Lost, on a painted sky...

Lost,  on a painted sky...

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    Friday, September 28, 2007

    Congatulations to Al and Franni Franken on 32 years of marriage

    and finally a photo.

    I got a chance to tell Mr Franken the story I shared here about my misadventures in trying to get a photo at the state fair. He was a bit disappointed that I lost the original amusing footage.

    He graciously agreed to pose for a new photo- the one I've added here- but sufficiently chastised me for losing such 'gold'.

    The fundraiser/anniversary party was a great little gathering tonight (Friday), about 200 people I think.
    I think the best part of this evening was seeing Al and Franni together. They are a very cute couple and their love for each other is obvious even to the casual observer.