Thursday, August 31, 2006
Media Bandwagon
In the past few days I have heard several reports across the media spectrum that gas prices are set to fall between now and Thanksgiving. The reasons given for this fall is that it is:
A. Seasonal - summer travel is over
B. Lucky- the weather is less a factor than anticipated
C. Economical- people are driving less and conserving
(there is no evidence of this one)
D. Relative peace in the middle east (down-right laughable)
Suspiciously gone are the statements of additional cost for pipeline repair, increased heating costs, and anything remotely demonstrating a need to invest energy dollars into finding alternatives to foreign oil.
The political war chests of Republicans are being filled with oil money and the prices of their product drop at a time that is very convenient for the Republican majority. They are actually talking about prices under $2.00 by Thanksgiving (hmm, we shall see). More likely, prices will hit their low on about November 15. Then there will be a well publicized reason for them to escalate again (regardless of who wins the elections).
Keep watching them spin and remember to follow the advice of Ben Stein and thank these guys for their tremendous self sacrifice for the good of our country.
Keep your eyes also on Iran. This is a rerun of the events leading into Iraq and this particular President has demonstrated a complete inability to learn from his mistakes. He also seems to be a student of the principal touted by Richard Nixon that war is good for the economy.
Let the good times roll.
A. Seasonal - summer travel is over
B. Lucky- the weather is less a factor than anticipated
C. Economical- people are driving less and conserving
(there is no evidence of this one)
D. Relative peace in the middle east (down-right laughable)
Suspiciously gone are the statements of additional cost for pipeline repair, increased heating costs, and anything remotely demonstrating a need to invest energy dollars into finding alternatives to foreign oil.
The political war chests of Republicans are being filled with oil money and the prices of their product drop at a time that is very convenient for the Republican majority. They are actually talking about prices under $2.00 by Thanksgiving (hmm, we shall see). More likely, prices will hit their low on about November 15. Then there will be a well publicized reason for them to escalate again (regardless of who wins the elections).
Keep watching them spin and remember to follow the advice of Ben Stein and thank these guys for their tremendous self sacrifice for the good of our country.
Keep your eyes also on Iran. This is a rerun of the events leading into Iraq and this particular President has demonstrated a complete inability to learn from his mistakes. He also seems to be a student of the principal touted by Richard Nixon that war is good for the economy.
Let the good times roll.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
$2.63 at 3 PM on August 30.
$2.57 at noon on August 30, as reported by Linda- I found $2.63 at 3 PM August 30 at the same station I have been tracking all along.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Governor Tim Pawlenty promised
not to raise taxes as Governor.
He ignored voters and found a loophole in the law so that the new Twins stadium never was presented as a referendum for voters.
Now we are stuck with a plan, approved by the Governor - in fact, promoted by this governor to build a stadium for the Twins.
The plan, implemented by the state and enacted by Hennepin County, adds a sales tax to Hennepin County that will cost residents an average of $25 per family per year. Thank you governor. You make me feel good about a decision I made on election day in 1998 to vote for an independent candidate. Put plainly, you make your predecessor look good.
He ignored voters and found a loophole in the law so that the new Twins stadium never was presented as a referendum for voters.
Now we are stuck with a plan, approved by the Governor - in fact, promoted by this governor to build a stadium for the Twins.
The plan, implemented by the state and enacted by Hennepin County, adds a sales tax to Hennepin County that will cost residents an average of $25 per family per year. Thank you governor. You make me feel good about a decision I made on election day in 1998 to vote for an independent candidate. Put plainly, you make your predecessor look good.
$2.69 at 12 noon on August 29.
It's Happening Faster Than I thought. A conspriracy theorist might suggest that this is to draw attention from the anniversaries of the debacle of 1 year ago. But who believes that nonsense?
Monday, August 28, 2006
Gas prices (click link)
Whatever spin they put on it- Gas prices are moving as I predicted they would. Look for $2.50 by October 10. They will stay there until after the election.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Attention Mark Kennedy, you Idiot!!! (click for article)
Your latest cheeseball ad has you practicing a 'line-item-veto' on your daughter's allowance request.
The ad ignores the fact that GW Bush doesn't know how to use a veto- line item or otherwise. It also seems to ignore (really it presumes the ignorance of the public) the fact that the Supreme Court has already ruled against such a thing- not that it poses much of a problem with the current administration. "W" simply ignores the court when they do not agree with his 'world view'.
There is a truly good reason that a line item power should not be granted- It would be one more way for a majority power to shut out the voice of the minority.
If you truly want to be a US Senator, why not include in your campaign a realistic notion of using the rules of the Senate already in place to create a way to restrict additions of pork in the first place.
The ad ignores the fact that GW Bush doesn't know how to use a veto- line item or otherwise. It also seems to ignore (really it presumes the ignorance of the public) the fact that the Supreme Court has already ruled against such a thing- not that it poses much of a problem with the current administration. "W" simply ignores the court when they do not agree with his 'world view'.
There is a truly good reason that a line item power should not be granted- It would be one more way for a majority power to shut out the voice of the minority.
If you truly want to be a US Senator, why not include in your campaign a realistic notion of using the rules of the Senate already in place to create a way to restrict additions of pork in the first place.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
I tuned in to local News Yesterday and was reminded...
Of the annual ritual conducted by the television industry. Each year as "The Great Minnesota Get Together" (that's the Minnesota State Fair) gets under way, the local channels relocate to the fair grounds.
In the process, we the viewing audience at home get more than our fill of food reports and nonsense replacing the usual programming. Think of it as a 30 minute advertisement for the fair. The news - usually about 10 minutes worth stretched into 30 minutes is all but gone.
Guess I will tune in again after Labor Day.
In the process, we the viewing audience at home get more than our fill of food reports and nonsense replacing the usual programming. Think of it as a 30 minute advertisement for the fair. The news - usually about 10 minutes worth stretched into 30 minutes is all but gone.
Guess I will tune in again after Labor Day.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Lyric of the day- N.D. of course
And I am, yes I am, I'm a man of hope.
I haven't stopped believin' yet.
And while we're headin' down that road
Hope is what we can't forget.
Odd that as I ready for bed and type this - the 10 PM news is coming to an end and I am holding a 'powerball' ticket in my hand - the nauseating "gas pump' add is running also.
For the record- I will be buying another ticket on Saturday.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
See This Website (clickable link)
get to know Amy and tell your friends. This November, I for one will be voting in favor of a candidate. Reviewing her positions make me miss my friend Paul. It aso makes me recognize the opportunity squandered these past six years by Mark Dayton. Senator Amy Klobuchar will make Norm Coleman look like the embarrassment he is.
I have seen a few of her adds, and truth be told, I find her voice slightly offputting. But I think I once said a similar thing about Paul Wellstone.
Come Labor Day- the ugly machine is going to kick in big time against this worthy candidate. Take the time now to get to know where she stands.
Visis Mark's site too. He has a very large and good looking family who are well photographed all over his site. They are given fancy names like "coalition of young people" to make it look like he has broad support. This is an interesting tactic- almost cute. But if his family weren't on his side, wouldn't that be a story.
I have seen a few of her adds, and truth be told, I find her voice slightly offputting. But I think I once said a similar thing about Paul Wellstone.
Come Labor Day- the ugly machine is going to kick in big time against this worthy candidate. Take the time now to get to know where she stands.
Visis Mark's site too. He has a very large and good looking family who are well photographed all over his site. They are given fancy names like "coalition of young people" to make it look like he has broad support. This is an interesting tactic- almost cute. But if his family weren't on his side, wouldn't that be a story.
Monday, August 21, 2006
One for my friends- words by Neil Diamond
Hey, I'm gonna have a good day today.
I'm gonna have a good time anyway.
Put it all behind me,
lay it all away.
Gonna be a good day today.
"W" on Iraq- "We're not leaving as long as I am President."
That is much clearer than the previous- and current statement that "We are not leaving until our mission is complete."
Since it can no longer be argued that this man has a consistent agenda, or that there is any plan for Iraq, or even the middle east the new tactic, as voiced today by Rick Santorum ,is that we are in a war against "Islamic Fascism."
I believe that it is time for us to claim back- in the President's words "the soul of our country". Take back the house, take back the senate and take back our presidency. Not an easy challenge and it will take time. Start the mantra now - Bring them home, Bring them Home, Bring them Home-
Every Democrat, running for every position in every city, county and state needs to ask Ronald Reagan's question: "Are your better off than you were 4 years ago?" 6? 8?
It may not get Dems elected but gas prices and interest rates will drop between now and the election as Replublicans try to make us believe that the answer is yes.
As the number of military men and women killed in Iraq starts to rival the number of innocent lives taken in the US in an unrelated attack on September 11, 2001 the disconnect will become more obvious.
Since it can no longer be argued that this man has a consistent agenda, or that there is any plan for Iraq, or even the middle east the new tactic, as voiced today by Rick Santorum ,is that we are in a war against "Islamic Fascism."
I believe that it is time for us to claim back- in the President's words "the soul of our country". Take back the house, take back the senate and take back our presidency. Not an easy challenge and it will take time. Start the mantra now - Bring them home, Bring them Home, Bring them Home-
Every Democrat, running for every position in every city, county and state needs to ask Ronald Reagan's question: "Are your better off than you were 4 years ago?" 6? 8?
It may not get Dems elected but gas prices and interest rates will drop between now and the election as Replublicans try to make us believe that the answer is yes.
As the number of military men and women killed in Iraq starts to rival the number of innocent lives taken in the US in an unrelated attack on September 11, 2001 the disconnect will become more obvious.
Mark Kennedy attacks Dems for blocking the minimum wage bill.
This is a crazy world we live in. The Republican controlled congress actually presented a bill that seemed- on the surface to favor the working poor. Then, they filled the bill with obstructionist legistlation, knowing that noone who truly cares about the plight of the working poor and their families would let such a bill stand.
The proposal was to raise the federal minimum wage from $5.15 to 7.25 per hour. Not a bad deal- doesn't go far enough but it would have been a great start. This is a bill that every Democratic congressperson and Senator woul dhave fully supported.
But, the devil was in the details. Details that are at the heart of the real intent of this Republican legistlation. First, the bill included a provision that would have eliminated overtime pay for hours over 40. This pay at 1.5 times the rate of pay for hours over 40 would be gone. While the R's claim that there is still a net gain for minimum wage employees (5.15 x 40 hrs -$206.00- + say 20 overtime hours at 1.5 x $5.15 $7.73 x20 = 154.60 / $154.60 + $206.00 = $360.60) Compare that to the same 60 hours at $7.25 per hour $435.00.
But that is a false argument. If a person makes as little as $7.50 per hour, their time and one half at $11.25 would be gone. Their pay for a 60 hour work week would drop from $525.00 to $450.00, a weekly employer savings of $75. That was the real intent of the bill.
The other poison pill added to this legistlation was a clause that would soften safety standards- some are calling this a return to sweatshops. While that might be a slight overstatement, the point cannot be missed. In the guise of AN INCREASE TO MINIMUM WAGE the Republicans in congress have attempted to make life much easier for business.
The FAMILY VALUES candidates have attempted to use their power to devalue human work, dismantle the 40 hour work week and soften the standards established through years of employer/employee negotiation (unions).
These baffoons have been in the majority and have controlled the white house for almost six years. Mark Kennedy has been in his place in congress for that same period. If they truly wanted to increase minimum wage- they could get it done. That has never been on their agenda.
Mark is proud to tell us that he is an accountant- therefore, he must have known full well what he was doing, and what he was intending to do. He says it would be good to have an accountant in the senate. Maybe, but give me an accountant with a heart please.
Mark Kennedy's campaign slogan is "It's time for a Change in Washington" and on that he and I agree.
The proposal was to raise the federal minimum wage from $5.15 to 7.25 per hour. Not a bad deal- doesn't go far enough but it would have been a great start. This is a bill that every Democratic congressperson and Senator woul dhave fully supported.
But, the devil was in the details. Details that are at the heart of the real intent of this Republican legistlation. First, the bill included a provision that would have eliminated overtime pay for hours over 40. This pay at 1.5 times the rate of pay for hours over 40 would be gone. While the R's claim that there is still a net gain for minimum wage employees (5.15 x 40 hrs -$206.00- + say 20 overtime hours at 1.5 x $5.15 $7.73 x20 = 154.60 / $154.60 + $206.00 = $360.60) Compare that to the same 60 hours at $7.25 per hour $435.00.
But that is a false argument. If a person makes as little as $7.50 per hour, their time and one half at $11.25 would be gone. Their pay for a 60 hour work week would drop from $525.00 to $450.00, a weekly employer savings of $75. That was the real intent of the bill.
The other poison pill added to this legistlation was a clause that would soften safety standards- some are calling this a return to sweatshops. While that might be a slight overstatement, the point cannot be missed. In the guise of AN INCREASE TO MINIMUM WAGE the Republicans in congress have attempted to make life much easier for business.
The FAMILY VALUES candidates have attempted to use their power to devalue human work, dismantle the 40 hour work week and soften the standards established through years of employer/employee negotiation (unions).
These baffoons have been in the majority and have controlled the white house for almost six years. Mark Kennedy has been in his place in congress for that same period. If they truly wanted to increase minimum wage- they could get it done. That has never been on their agenda.
Mark is proud to tell us that he is an accountant- therefore, he must have known full well what he was doing, and what he was intending to do. He says it would be good to have an accountant in the senate. Maybe, but give me an accountant with a heart please.
Mark Kennedy's campaign slogan is "It's time for a Change in Washington" and on that he and I agree.
Insomnia induced visit to FOX News...
created a dramatic increase in my blood pressure.
While watching Neil Cavuto (recorded from Thursday, I think) I heard Ben Stein proclaim how we all owe a debt of gratitude to big oil. These people put "themselves" in harms way in the most rugged parts of the world. He all but said they work hard for their money. I think Ben stein is a very smart guy and I usually find him amusing but this comment reflected something about his world view which is obviously shaped by how much money he has invested in oil.
In the next segment the expert panel all agreed that we will see a dramatic reduction in oil prices after Labor day citing (vaguely) peace in the middle east and success of Bush administration initiatives- It was practically vomit inducing.
I made, to myself, a similar prediction this morning. My thought was, with GOP's in desperate straits in the up-coming elections, it is likely that their friends at the oil companies will so what they can. We may see gas prices drop into the $2.50 range so that an electorate with the attention span of a flea will consider how wonderful these incuments have been for us.
Whether it works or not the price reduction will be short lived- give it just after that second week in November. The reason for increasing prices again will range from heating fuel costs to 'holiday travel'.
While watching Neil Cavuto (recorded from Thursday, I think) I heard Ben Stein proclaim how we all owe a debt of gratitude to big oil. These people put "themselves" in harms way in the most rugged parts of the world. He all but said they work hard for their money. I think Ben stein is a very smart guy and I usually find him amusing but this comment reflected something about his world view which is obviously shaped by how much money he has invested in oil.
In the next segment the expert panel all agreed that we will see a dramatic reduction in oil prices after Labor day citing (vaguely) peace in the middle east and success of Bush administration initiatives- It was practically vomit inducing.
I made, to myself, a similar prediction this morning. My thought was, with GOP's in desperate straits in the up-coming elections, it is likely that their friends at the oil companies will so what they can. We may see gas prices drop into the $2.50 range so that an electorate with the attention span of a flea will consider how wonderful these incuments have been for us.
Whether it works or not the price reduction will be short lived- give it just after that second week in November. The reason for increasing prices again will range from heating fuel costs to 'holiday travel'.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
See the latest ad from the 'bad' Kennedy
In his latest ad, Mark Kennedy, Republican candidate for US Senate in Minnesota, takes an aim at gas prices. It's about time. For nearly six years he hasn't said a word about gas prices. He has stood mute when others in congress have called for repeated investigations about gouging at the pump.
His answer- cut taxes. Take away the federal tax on gas during summer months. Given their history of turning every opportunity to their advantage, this 'relief' at the pump would translate into greater profits to oil companies. Once they see that the public can is willing to pay $3 at the pump (some are suggesting the new ceiling is $4), does anyone doubt the tax would be instantly replaced with a bump to profits and the cost at the pump would remain the same.
He does not address how we will maintain roads and provide funding for federal transportation initiatives that are dependent on those tax funds.
He also recommends that the government cut the tax breaks to oil companies in favor of tax incentives for alternative energy initiatives. This is a good idea but it will hardly do what he says it will. In response to this cut into the belly of fat oil there can be no doubt that oil companies will replace this mother's milk with an increase at the pump.
Both proposals will do nothing to reduce the price at the pump- they will make it worse. Both will give the oil industry the opportunity to dig deeper into your pocket and both will make the situation for you and for me worse than it is today.
On the flip side, these ads are focussed on a campaign where the opponent needs to be much better about getting her message out.
Here in Minnesota, we have three shallow fluffy Republican puppets, formed in a Washingtom back room by Karl Rove and hand picked for their offices by Bush-Cheney- Senator Norm Coleman, Governor Tim Pawlenty and Rep. Mark Kennedy. They act in lock step with the Republican administration- Pawlenty actually said that he would remain 100% loyal to "W" even if his popularity was at 2% (funny he said nothing about whether or not the idea was a good one).
This fall, we have the opportunity in Minnesota to get rid of 2 out of three. Unfortunately, I have no confidence in the ability of their opponents to run the campaigns necessary to actually win an elelction. Let's hope that "W" will invite himself to come to Minnesota and campaign for his friends. It couldn't hurt.
His answer- cut taxes. Take away the federal tax on gas during summer months. Given their history of turning every opportunity to their advantage, this 'relief' at the pump would translate into greater profits to oil companies. Once they see that the public can is willing to pay $3 at the pump (some are suggesting the new ceiling is $4), does anyone doubt the tax would be instantly replaced with a bump to profits and the cost at the pump would remain the same.
He does not address how we will maintain roads and provide funding for federal transportation initiatives that are dependent on those tax funds.
He also recommends that the government cut the tax breaks to oil companies in favor of tax incentives for alternative energy initiatives. This is a good idea but it will hardly do what he says it will. In response to this cut into the belly of fat oil there can be no doubt that oil companies will replace this mother's milk with an increase at the pump.
Both proposals will do nothing to reduce the price at the pump- they will make it worse. Both will give the oil industry the opportunity to dig deeper into your pocket and both will make the situation for you and for me worse than it is today.
On the flip side, these ads are focussed on a campaign where the opponent needs to be much better about getting her message out.
Here in Minnesota, we have three shallow fluffy Republican puppets, formed in a Washingtom back room by Karl Rove and hand picked for their offices by Bush-Cheney- Senator Norm Coleman, Governor Tim Pawlenty and Rep. Mark Kennedy. They act in lock step with the Republican administration- Pawlenty actually said that he would remain 100% loyal to "W" even if his popularity was at 2% (funny he said nothing about whether or not the idea was a good one).
This fall, we have the opportunity in Minnesota to get rid of 2 out of three. Unfortunately, I have no confidence in the ability of their opponents to run the campaigns necessary to actually win an elelction. Let's hope that "W" will invite himself to come to Minnesota and campaign for his friends. It couldn't hurt.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Right Wing talking heads are throwing around the word fascist..
specifically a made-up term "Islamo-fascist".
his made me reacquaint myself with the term. Wikopedia gives this explanation of fascism. It sounds a bit familiar to me:
Fascism is a radical totalitarian political philosophy that combines elements of corporatism, authoritarianism, extreme nationalism, militarism, anti-anarchism, anti-communism and anti-liberalism.
I wonder if "W" would recognize himself in this.
Totalitarian- silence all oposition
Corporatism - Oil guys are happy and well connected
authoritarianism - because daddy says so- now shut up
nationalism- throw in the flag and support our troops
militarism- duh
the anti-s they all fit too.
Perhaps we can chip away at the armor after November. If we take away one of the branches of our government we might actually have a chance of saving some of our remaining principles.
his made me reacquaint myself with the term. Wikopedia gives this explanation of fascism. It sounds a bit familiar to me:
Fascism is a radical totalitarian political philosophy that combines elements of corporatism, authoritarianism, extreme nationalism, militarism, anti-anarchism, anti-communism and anti-liberalism.
I wonder if "W" would recognize himself in this.
Totalitarian- silence all oposition
Corporatism - Oil guys are happy and well connected
authoritarianism - because daddy says so- now shut up
nationalism- throw in the flag and support our troops
militarism- duh
the anti-s they all fit too.
Perhaps we can chip away at the armor after November. If we take away one of the branches of our government we might actually have a chance of saving some of our remaining principles.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Does anyone wonder what could have been (click to see link)?
If only Americans had a better sense of genuine character. Today I would settle for a President who spoke in whole sentences.
Joe Leiberman -- There was something about that kiss!!
I don't know as I write this what the outcome of the primary in Ct. will be for this one-timeVP candidate who would share a strong pro-war pro-defense position with his one-time political foe.
Something tells me that this guys troubles started when a president, whose popularity was sinking, fast concluded his state of the unino address by planting a big wet one on Joe's forehead.
The senator seemed befuddled at the time, as well he should have in that he was the only person on either side of the aisle to receive such affection from Mr. President.
Leno made the Jokes I expected out of SNL about Bush softening his stance on Gays. I was waiting for someone to do a parody ala Al and Tipper Gore but it necer came to pass.
I told people that night that it was a kiss of death for the man who, at the time seemed a realistic contender for 2008.
Now he is embroiled in a political smackdown worthy of "MTV's Celebrity Death Match" and it is not likely he will survive.
Something tells me that this guys troubles started when a president, whose popularity was sinking, fast concluded his state of the unino address by planting a big wet one on Joe's forehead.
The senator seemed befuddled at the time, as well he should have in that he was the only person on either side of the aisle to receive such affection from Mr. President.
Leno made the Jokes I expected out of SNL about Bush softening his stance on Gays. I was waiting for someone to do a parody ala Al and Tipper Gore but it necer came to pass.
I told people that night that it was a kiss of death for the man who, at the time seemed a realistic contender for 2008.
Now he is embroiled in a political smackdown worthy of "MTV's Celebrity Death Match" and it is not likely he will survive.
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