On February 12th I sent this letter to Amy Klobuchar:
Dear Senator Klobuchar,I am a long-time supporter. I appreciated your words regarding remaining silent at this time in the super delegate process as we continue in what is shaping up to be a very exciting Presidential race for our nation and for our party.As you consider your position I hope you will consider the overwhelming support Senator Obama has received by the people of our state.I am a regular party active and have never before seen such crowds at a caucus.In my particular precinct 78% went for Obama. I asked several why and discovered that there were many first timers who turned up for Obama.These first-timers and the youth of Minnesota are energized about the possibility of casting their votes this fall for a Minnesota ballot that is headed by Barack Obama for President and Al Franken in the senate race.Like you, I hope this matter clears itself up long before you need to cast your super delegate vote. But if not, I hope you will give strong consideration to the opinion of the people you serve.Thanks for all you do.
Today, my favorite Senator from the Great State of Minnesota pledged her support for Barack Obama along with the entire congressional delegation from the state of North Carolina.
She was completely within her rights to do otherwise, but I for one am grateful that in this contentious time in the life of the Democratic Party she has chosen to follow the direction of the citizens of her home state.
I must confess that Amy Klobuchar was not my first choice when she first decided to run for senate, but her excellent work and her remarkable abilities and judgement have made me an avid supporter.
Imagine the work she and Franken will be able to do together for the good of Minnesota and the whole nation.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
I do not Shop at Walmart
This story is one more reason why you should not shop there either. Pay the extra $1 per $20 to shop anywhere else.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
My favorite Clinton
On Tuesday at Butler College in Indiana, Chelsea Clinton got a question.
The school's mascot is a bulldog, so the hyper-controlling campaign probably should have expected that the last question for Miss Chelsea would be about whether her mother's credibility had been, er, damaged by her response to dad's dalliance.
Chelsea Clinton's response:
"Wow, you're the first person actually that's ever asked me that question in the, I don't know maybe, 70 college campuses I've now been to, and..." then she paused for dramatic effect before concluding, "I do not think that is any of your business."
The 200 students applauded.
Clinton then showed all the poise of an old campaigner by saying, "And I don't think that should be the last question." She then ably handled an inquiry about global warming.
And that was that.
Perhaps, now, the Clinton campaign will decide that Chelsea Clinton -- who at this point is the only member of the family who has not embarrassed herself on the campaign trail -- can and should be treated as an adult.
But that won't happen -- not because the Clinton camp actually fears tough questions but because it easier to control the message by maintaining the "Chelsea's a kid" line. So they will.
And her mother and father will continue stepping in it while the most competent Clinton continues to campaign with training wheels rather than as the able adult that she is.
The school's mascot is a bulldog, so the hyper-controlling campaign probably should have expected that the last question for Miss Chelsea would be about whether her mother's credibility had been, er, damaged by her response to dad's dalliance.
Chelsea Clinton's response:
"Wow, you're the first person actually that's ever asked me that question in the, I don't know maybe, 70 college campuses I've now been to, and..." then she paused for dramatic effect before concluding, "I do not think that is any of your business."
The 200 students applauded.
Clinton then showed all the poise of an old campaigner by saying, "And I don't think that should be the last question." She then ably handled an inquiry about global warming.
And that was that.
Perhaps, now, the Clinton campaign will decide that Chelsea Clinton -- who at this point is the only member of the family who has not embarrassed herself on the campaign trail -- can and should be treated as an adult.
But that won't happen -- not because the Clinton camp actually fears tough questions but because it easier to control the message by maintaining the "Chelsea's a kid" line. So they will.
And her mother and father will continue stepping in it while the most competent Clinton continues to campaign with training wheels rather than as the able adult that she is.
This is me being politically incorrect!!!
This is the latest "so-called" news story to distract us from important world events- like say, I don't know- THE WAR.
The pregnant man story is redicullous. I don't care what people do with their private lives. I really don't. However, a woman who chooses to have cosmetic surgery in order to make herself look like a manwho retains her female reproductive parts is still a woman. Her chromosomes will tell the story. Her existing and functioning female parts will tell the story.
Cosmetics aside, this person is still a woman.
What this person along with this person's mate choose to do reproductively is their business. I do not find the story socially redeeming. I do not find it to provide any particular advance to science (for good or ill). I do think it demonstrates a very creepy detail about the lives of two (or arguably three) people that makes me want to run away covering my ears shouting "La la la- I can't hear you!!"
I did not need to know. I think that at least one of these three people will regret the current media hype at some point. I also think that GLBT groups who are touting this as some kind of 'success' are missing - not making- a broader point.
What kind of a man- who sees themselves as 'trapped in a female body' would want to change the physical appearance but not the functions that make him definitionally female? A more cynical person, if such a person exists, might suggest that this man/woman is a publicity seeker.
I find the headlines deceptive and damaging. I find the apparent glee in reporting this story disturbing. But mostly, I just find it creepy.
I suppose that people will continue to stay glued to this story the way gawkers slow down at car accidents or train wrecks but I think the better course of action would be to impose on these people the privacy that they themselves are not wise enough to seek.
The pregnant man story is redicullous. I don't care what people do with their private lives. I really don't. However, a woman who chooses to have cosmetic surgery in order to make herself look like a manwho retains her female reproductive parts is still a woman. Her chromosomes will tell the story. Her existing and functioning female parts will tell the story.
Cosmetics aside, this person is still a woman.
What this person along with this person's mate choose to do reproductively is their business. I do not find the story socially redeeming. I do not find it to provide any particular advance to science (for good or ill). I do think it demonstrates a very creepy detail about the lives of two (or arguably three) people that makes me want to run away covering my ears shouting "La la la- I can't hear you!!"
I did not need to know. I think that at least one of these three people will regret the current media hype at some point. I also think that GLBT groups who are touting this as some kind of 'success' are missing - not making- a broader point.
What kind of a man- who sees themselves as 'trapped in a female body' would want to change the physical appearance but not the functions that make him definitionally female? A more cynical person, if such a person exists, might suggest that this man/woman is a publicity seeker.
I find the headlines deceptive and damaging. I find the apparent glee in reporting this story disturbing. But mostly, I just find it creepy.
I suppose that people will continue to stay glued to this story the way gawkers slow down at car accidents or train wrecks but I think the better course of action would be to impose on these people the privacy that they themselves are not wise enough to seek.
Monday, March 24, 2008
5 Years, 4000 dead, over 29,000 injured
and countless civilians dead and wounded in Iraq. and Dick Cheney says "so?"
They still say it was worth it.
They still say it was worth it.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Anderson Cooper Dissects Reverend Wright's Comments
If you click the link above, you will find that the most shocking comments were not actually Jeremiah Wright. He was quoting a former US diplomat to Iraq.
Anderson Cooper, who apparently deserves more attention from me than he has been given in the past sets the record clear on the whole sermon.
It is actually a pretty outstanding commentary on pour culture and government from a Christian perspective.
The other sermon- the one that the news and the right wingers keep trying to conflate with this one ( with the G-D America! declaration) is not part of this text. It was given, apparently much later and in a completely different context. I am eager to see the context of that one as well.
Anderson Cooper, who apparently deserves more attention from me than he has been given in the past sets the record clear on the whole sermon.
It is actually a pretty outstanding commentary on pour culture and government from a Christian perspective.
The other sermon- the one that the news and the right wingers keep trying to conflate with this one ( with the G-D America! declaration) is not part of this text. It was given, apparently much later and in a completely different context. I am eager to see the context of that one as well.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Richardson Endorses Obama-
There is no doubt in my mind that Barack Obama has the judgment and courage we need in a commander in chief when our nation's security is on the line. He showed this judgment by opposing the Iraq war from the start, and he has show it during this campaign by standing up for a new era in American leadership internationally," Richardson said.
Obama said he was "deeply honored" to have Richardson's support. "Whether it's fighting to end the Iraq war or stop the genocide in Darfur or prevent nuclear weapons from falling into the hands of terrorists, Gov. Richardson has been a powerful voice on issues of global security, peace and justice, earning five Nobel Peace Prize nominations," Obama said in a statement.
Obama said he was "deeply honored" to have Richardson's support. "Whether it's fighting to end the Iraq war or stop the genocide in Darfur or prevent nuclear weapons from falling into the hands of terrorists, Gov. Richardson has been a powerful voice on issues of global security, peace and justice, earning five Nobel Peace Prize nominations," Obama said in a statement.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Barack Obama as Commander -in- Chief
Click link above to see a 2:20 video clip or follow the link to read the whole awesome text of his second spectaular speech in two days. And before anyone accuses me of a bias against Hillary- give me examples of such speeches from her and I will gladly make them available.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
What Am I still waiting to hear?
All day long, we have been hearing that after five years in Iraq the American people are more concerned about the economy. I doubt that is true. But to the extent that it is, I am looking for a candidate to make this connection.
Five years after we invaded Iraq in an ill-conceived, poorly planned, discretionary war- the situation there is less stable than it was when we went in, 4000 American live and hundreds of thousands of innocents have been killed or injured, the most conservative estimates are that this war has cost $three trillion and upwards.
We have never been asked as a people to make any kind of sacrifice for this effort- except to go spend money-
The Iraqi war and the economy are inextricably linked. In order to solve the economy problems we need to solve the Iraqi conflict. We need someone to say so.
Five years after we invaded Iraq in an ill-conceived, poorly planned, discretionary war- the situation there is less stable than it was when we went in, 4000 American live and hundreds of thousands of innocents have been killed or injured, the most conservative estimates are that this war has cost $three trillion and upwards.
We have never been asked as a people to make any kind of sacrifice for this effort- except to go spend money-
The Iraqi war and the economy are inextricably linked. In order to solve the economy problems we need to solve the Iraqi conflict. We need someone to say so.
President "W" gave a speech on five years in Iraq.
Was it worth it? What do you Think Bailey?
I just can't watch this guy anymore. We killed Saddam Hussein- Yeah!!! But at what cost?
I think he has sad 'Saddam's Regeme' like nine times and counting. He claimed, without a shred of evidence, that the US is safer because of this action.
I have to turn this off but am looking forward to Keith Olbermann's take on this.
Since when does "W" pronounce the word 'horror' as horra- or is it whora?
I think he has sad 'Saddam's Regeme' like nine times and counting. He claimed, without a shred of evidence, that the US is safer because of this action.
I have to turn this off but am looking forward to Keith Olbermann's take on this.
Since when does "W" pronounce the word 'horror' as horra- or is it whora?
I want Pat Buchanan to SHUT UP about Barack Obama and Race
This web site uses Pat Buchanan's own words to describe his various statements of bigotry over the years. His own extreme views makes him ill- equipped to even comment on the current flap. Certainly, since he has made such charged statements himself as Rev.Wright has made, I don't think he has a credible voice as to Obama's associations.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
I strongly recommend Campaign Process Reform.
Everyone always talks about campaign finance reform. That will never be the answer.I posted earlier about Bobby Kennedy not even entering the 1968 campaign until March 16th of that same year. And that was at a time when news didn't travel at lightning speed.I believe that congress should pass legistlation that would delay declaring candidacy until 'no earlier than January 15 of the election year" and that no primaries or caucuses should occur before March 15 of that same year.This tightened rocess would require the news to provide more balance. There would be less time to bicker and spend money on negative campaigning and I believe fewer people would enter the races.It worked in the early to latter part of the last century and I believe that with on-line access and 24 hour news cycles would significantly help in the process.Further, more states would have their contests at the same time and media created momentum would play less of a factor than regional interest in a particular candidate.These are my thoughts for the day based on the fatigue I am feeling right now about the process.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Calling them Out!!!
Keith Olbermann got this absolutely right in his special commentary regarding the Ferraro comment.
Be Clear- Keith did not compare the Clinton's to David Duke. He did not compare Ferraro to David Duke. What he said, referring to a comment Ferraro made in 1988 about Jesse Jackson's presidential campaign, was that the comment reads as if it is stolen from David Duke.
And all the while the Clinton surrogates keep race baiting Hillary Clinton manages to turn herself into the woman victim. She did it in New Hampshire. She continually accuses the media of 'picking on her' and throwing soft balls at her opponent while she attacks Obama on credibility and on security in ways that will hurt the party in November. Can anyone name another campaign in our history that has been so masterful in its ablity to influence, shape and threaten the medai to get the stories to play there way?
Can anyone name in our history another candidate where the talking heads from the opposing ideology lined up to support them as the candidate. Hillary Clinton has had the right wing frothing at the mouth since before she announce her 'decision' to run.
Make no mistake, they want to run against Hillary Clinton.
Now Ferraro, while making statements that, if not racist in their intent, make me cringe by their stupidity- she accuses the Obama campaign of unfairness and introducing race into the campaign.
The worst part of this whole campaign is that Hillary's image is getting tarnished in ways that can never be undone. In the 90's we lived with the fact that Bill Clinton was a political animal- to the point of lack of scruples. This campaign is reaching to depths that we have never seen before. He may be behind it but her name is on the front of it.
What would Hillary Clinton, or Geraldine Ferraro for that matter, say if someone of prominence in the party wee to say that the only reason she is in her position is because she is a woman.
The fact is, we already know. When Chris Matthews made a comment complimenting her strength in dealing with the issues of her past- her campaign twisted the statement to a point where it was no longer recognizable and accused him of totally discrediting every accomplishment of her carreer because she is a woman who handled being a victim with grace.
When she reacted so heavy handedly to a tv talking head, did anyone accuse her of introducing gender into the campaign? No.
So how is it that when Obama says that the comments made by Geraldine Ferraro are 'unfortunate, divisive and ridiculous' it can be said that the Obama campaign introduced race into the campaign.
There is no denying the racial nature of what Ferraro said. It is doubtful that Ferraro had racist intent. But for her to deny, time and again, that saying a man is only where he is because he is black is definitionally racist, is intellecually dishonest.
Be Clear- Keith did not compare the Clinton's to David Duke. He did not compare Ferraro to David Duke. What he said, referring to a comment Ferraro made in 1988 about Jesse Jackson's presidential campaign, was that the comment reads as if it is stolen from David Duke.
And all the while the Clinton surrogates keep race baiting Hillary Clinton manages to turn herself into the woman victim. She did it in New Hampshire. She continually accuses the media of 'picking on her' and throwing soft balls at her opponent while she attacks Obama on credibility and on security in ways that will hurt the party in November. Can anyone name another campaign in our history that has been so masterful in its ablity to influence, shape and threaten the medai to get the stories to play there way?
Can anyone name in our history another candidate where the talking heads from the opposing ideology lined up to support them as the candidate. Hillary Clinton has had the right wing frothing at the mouth since before she announce her 'decision' to run.
Make no mistake, they want to run against Hillary Clinton.
Now Ferraro, while making statements that, if not racist in their intent, make me cringe by their stupidity- she accuses the Obama campaign of unfairness and introducing race into the campaign.
The worst part of this whole campaign is that Hillary's image is getting tarnished in ways that can never be undone. In the 90's we lived with the fact that Bill Clinton was a political animal- to the point of lack of scruples. This campaign is reaching to depths that we have never seen before. He may be behind it but her name is on the front of it.
What would Hillary Clinton, or Geraldine Ferraro for that matter, say if someone of prominence in the party wee to say that the only reason she is in her position is because she is a woman.
The fact is, we already know. When Chris Matthews made a comment complimenting her strength in dealing with the issues of her past- her campaign twisted the statement to a point where it was no longer recognizable and accused him of totally discrediting every accomplishment of her carreer because she is a woman who handled being a victim with grace.
When she reacted so heavy handedly to a tv talking head, did anyone accuse her of introducing gender into the campaign? No.
So how is it that when Obama says that the comments made by Geraldine Ferraro are 'unfortunate, divisive and ridiculous' it can be said that the Obama campaign introduced race into the campaign.
There is no denying the racial nature of what Ferraro said. It is doubtful that Ferraro had racist intent. But for her to deny, time and again, that saying a man is only where he is because he is black is definitionally racist, is intellecually dishonest.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Geraldine Ferraro
I used to admire this woman. A woman- chosen because she was a woman to make history as the first Woman VP candidate - who has always been a voice for equality and challenging perceptions.
But what has happened? If I hadn't seen a clip of her saying it I would not have believed it was really her. But this is what she said, as reported by CNN:
"If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman, he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept," Ferraro told the newspaper.
Ferraro said Clinton had suffered because the press "has been uniquely hard on her. It's been a very sexist media. Some just don't like her. The others have gotten caught up in the Obama campaign."
Oh Boo Hoo!!!
Admittedly, I am one who has never had to worry particularly about how people are reacting to me because of the color of my skin. But then neither is Ferraro. But I find it extremely disingenuous, calculating and manipulative to suggest that a black man has a better chance than any woman for any position because of the color of his skin.
History is against her on this one.
And the sexist media comment seems out of touch as well. After all, it is the Clinton campaign that has managed to badger the media by calling foul any time they perceive they have been criticized (MSNBC most clearly).
Both the Obama and the Clinton campaigns spend more time apologizing and disavowing their supporters than they do actually campaigning. they spend more time criticizing the other sides tactics than they do defining their own policies.
The polls in Mississippi show that the voters there feel Clinton is 'more unfair' by 61% to 39%.
At what point do we decide to raise the bar? The people deserve better.
If the two remaining candidates work hard enough I believe they will have no problem losing come November.
For my part- every time I hear a candidate - or a surrogate- cry foul because of the perceived unfairness - I intend to lambast that candidate in this forum.
But what has happened? If I hadn't seen a clip of her saying it I would not have believed it was really her. But this is what she said, as reported by CNN:
"If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman, he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept," Ferraro told the newspaper.
Ferraro said Clinton had suffered because the press "has been uniquely hard on her. It's been a very sexist media. Some just don't like her. The others have gotten caught up in the Obama campaign."
Oh Boo Hoo!!!
Admittedly, I am one who has never had to worry particularly about how people are reacting to me because of the color of my skin. But then neither is Ferraro. But I find it extremely disingenuous, calculating and manipulative to suggest that a black man has a better chance than any woman for any position because of the color of his skin.
History is against her on this one.
And the sexist media comment seems out of touch as well. After all, it is the Clinton campaign that has managed to badger the media by calling foul any time they perceive they have been criticized (MSNBC most clearly).
Both the Obama and the Clinton campaigns spend more time apologizing and disavowing their supporters than they do actually campaigning. they spend more time criticizing the other sides tactics than they do defining their own policies.
The polls in Mississippi show that the voters there feel Clinton is 'more unfair' by 61% to 39%.
At what point do we decide to raise the bar? The people deserve better.
If the two remaining candidates work hard enough I believe they will have no problem losing come November.
For my part- every time I hear a candidate - or a surrogate- cry foul because of the perceived unfairness - I intend to lambast that candidate in this forum.
Monday, March 10, 2008
This should pave the way for Franken in this Fall's Senate race against the Green Goblin
ON HIS WITHDRAWAL FROM THE U.S. SENATE RACEI am announcing today my withdrawal from the contest for the DFL endorsement and the conclusion of my candidacy for the U.S. Senate. In my judgment, continuing the endorsement race would only lead to an unnecessary floor fight. It is time to step aside. On entering the race, I expressed my passionate belief that our country had lost its direction and that the middle class was being crushed economically. We have a failed foreign policy that has led us into a war that, despite the extraordinary service of our armed forces and the sacrifices of their families, has served to further destabilize the Middle East and led to a less safe world. Middle class jobs are evaporating and quality educational opportunity is being denied to our children. College education is increasingly unaffordable, and graduates are saddled with enormous loans. We have a "sick care" system rather than a health care system that is affordable and accessible to all. The environment is not being nurtured and protected. We have a tax system that has created the greatest wealth gap since the early 1900s. Staggering debt is being passed on to future generations, and yet those who seek political office say little about the difficult economic choices we must make. We are at defining moment in our nation's history, and we have the opportunity to reject the failed policies of the past and write a new chapter in the American story. I am confident we will do so because of the spirit, creativity, and optimism of our fellow citizens. Ann and I have traveled our entire state for the past year, and the desire and sense of urgency for change is palpable. We believe that the people will demand that the tough choices be presented and that the vast majority of Americans will reject self-interest in favor of the common good and shared sacrifice. I firmly believe that America's best days are still ahead of us. As we return to private life, I will continue my efforts, as I have my entire life, to work with others in contributing to the common good of our state and nation. Ann and I and our family wish to express our deep gratitude to all of our fellow Minnesotans who have so graciously welcomed us into their homes, businesses, and towns and engaged us in heartfelt discussions concerning the issues facing our nation. We are also deeply indebted to all of our supporters and staff who passionately believe in our message and have worked tirelessly on our behalf. The memories and friendships forged are timeless. We encourage all to remain committed to changing the direction of our nation and to support candidates of their choice. God bless all of you -- Mike and Ann Ciresi
ON HIS WITHDRAWAL FROM THE U.S. SENATE RACEI am announcing today my withdrawal from the contest for the DFL endorsement and the conclusion of my candidacy for the U.S. Senate. In my judgment, continuing the endorsement race would only lead to an unnecessary floor fight. It is time to step aside. On entering the race, I expressed my passionate belief that our country had lost its direction and that the middle class was being crushed economically. We have a failed foreign policy that has led us into a war that, despite the extraordinary service of our armed forces and the sacrifices of their families, has served to further destabilize the Middle East and led to a less safe world. Middle class jobs are evaporating and quality educational opportunity is being denied to our children. College education is increasingly unaffordable, and graduates are saddled with enormous loans. We have a "sick care" system rather than a health care system that is affordable and accessible to all. The environment is not being nurtured and protected. We have a tax system that has created the greatest wealth gap since the early 1900s. Staggering debt is being passed on to future generations, and yet those who seek political office say little about the difficult economic choices we must make. We are at defining moment in our nation's history, and we have the opportunity to reject the failed policies of the past and write a new chapter in the American story. I am confident we will do so because of the spirit, creativity, and optimism of our fellow citizens. Ann and I have traveled our entire state for the past year, and the desire and sense of urgency for change is palpable. We believe that the people will demand that the tough choices be presented and that the vast majority of Americans will reject self-interest in favor of the common good and shared sacrifice. I firmly believe that America's best days are still ahead of us. As we return to private life, I will continue my efforts, as I have my entire life, to work with others in contributing to the common good of our state and nation. Ann and I and our family wish to express our deep gratitude to all of our fellow Minnesotans who have so graciously welcomed us into their homes, businesses, and towns and engaged us in heartfelt discussions concerning the issues facing our nation. We are also deeply indebted to all of our supporters and staff who passionately believe in our message and have worked tirelessly on our behalf. The memories and friendships forged are timeless. We encourage all to remain committed to changing the direction of our nation and to support candidates of their choice. God bless all of you -- Mike and Ann Ciresi
Campaigning becomes the issue
This article explains the difficulties that many of us have to sift through in this campaign cycle that is going on for too long.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Neil Diamond Interview- sort of
There used to be this bit they did on SNL. Two lounge singers would do songs translated into French and back into English- It was very funny. This translated interview reads like that.
American Idol Top 12
I'm very disappointed that Luke was voted off, even though I knew it was going to happen. I personally like his voice and he wasn't bad to look at either. He sort of reminded me of a young Dan Fogelburg.
As far as Danny I'm glad he's gone. His actions and movements were WAY too feminine for me. And what's the deal with him and Raniele?? The way she was crying you would have thought he was given a death sentence or had already died! Do they have a thing going on, meaning romantically? I'm kind of assuming he's gay but maybe he's not or maybe they are just good friends.
As far as the Asia'h and Kady, no surprises there.
As far as Danny I'm glad he's gone. His actions and movements were WAY too feminine for me. And what's the deal with him and Raniele?? The way she was crying you would have thought he was given a death sentence or had already died! Do they have a thing going on, meaning romantically? I'm kind of assuming he's gay but maybe he's not or maybe they are just good friends.
As far as the Asia'h and Kady, no surprises there.
Friday, March 07, 2008
March 2-
Bailey turned six months old.
He is 18.5 pounds of pure pug energy. He is house trained now and I only use the crate these days when he is so hyper that I cannot settle him down any other way- He gets neutered on Monday.
If anyone ever has any doubts about whether or not to neuter, all they need do is be in the same house as a dog that goes from cuddly puppy to arm and leg humping monster over night.
In reality though, he is a great dog. It has been a very long time since I have been able to train a puppy from the beginning- without any bad habits. It is a good thing.
I still have my moments of missing Reuben but Bailey is quite charming- don't you think?
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
According to this MSNBC Poll
which asks the question "who should go?" American Idol contestants Danny and Luke should be in trouble. Simon called Luke's version of "Wake me up Before you Go-Go" girly. There are two problems with that. The first is that George Michael was fronting Wham, who made this song popular. The second is- Does Simon not have anyone read the news to him? really?
David Hernandez was 'outed' as a gay stripper earlier in the afternoon. The Girly comment was, to say the least, not P C. And then there is Danny.
I like the kid's voice but he is quickly turning into this year's Sanjaya. He needs to be much mor ecareful about song choice and lose the attitude. All of that will matter only if he survives.
Which brings me to the next point. I thought David C was terrible, but I must be the only person in the world who thinks so. This accoridng to the same MSNBC Poll.
It should be noted that the VFTW people worked overtime last night to keep Danny in this thing. It would be a long stretch but that would make Chikesie the next likely one to go, which would be too bad. He was at his best last night and Simon beat him up for no reason.
David Hernandez was 'outed' as a gay stripper earlier in the afternoon. The Girly comment was, to say the least, not P C. And then there is Danny.
I like the kid's voice but he is quickly turning into this year's Sanjaya. He needs to be much mor ecareful about song choice and lose the attitude. All of that will matter only if he survives.
Which brings me to the next point. I thought David C was terrible, but I must be the only person in the world who thinks so. This accoridng to the same MSNBC Poll.
It should be noted that the VFTW people worked overtime last night to keep Danny in this thing. It would be a long stretch but that would make Chikesie the next likely one to go, which would be too bad. He was at his best last night and Simon beat him up for no reason.
Hillary- The Comeback Kid?
There was a time when I was perfectly comfortable with either of these candidates. But a series of mis-steps by the Clinton campaign reminded me of much that I do not like about them.
Is she capable- yes. Is she as good as she thinks she is- I have my doubts.
I am not happy with her campaign that is resorting- unnecessarily so- on the tactics that Democrats have been widely criticizing since- hmm?- the early 90's when they were used against the Clintons.
We gain nothing by becoming what we oppose. Her campaign- not cleverly as they would suggest- but deplorably has stolen the Karl Rove playbook (not just one page but the whole freakin' book).
Item one- criticize your opponent's strength as a weakness-
Item two- accuse your opponent of doing the same-
Item three- drop vague inuendo about politically incorrect accusations- too black- questions about religion, etc.
Item Four- when opponent responds tell them it is a low trick to introduce race or religion into a political campaign.
Item Five-(repeat as often as necessary) paint yourself as the victim every time you lose and never admit fault.
Item six- Accuse opponent of stealing a page from Karl Rove's playbook.
Item seven- this is completely new and mor earrogant than even GW Bush ever attempted:
Even n a concession speach- do not conceed. Even avoid mentioning your opponent's name but never congratulate them for doing a good job.
Last night must have been a hard night for Obama. And his speach was flat compared to what I have heard before. He must have been tired. But if anyone has been living in a cave and was seeing Obama for the first time- they would at least have seen something that Hillary Clinton seems incapable of doing. he congratulated her on a well fought race and omn her successes for the night. he thanked his supporters - and he thanked hers as well for their involvement in the process.
On Monday, Terry McCauliff commented on their successes by 'going negative.' He was asked if it was costing votes to Obama (which it clearly was) but he gave this weird answer. "I don't think we can judge how it impacts Obama's campaign but it did achieve what we set out to do. In national polls where Senators Clinton and McCain are matched head- to- head we lose to him by less than we were losing to him a week ago.
Is that a great goal or what?
Now, again, MSNBC, who the Clintons have accused of not treating them fairly, is giving her a 7 minute block to talk about how unfairly the media has been treating her.
The Clinton Campaign is reminding me why so many people do not like the political gamesmanship. And when it comes to politics at its worst- Clintons appear to be at their best.
The worst part of this: in a year when the Dems had everything to gain they are demonstrating, once again, how self-destructive they can be.
There was a time when I was perfectly comfortable with either of these candidates. But a series of mis-steps by the Clinton campaign reminded me of much that I do not like about them.
Is she capable- yes. Is she as good as she thinks she is- I have my doubts.
I am not happy with her campaign that is resorting- unnecessarily so- on the tactics that Democrats have been widely criticizing since- hmm?- the early 90's when they were used against the Clintons.
We gain nothing by becoming what we oppose. Her campaign- not cleverly as they would suggest- but deplorably has stolen the Karl Rove playbook (not just one page but the whole freakin' book).
Item one- criticize your opponent's strength as a weakness-
Item two- accuse your opponent of doing the same-
Item three- drop vague inuendo about politically incorrect accusations- too black- questions about religion, etc.
Item Four- when opponent responds tell them it is a low trick to introduce race or religion into a political campaign.
Item Five-(repeat as often as necessary) paint yourself as the victim every time you lose and never admit fault.
Item six- Accuse opponent of stealing a page from Karl Rove's playbook.
Item seven- this is completely new and mor earrogant than even GW Bush ever attempted:
Even n a concession speach- do not conceed. Even avoid mentioning your opponent's name but never congratulate them for doing a good job.
Last night must have been a hard night for Obama. And his speach was flat compared to what I have heard before. He must have been tired. But if anyone has been living in a cave and was seeing Obama for the first time- they would at least have seen something that Hillary Clinton seems incapable of doing. he congratulated her on a well fought race and omn her successes for the night. he thanked his supporters - and he thanked hers as well for their involvement in the process.
On Monday, Terry McCauliff commented on their successes by 'going negative.' He was asked if it was costing votes to Obama (which it clearly was) but he gave this weird answer. "I don't think we can judge how it impacts Obama's campaign but it did achieve what we set out to do. In national polls where Senators Clinton and McCain are matched head- to- head we lose to him by less than we were losing to him a week ago.
Is that a great goal or what?
Now, again, MSNBC, who the Clintons have accused of not treating them fairly, is giving her a 7 minute block to talk about how unfairly the media has been treating her.
The Clinton Campaign is reminding me why so many people do not like the political gamesmanship. And when it comes to politics at its worst- Clintons appear to be at their best.
The worst part of this: in a year when the Dems had everything to gain they are demonstrating, once again, how self-destructive they can be.
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