to fill time is down right insulting.

    Alexis and Michael are in the top twelve and we have already been clued in that Anoop was close behind Micheal sowe will see him again in the wildcard round.

    Tatiana and Danny are placed at the center of the stage for the cliff-hanger- duh!

    The only advantae of the new format, that I can see, is the reduced number of shows each week. Previously it was guys on Monday, Girls on Tuesday and results on Wednesday.

    But seriously- kill the results show off in 30 mins- even that would be long for this dreck.

    Tuesday, February 17, 2009

    American Idol- Season 8

    OKay- it is harder to get into this this year and apparently they are going to choose the top male and female and a third place contestant each week for the next three weeks. Then they will do some sort of wild card round to fill out the top 12.

    So Okay- there is no clear female winner tonight so I am simply going to guess that it will be Alexis. Danny was very strong so he is a good bet. I would probably give the edge to Anoop for remaining in the running but if he falls out now he will return in the wild card round.

    But there wasn't anything too exciting here.

    Friday, February 13, 2009

    Again- not one vote of support by house Republicans

    Minnesota's own Michelle Bachmann has once again seen fit to jump in front of a microphone (FOX news, no less) in order to be a mouth piece for the most extreme view of the Republican party. The woman continues to demonstrate what an absolute nutbag she is.

    In the first thirty seconds of her appearance in the provided link she blames Obama and 'the liberal democrat position' for $ three trillion deficit spending.

    Point one- the bill that was before them was $789 billion, or roughly three quarters of a trillion dollars. It is the first and only bill that has been pushed by this administration. So apparently math is not her strong suit.

    Point two- This bill is a well targeted solution to an economic slide that occurred under Republican leadership. To try to place the cost at the feet of democrats is flat out dishonest.

    Point three- Is anyone besides me raising the concern that the war started byt he bush administration and supported twice by Michelle Bachmann si still going on? Is anyone raising the concern that under the bush administration- with Bachmann kissing his ass all the way lowered taxes on the rich during wartime (the first time in history that a wartime administration did not raise taxes)?

    You think this third point is not connected? Well think again. This current recession- which started officially in January of last year- can be directly attributed to the stubborness of the previous administration.

    Any Republican who tries to place the current deficit at the feet of Obama should be called out by honest people on both sides of the aisle.

    But if Obama wants to get serious about solving this current crisis he needs to get back to the basics he ran on. Namely, The Iraqi War is the primary cause of our economic situation. Wasteful spending, squandered resources- including human life and the absolute arrogance of our position there must be ended. President Obama needs to govern as he ran.

    The stimulous package just passed is probably not a great bill. In truth, the only thing I like about it is that it is an attempt to do something. I also appreciate that Obama has tried to reach across the aisle without bending over and kissing their lily whites. But, in the end, it probably is not enough.

    The Republicans have shown their colors and will likely oppose anything the new president tries to do. And that is good news. I would propose he apply the same attitude in congress that he applies to foreign affairs, "if you unclench your fists we will extend our open hand."

    In the mean time, I suggest that our new president stop worrying about appeasing people who will not be appeased and govern based on the principles on which he ran. Lead by example, end the war, empower people to bring about the change we need.

    In one year and 7 months- a little less- we will once again have a chance to get rid of the nut job windbag and her counterparts in congress. Until then, let them put together any kind of opposition to change they can muster- they will only come out looking like the morons that they are.

    Monday, February 09, 2009

    Can't remember the last time the media said this:

    Neil Diamond is Totally Awesome!!! (See related link)

    Maybe its just me but I was glad to see Neil on tv but underwhelmed by him and by the whole show. I think the reason Diamond and even McCartney ( of whom I am not a fan) were such highlights of the show is because the whole thing became so jumbled.

    I felt they tried to do too much and extended it out too long.

    And for the record- I had never seen or heard the Jonas Bros. before and was not overly impressed. They seemed to all sound like chipmunks and they flailed around out of control on their instruments. But the most annoying part for me was when they kept calling out " Go Stevie" and "let me take it Stevie" as if they actually belong on stage with such a giant.

    Given that Stevie wonder has performed on more Grammy Presentations and over a longer period of time that any artist- wouldn't it have been a better choice to give him the stage to himself and let these little clowns bow before him?

    Monday, February 02, 2009

    What a Dope? really?

    If you haven't seen the photo of Michael Phelps or heard or read about the hype, check out the link.

    This is a disappointing event, to be sure. But is it worth the hype. Like so many others I was mermerized by Michael's performance this past summer and four years before. And by all accounts he has handled himself in the public eye, for the most part, with a particular grace.
    The publication "News of the World" has a reputation for sensationalizing its stories and the 'partier' who is quoted in the story lacks a certain credibility.

    From what I have seen about this in the media it would appear that he was partying like a 23 year old who is normally under a great deal of pressure. It is uncertain at this point what his sponsors and his endorsement companies will do with this news. I hope they cut him a bit of slack.

    The bigger issue, of course, is a culture that elevates celebrity to hero status. Maybe an instance like this makes him a bit more human and a bit more humble. I wouldn't have agreed with the way he chose to blow off steam but it is good to see that he has the same need as all of us to do so.

    Tuesday, January 20, 2009

    Community Organizer in Chief

    This guy has a way of saying what needs to be said. The inaugural address was really no different from what he has said before- but it sure felt great to hear him say it as president.

    He is clear that we have a job to do. He was also clear that it will take all of us.

    Monday, January 19, 2009

    By What Moral Authority?

    national sanctity of human life day 2009

    A Proclamation by the President of the United States of America

    All human life is a gift from our Creator that is sacred, unique, and worthy of protection.

    On National Sanctity of Human Life Day, our country recognizes that each person, including every person waiting to be born, has a special place and purpose in this world. We also underscore our dedication to heeding this message of conscience by speaking up for the weak and voiceless among us.

    The most basic duty of government is to protect the life of the innocent. My Administration has been committed to building a culture of life by vigorously promoting adoption and parental notification laws, opposing Federal funding for abortions overseas, encouraging teen abstinence, and funding crisis pregnancy programs.

    In 2002, I was honored to sign into law the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, which extends legal protection to children who survive an abortion attempt. I signed legislation in 2003 to ban the cruel practice of partial-birth abortion, and that law represents our commitment to building a culture of life in America.

    Also, I was proud to sign the Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004, which allows authorities to charge a person who causes death or injury to a child in the womb with a separate offense in addition to any charges relating to the mother.

    America is a caring Nation, and our values should guide us as we harness the gifts of science. In our zeal for new treatments and cures, we must never abandon our fundamental morals. We can achieve the great breakthroughs we all seek with reverence for the gift of life.

    The sanctity of life is written in the hearts of all men and women.

    On this day and throughout the year, we aspire to build a society in which every child is welcome in life and protected in law. We also encourage more of our fellow Americans to join our just and noble cause. History tells us that with a cause rooted in our deepest principles and appealing to the best instincts of our citizens, we will prevail.

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim January 18, 2009, as National Sanctity of Human Life Day. I call upon all Americans to recognize this day with appropriate ceremonies and to underscore our commitment to respecting and protecting the life and dignity of every human being.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fifteenth day of January, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third. GEORGE W. BUSH

    Source: White House News

    Lovely, except that acts by our government to udermine the dignity of Human life through torture, through unlawful detainment and through agressive acts of war on sovereign lands have eroded the very authority this president claims in this symbolic act.

    Notice this president- who has spent the last several weeks, like a prospecter looking for small nuggets of gold, singling out the smallest of achievements in his eight-year reign- did not mention anythimg about an actual reduction in the number of abortion (it didn't happen). Nor does he mention anything about the plight of children and poor women who are falling through the cracks of our health care system.

    He mentions his abstinence based education programs but fails, even now, to admit their absolute failure to achieve their established goal.

    Once again, this president, on behalf of the extreme right, is spoon-feeding us with tripe and failed rhetoric where policies have failed.

    The message of the above declaration is stunning and it is a challenge to which our country could indeed respond. The problem is the absolute lack of credibility of the messenger. As such, it looks more foolish and arrogant.

    Some have already said that this is a feable attempt for this president to try to remain relevant in his last days. That may be partly true. More likely, this is a planned conservative movement to try to come out of the failed policies of the past eight years with an issue they can call their own.

    And it may work. Memories are short- look no further than the resurgent popularity of past presidents Nixon and Bush I. In 2 years time it is just this sort of message that a Sarah Palin or Mike Huckabee (and locally Michelle Buchanan ) could use to crystalize the abortion issue.

    Simgle issue politics has worked in the past and in the end, as we bid farewell to to this failed administration, it may be all they have left.

    Wednesday, January 07, 2009

    He was a Democrat before he was a Republican...

    He was an anti-war protester before he was hawlish on Iraq.
    He has claimed to be a fighter for Minnesotans.

    I could go on. The point is that Norm Coleman is a liar who will say anything to obtain and hold power. This is an exact quote from what he said to the media the morning after the election, after claiming victory in the Senate Race:

    Coleman said the odds of anything changing with a recount are "extremely remote." Coleman also encouraged Franken to handle it the "Minnesota way" by not dragging it out in the courts.
    Coleman said he is encouraged after a recount in the primary between Hennepin County District Court Judge Deborah Hedlund and Supreme Court Justice Lorie Gildea. After a recount in that race, only seven votes out of over 100,000 votes were changed.

    The senator also said at the news conference that he will not use the courts to challenge the outcome if the results move in favor of Franken.

    But, we all knew he was lying so I guess he feels it is okay.

    Former Governor Arnie Carlson has asked Coleman to let this go in hopes of preserving whatever political future he may have left in Minnesota. The long-time Coleman supporter (regardless of party allegiance) is concerned that whatever goodwill remains for Coleman will disappear in a protracted and likely unsuccessful fight.

    Right now, the former senator does not seem to care. He seems to have forgotten that as recently as two weeks ago he said: "This fight is not about me. It is about the people of Minnesota. This process has been lengthy and , while I am optimistic about the outcome, I can do other things (presumably, besides being a senator)."

    But again, People must always remember --- and never forget--- that Coleman lies.

    Tuesday, January 06, 2009

    Coleman: Waah!! Waah!! Waah!!

    Here it is- Do the words "arrogant prick" mean anything to anyone?

    Coleman shrugged off the idea that he might concede the election to avoid a protracted fight that could leave Minnesota with only a single senator in Washington for months.

    "Something greater than expediency is at stake here," Coleman said. He added: "Democracy is not a machine. Sometimes it's messy and inconvenient, and reaching the best conclusion is never quick because speed is not the first objective, fairness is."

    He also said:

    This is not just about me. The eyes of the nation are on the state that we love and we need to show them that Minnesota has done everything we can to make sure that we protect every voter’s right. At this moment, I may not have a working office in D.C. or in St. Paul, but I still have my voice in Minnesota, and I certainly plan to use it.

    We need to get this right for all of us: a true, accurate and valid result of the Minnesota United States Senate Recount so all Minnesotans can have a Senator with the full credibility to lead and serve.

    Funny he would - all of the sudden- care about having a senator with 'full credibility.'

    Monday, January 05, 2009

    Minnesota Canvassing Board Certifies election results-

    Clearly indicating Franken as the winner of the election but without certifying Him as a senator elect. This little nuance is caused by Minnesota law which does not certify the winner as long as there is a potential contest.

    But the action of the board today starts a 7-day window for Coleman to file his election contest with the courts.

    My guess is that we will see this thing play out over the next 5 to 7 days while we qwiat for the Coleman camp to file the challenge they have already called inevitable. The reason for the wait is simply to run down the clock. Coleman knows that the best he can hopew for at this point is to obstruct Franken from taking his rightful place in the senate. For that reason, he will undoubtedly drag out every action for the longest allowable time.

    I would hope that the powers that be, such as they are in the Republican party, would sit down with Norm and have a "Come to Jesus" talk. Surely, someone must realize that a prolonged fight in the courts will seriously limit his options for a political future in Minnesota. The problem is that Coleman is incapable of being gracious or of putting the interests of the state before his own.

    We have seen it too many times before.

    After three months- this election is finally over. Now we just need to get him rightfully seated. That may take a bit longer.

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