what can I say, no one listened to me when I warned them based on our results with Jesse. So I doubt anyone will listen about anything I say about this guy.
But for him of all people, the guy who is stuck with fixing the mess caused in California by GW Bushes failures of energy policy, to talk about how the GW recession was inherited- that's just to stupid.
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Governor Pawlenty coins a new term.
At least it is new to me.
"Opportunity Conservative"
I tried to figure out what he was talking about. it certainly doesn't seem that he means what GW Bush meant when he talked about "Compassionate Conservativism."
Part of the conversation was about his understanding of why Minnesota , a traditionally liberal state, is now a swing state. In that conversation with Chris Matthews the governor - who stepped aside from his senatorial ambitions to please the current Republican administration and chose instead to run for his current office- said that these opportunity conservatives one in MN because of the failed excesses of liberalism.
He seems to forget that prior to Paul Wellstone's death he and our fluffy senator were on their way to losing their respective elections. It had nothing to do with failed excesses. It had everything to do with incredibly bad luck ( for the state).
I think that Governor Pawlenty is suffering from a Bushism. What he means to say is Opportunistic Concervatives. He and Coleman allowed Bush and Cheney to dictate from on high how Minnesota politics should be played out and accepted tons of out-of-state money for doing so. But for Wellstone's death that gamble would have failed.
It is nauseating for him now to to act as if this was a victory of ideology.
"Opportunity Conservative"
I tried to figure out what he was talking about. it certainly doesn't seem that he means what GW Bush meant when he talked about "Compassionate Conservativism."
Part of the conversation was about his understanding of why Minnesota , a traditionally liberal state, is now a swing state. In that conversation with Chris Matthews the governor - who stepped aside from his senatorial ambitions to please the current Republican administration and chose instead to run for his current office- said that these opportunity conservatives one in MN because of the failed excesses of liberalism.
He seems to forget that prior to Paul Wellstone's death he and our fluffy senator were on their way to losing their respective elections. It had nothing to do with failed excesses. It had everything to do with incredibly bad luck ( for the state).
I think that Governor Pawlenty is suffering from a Bushism. What he means to say is Opportunistic Concervatives. He and Coleman allowed Bush and Cheney to dictate from on high how Minnesota politics should be played out and accepted tons of out-of-state money for doing so. But for Wellstone's death that gamble would have failed.
It is nauseating for him now to to act as if this was a victory of ideology.
I have been thinking
about this all night.
As Mayor of New York City on Sept 11, 2001 Rudy Giuliani is telling us that he actually paused for all of the chaos going on around him, wrapped his arm around his police chief and said, "Thank God George Bush is our president." Isn't that more than a bit like saying, "Thank God daddy is here to take care of us."?
He did this before it as confirmed who we were dealing with. He did this while we were still assessing the carnage. He did this in spite of the fact that this president ( pre September 11) opposed increases to federal funding for New York City's first responders.
Then, he tells us that his feeling is exactly the same today. Even though this president has now cut funding for New York City's first responders to less than pre-September 11 levels, Even though this president (presumably at the same time Giuliani was singing his praises in the ear of his police chief) sat like a stunned rat about to be eaten by a snake for crucial moments after the attack, even though this president has squandered the good will and respect and sympathy that the world held for us post September 11, Giuliani would have us believe that he "thanks God for George W Bush."
Then Giuliani went into a rant about John Kerry's "flip-flops".
What about the GW Bush who ran on a platform of Compassionate Conservativism?
What about the GW Bush who told americans we need to hold our place of power in the world with humility?
What about the GW Bush who ram-rodded US power and might through Afghanistan and Irag after issuing ultimatums and now tells us that in the case of North Korea "you can't issue ultimatums to dictators?
What about the GW Bush who told us that he would "smoke out" Osama Bin Laden where ever he is and that we would take him out "dead or alive" but six short months later tells us that he doesn't think much about where Osama is and doesn't consider it a high priority to find him?
It goes on and on, I have only illustrated the problem regarding issues conservatives should genuinely care about. It would be pointless to argue with them about his changes in attitude about gay rights, no child left behind, jobs, the economy. These things are not really issues for them.
At the Minnesota State Fair yesterday I was asked to choose between five issues as to which is most important in the up-coming presidential election: Health Care, The Economy, Terrorism, The War in Iraq and Education. Given the status of each, how does one really choose?
As Mayor of New York City on Sept 11, 2001 Rudy Giuliani is telling us that he actually paused for all of the chaos going on around him, wrapped his arm around his police chief and said, "Thank God George Bush is our president." Isn't that more than a bit like saying, "Thank God daddy is here to take care of us."?
He did this before it as confirmed who we were dealing with. He did this while we were still assessing the carnage. He did this in spite of the fact that this president ( pre September 11) opposed increases to federal funding for New York City's first responders.
Then, he tells us that his feeling is exactly the same today. Even though this president has now cut funding for New York City's first responders to less than pre-September 11 levels, Even though this president (presumably at the same time Giuliani was singing his praises in the ear of his police chief) sat like a stunned rat about to be eaten by a snake for crucial moments after the attack, even though this president has squandered the good will and respect and sympathy that the world held for us post September 11, Giuliani would have us believe that he "thanks God for George W Bush."
Then Giuliani went into a rant about John Kerry's "flip-flops".
What about the GW Bush who ran on a platform of Compassionate Conservativism?
What about the GW Bush who told americans we need to hold our place of power in the world with humility?
What about the GW Bush who ram-rodded US power and might through Afghanistan and Irag after issuing ultimatums and now tells us that in the case of North Korea "you can't issue ultimatums to dictators?
What about the GW Bush who told us that he would "smoke out" Osama Bin Laden where ever he is and that we would take him out "dead or alive" but six short months later tells us that he doesn't think much about where Osama is and doesn't consider it a high priority to find him?
It goes on and on, I have only illustrated the problem regarding issues conservatives should genuinely care about. It would be pointless to argue with them about his changes in attitude about gay rights, no child left behind, jobs, the economy. These things are not really issues for them.
At the Minnesota State Fair yesterday I was asked to choose between five issues as to which is most important in the up-coming presidential election: Health Care, The Economy, Terrorism, The War in Iraq and Education. Given the status of each, how does one really choose?
Monday, August 30, 2004
Is This Shameful or What?
Admittedly, I haven't watched the whole of the GOP Convention this night. Who can blame me? But the few times I have tuned in it has been a shameful exploitation of September 11. Here we have Guliani recounting his memories of the morning of September 11, 2001, gruesome details of watching people jump out of the towers, and telling us that on that morning his thoughts were "thank God George Bush is our president."
They should have mailed out barf bags to every household before they subjected us to this.
They should have mailed out barf bags to every household before they subjected us to this.
Saturday, August 28, 2004
So, some might ask, "What will John Kerry do to fight terrorism?"
this article is long but it is a worthwhile read
Friday, August 27, 2004
Yep, It's still the economy STUPID!!!
Number of unemployed is highest in three years, there is still a deficit of over 1 million jobs compared to the number of jobs that existed when W took office, more families than ever before are living under the poverty level and fewer families have health care than did three years ago.
We in Minnesota are doing better than the rest of the nation in most of these categories and for the first time since Richard Nixon there is the remotest possibility that we are an actual swing state in a presidential election.
The most recent polls show Bush closing the gap or even in the lead in most cases but CNN reports that we could still be looking at an electoral victory for Kerry.
It has been an odd week in the news going into the GOP lie fest ( and before anyone claims that to be an unfair comment define the terms "veterans for truth", "no child left behind" and "clear sky initiative". Look for more of the same. Join in Al Franken's "I'm mad as hell" initiative and demand fact checks from our media. If you do, it will make for a busy week.
We in Minnesota are doing better than the rest of the nation in most of these categories and for the first time since Richard Nixon there is the remotest possibility that we are an actual swing state in a presidential election.
The most recent polls show Bush closing the gap or even in the lead in most cases but CNN reports that we could still be looking at an electoral victory for Kerry.
It has been an odd week in the news going into the GOP lie fest ( and before anyone claims that to be an unfair comment define the terms "veterans for truth", "no child left behind" and "clear sky initiative". Look for more of the same. Join in Al Franken's "I'm mad as hell" initiative and demand fact checks from our media. If you do, it will make for a busy week.
Thursday, August 26, 2004
I like this article. It says a lot.
The Rambo Coalition August 24, 2004
Almost a year ago, on the second anniversary of 9/11, I predicted "an ugly,bitter campaign - probably the nastiest of modern American history." The reasons I gave then still apply.
President Bush has no positive achievements to run on. Yet his inner circle cannot afford to see him lose: if he does, the shroud of secrecy will be lifted, and the public will learn the truth about cooked intelligence, profiteering, politicization of homeland security and more.
But recent attacks on John Kerry have surpassed even my expectations. There's no mystery why. Mr. Kerry isn't just a Democrat who might win: his life story challenges Mr. Bush's attempts to confuse tough-guy poses with heroism, and bombast with patriotism.
One of the wonders of recent American politics has been the ability of Mr.Bush and his supporters to wrap their partisanship in the flag. Through innuendo and direct attacks by surrogates, men who assiduously avoided service in Vietnam, like Dick Cheney (five deferments), John Ashcroft(seven deferments) and George Bush (a comfy spot in the National Guard, and a mysterious gap in his records), have questioned the patriotism of men who risked their lives and suffered for their country: John McCain, Max Clelandand now John Kerry.
How have they been able to get away with it? The answer is that we have been living in what Roger Ebert calls "an age of Rambo patriotism." As the carnage and moral ambiguities of Vietnam faded from memory, many started to believe in the comforting clichés of action movies, in which the tough-talking hero is always virtuous and the hand-wringing types who see complexities and urge the hero to think before acting are always wrong, if not villains.
After 9/11, Mr. Bush had a choice: he could deal with real threats, or he could play Rambo.
He chose Rambo. Not for him the difficult, frustrating task of tracking down elusive terrorists, or the unglamorous work of protecting ports and chemical plants from possible attack: he wanted a dramatic shootout with the bad guy. And if you asked why we were going after this particular bad guy, who hadn't attacked America and wasn't building nuclear weapons - or if you warned that real wars involve costs you never see in the movies - you were being unpatriotic.
As a domestic political strategy, Mr. Bush's posturing worked brilliantly. As a strategy against terrorism, it has played right into Al Qaeda's hands.
Thirty years after Vietnam, American soldiers are again dying in a war that was sold on false pretenses and creates more enemies than it kills. It should come as no surprise, then, that Mr. Bush - who must defend the indefensible - has turned to those who still refuse to face the truth about Vietnam. All the credible evidence, from military records to the testimony of those who served with Mr. Kerry, confirms his wartime heroism.
Why, then, are some veterans willing to join the smear campaign? Because they are angry about his later statements against the war. Yet making those statements was itself an heroic act - and what he said then rings truer than ever.
The young John Kerry spoke of leaders who sent others to their deaths because they wanted to seem tough, then "left all the casualties and retreated behind a pious shield of public rectitude."
Fifteen months after George Bush strutted around in his flight suit, more and more Americans are echoing Gen. Anthony Zinni, who received a standing ovation from an audience of Marine and Navy officers when he talked about the debacle in Iraq and said of those who served in Vietnam: "We heard the garbage and the lies, and we saw the sacrifice. I ask you, is it happening again?"
Mr. Kerry also spoke of the moral cost of an ill-conceived war - of the atrocities soldiers find themselves committing when they can't tell friend from foe. Two words: Abu Ghraib. Let's hope that this latest campaign of garbage and lies - initially financed by a Texas Republican close to Karl Rove, and running an ad featuring an "independent" veteran who turns out to have served on a Bush campaign committee - leads to a backlash against Mr. Bush. If it doesn't, here's the message we'll be sending to Americans who serve their country: If you tell the truth, your courage and sacrifice count for nothing.
Almost a year ago, on the second anniversary of 9/11, I predicted "an ugly,bitter campaign - probably the nastiest of modern American history." The reasons I gave then still apply.
President Bush has no positive achievements to run on. Yet his inner circle cannot afford to see him lose: if he does, the shroud of secrecy will be lifted, and the public will learn the truth about cooked intelligence, profiteering, politicization of homeland security and more.
But recent attacks on John Kerry have surpassed even my expectations. There's no mystery why. Mr. Kerry isn't just a Democrat who might win: his life story challenges Mr. Bush's attempts to confuse tough-guy poses with heroism, and bombast with patriotism.
One of the wonders of recent American politics has been the ability of Mr.Bush and his supporters to wrap their partisanship in the flag. Through innuendo and direct attacks by surrogates, men who assiduously avoided service in Vietnam, like Dick Cheney (five deferments), John Ashcroft(seven deferments) and George Bush (a comfy spot in the National Guard, and a mysterious gap in his records), have questioned the patriotism of men who risked their lives and suffered for their country: John McCain, Max Clelandand now John Kerry.
How have they been able to get away with it? The answer is that we have been living in what Roger Ebert calls "an age of Rambo patriotism." As the carnage and moral ambiguities of Vietnam faded from memory, many started to believe in the comforting clichés of action movies, in which the tough-talking hero is always virtuous and the hand-wringing types who see complexities and urge the hero to think before acting are always wrong, if not villains.
After 9/11, Mr. Bush had a choice: he could deal with real threats, or he could play Rambo.
He chose Rambo. Not for him the difficult, frustrating task of tracking down elusive terrorists, or the unglamorous work of protecting ports and chemical plants from possible attack: he wanted a dramatic shootout with the bad guy. And if you asked why we were going after this particular bad guy, who hadn't attacked America and wasn't building nuclear weapons - or if you warned that real wars involve costs you never see in the movies - you were being unpatriotic.
As a domestic political strategy, Mr. Bush's posturing worked brilliantly. As a strategy against terrorism, it has played right into Al Qaeda's hands.
Thirty years after Vietnam, American soldiers are again dying in a war that was sold on false pretenses and creates more enemies than it kills. It should come as no surprise, then, that Mr. Bush - who must defend the indefensible - has turned to those who still refuse to face the truth about Vietnam. All the credible evidence, from military records to the testimony of those who served with Mr. Kerry, confirms his wartime heroism.
Why, then, are some veterans willing to join the smear campaign? Because they are angry about his later statements against the war. Yet making those statements was itself an heroic act - and what he said then rings truer than ever.
The young John Kerry spoke of leaders who sent others to their deaths because they wanted to seem tough, then "left all the casualties and retreated behind a pious shield of public rectitude."
Fifteen months after George Bush strutted around in his flight suit, more and more Americans are echoing Gen. Anthony Zinni, who received a standing ovation from an audience of Marine and Navy officers when he talked about the debacle in Iraq and said of those who served in Vietnam: "We heard the garbage and the lies, and we saw the sacrifice. I ask you, is it happening again?"
Mr. Kerry also spoke of the moral cost of an ill-conceived war - of the atrocities soldiers find themselves committing when they can't tell friend from foe. Two words: Abu Ghraib. Let's hope that this latest campaign of garbage and lies - initially financed by a Texas Republican close to Karl Rove, and running an ad featuring an "independent" veteran who turns out to have served on a Bush campaign committee - leads to a backlash against Mr. Bush. If it doesn't, here's the message we'll be sending to Americans who serve their country: If you tell the truth, your courage and sacrifice count for nothing.
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Just wait folks- we supported Saddam once too!
(this from CNN.COM)
Iraqi forces are prepared to raid a Najaf mosque where Shiite Muslim militiamen are holed up, Iraqi officials said today. Iraq "will not stand with arms folded," said a statement issued by interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi. Earlier, a member of an Iraqi government peace mission said he hoped that stalled peace talks would restart.
Remember all thse voices, including my own, that spoke of the termoil that would be stirred if we went in to Iraq without a long-term plan. Remember those who warned of civil strife and possible civil war.
I pray it doesn't, but fear it will, go very badly with this story in weeks to come. I watched several stories on various channels about this "breaking news". The word "sensitively" and "sensitive" are suddenly being thrown around by people on both sides of the aisle.
Imagine if this same event were happening in the Basillica of St. Peter in Rome. Would the US response, or lack there of, be different?
Iraqi forces are prepared to raid a Najaf mosque where Shiite Muslim militiamen are holed up, Iraqi officials said today. Iraq "will not stand with arms folded," said a statement issued by interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi. Earlier, a member of an Iraqi government peace mission said he hoped that stalled peace talks would restart.
Remember all thse voices, including my own, that spoke of the termoil that would be stirred if we went in to Iraq without a long-term plan. Remember those who warned of civil strife and possible civil war.
I pray it doesn't, but fear it will, go very badly with this story in weeks to come. I watched several stories on various channels about this "breaking news". The word "sensitively" and "sensitive" are suddenly being thrown around by people on both sides of the aisle.
Imagine if this same event were happening in the Basillica of St. Peter in Rome. Would the US response, or lack there of, be different?
Monday, August 16, 2004
Protesters and terrorists cynically linked
Thanks to Kaye for this article. Comment below and share your thoughts.
Friday, August 13, 2004
Mommy, who do you love more?
Okay, I just don't get it!! I just saw an ad for GW Bush for president. It is one of these smarmy things where the camera is cocked at a goofy angle showing he and Laura together (reminiscent of Dockers ads of the early 90's).
One of his lines, which makes no sense at all : "I can't imagine what it must have been like for a parent on September 11th to choose which child to pick up first."
"What the hell was that? " I thought as I heard him say it. Am I now supposed to recall in my mind how I would make such a choice? I can almost imagine kids asking, "why did you pick up Billy first?"
I suppose it is an attempt to make us feel as we did that dreadful morning and make us think that we can't let that happen again. Fair enough. But it doesn't do that for me. It makes me wonder, "what the hell is he talking about?" and "who scripted this?"
If you are not paying attention this could be thought of as a "positive ad' and in fact it looks quite pleasant. But the reality is that this add, however ineffective, is intended to instill fear.
A great Kerry counter ad would be to show Bush dujring those "7 minutes". A voice-over could be added ala Michael Moore: "Which twin should I pick up first? Hmmn, tough call."
One of his lines, which makes no sense at all : "I can't imagine what it must have been like for a parent on September 11th to choose which child to pick up first."
"What the hell was that? " I thought as I heard him say it. Am I now supposed to recall in my mind how I would make such a choice? I can almost imagine kids asking, "why did you pick up Billy first?"
I suppose it is an attempt to make us feel as we did that dreadful morning and make us think that we can't let that happen again. Fair enough. But it doesn't do that for me. It makes me wonder, "what the hell is he talking about?" and "who scripted this?"
If you are not paying attention this could be thought of as a "positive ad' and in fact it looks quite pleasant. But the reality is that this add, however ineffective, is intended to instill fear.
A great Kerry counter ad would be to show Bush dujring those "7 minutes". A voice-over could be added ala Michael Moore: "Which twin should I pick up first? Hmmn, tough call."
Thursday, August 12, 2004
This is the simplest and best message.
We all know that in today's world 3 months of one direct on point message would not be enough but the fact is that this is the single best reason to vote for John Kerry.
Prez tracking poll
has nine states it considers up for grabs with 113 electoral votes. Kerry is ahead in the polls in 7 of 9 of these states. This is going to be a close race to be sure but if these leads hold Kerry will achieve an easy electoral victory. See the results in each state.
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Great Game
Hint to success, favor your right hook!
Call this the feelgood hit of the year.
You have to practice. It's hillarious!
Call this the feelgood hit of the year.
You have to practice. It's hillarious!
Here is a case of accidental honesty.
WASHINGTON Aug. 5, 2004 — President Bush offered up a new entry for his catalog of "Bushisms" on Thursday, declaring that his administration will "never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people." Bush misspoke as he delivered a speech at the signing ceremony for a $417 billion defense spending bill.
"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we," Bush said. "They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."
No one in Bush's audience of military brass or Pentagon chiefs reacted.
There is a video clip that was featured on the tonight show. I would love to have a copy here for posterity if anyone knows of a link.
"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we," Bush said. "They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."
No one in Bush's audience of military brass or Pentagon chiefs reacted.
There is a video clip that was featured on the tonight show. I would love to have a copy here for posterity if anyone knows of a link.
My Respect once held for John McCain is gone.
Yet another politician chooses partisanship over integrity. I Had truly hoped for better. It was just a short time ago when McCain spoke publicly of his friend who he had served with honorably in the senate for years. The Arizona Senator challenged the president, his parties candidate for re-election, not to smear Kerry with falsehoods about his war record.
Just last week, when a private group who supports the President released the sleaziest campaign ad to date in the current race, John McCain called forth for the president to denounce this group and the falsehoods contained in the add. He also called for this group to discontinue the add and told people they should not buy the book that espouses the same point and asked Bush to do the same.
The white house offered no such denouncement in the week that has past and the add is still running in battleground states. Yet McCain hit the campaign trail this week with gusto in support of President Bush.
What good does it do to ask for honor and dignity from our candidates if we are not willing to stand by our words.
Just last week, when a private group who supports the President released the sleaziest campaign ad to date in the current race, John McCain called forth for the president to denounce this group and the falsehoods contained in the add. He also called for this group to discontinue the add and told people they should not buy the book that espouses the same point and asked Bush to do the same.
The white house offered no such denouncement in the week that has past and the add is still running in battleground states. Yet McCain hit the campaign trail this week with gusto in support of President Bush.
What good does it do to ask for honor and dignity from our candidates if we are not willing to stand by our words.
Monday, August 09, 2004
30 years ago
was a tragic event in our history. Richard M Nixon was forced to resign as President of the US. He had currupted an election, abused his power and lied to the people. A congress that had not experienced the impeachment process was willing to take that necessary step to remove this man and restore dignity to the presidency.
Congress today, along with the nation, has a bad taste in its mouth about impeachment, having seen it used as an historic abuse of power toward Clinton. So, they sit idly by and watch this current administration make many of the same abuses that Nixon made - and then some if you read John Dean's book.
1974 was two years in to Nixons second term. What do you want our government to be focussing on in 2006?
Congress today, along with the nation, has a bad taste in its mouth about impeachment, having seen it used as an historic abuse of power toward Clinton. So, they sit idly by and watch this current administration make many of the same abuses that Nixon made - and then some if you read John Dean's book.
1974 was two years in to Nixons second term. What do you want our government to be focussing on in 2006?
Let someone tell this guy he doesn't love America
but make him stand with him in a locked room when he says it.
Sunday, August 08, 2004
My black man is bigger than your black man.
Back when he was running for president Alan Keyes was no star in the Republican party. He barely got noticed. He has failed in previous bids for senate and for the white house.
But threatened with the possibility of a young black rising star in the Democratic party running unopposed in the Illinois senate race the R's will fly in Alan Keyes, who himself has spoken against "parachuting in to run for senate", to run against Obama. Look for his former opponents to fly in to Illinois and tout what a wonderful conservative he is and how he shares their... er, I mean "Illinois" values. It could work. After all, if the 2% of the electorate who supported Alan Keyes in his failed bid for the white house all live in this one state, he could do very well indeed.
Watch this one get ugly folks. The R's have formed a very successful team of power brokers who have no problem stepping into states and hand-picking their guys to run for office. They choose their and back heavily their candidates for congress and senate andf now will even transplant a candidate if they want a certain feature (in this case black).
It is up to us to make sure that this tactic doesn't work.
But threatened with the possibility of a young black rising star in the Democratic party running unopposed in the Illinois senate race the R's will fly in Alan Keyes, who himself has spoken against "parachuting in to run for senate", to run against Obama. Look for his former opponents to fly in to Illinois and tout what a wonderful conservative he is and how he shares their... er, I mean "Illinois" values. It could work. After all, if the 2% of the electorate who supported Alan Keyes in his failed bid for the white house all live in this one state, he could do very well indeed.
Watch this one get ugly folks. The R's have formed a very successful team of power brokers who have no problem stepping into states and hand-picking their guys to run for office. They choose their and back heavily their candidates for congress and senate andf now will even transplant a candidate if they want a certain feature (in this case black).
It is up to us to make sure that this tactic doesn't work.
What is the best way to demonstrate that you stand for nothing?
You start by asking the standard bearer for your party to denounce a very sleazy negative campaign targeting the honorable service of his opponent. Then you turn around in the very next week and go on the campaign trail with your candidate even without the denouncement you asked for.
What happened to the spine of Senator McCain? Now he still has time to withdraw from the planned campaign stumping scheduled for Tuesday. Should the president not denounce the flat out negative and false attack, I would expect the senator to show us that there was something other than camera seeking on his mind when he made Friday's proclamation.
Let's watch and see.
What happened to the spine of Senator McCain? Now he still has time to withdraw from the planned campaign stumping scheduled for Tuesday. Should the president not denounce the flat out negative and false attack, I would expect the senator to show us that there was something other than camera seeking on his mind when he made Friday's proclamation.
Let's watch and see.
It's the Economy Stupid... Again !!!
Wow, who would have thought that targeted tax breaks toward the people who actually need the money to live would be better fuel for a weak economy? Wait, I guess that's part of what had been so successful in the nineties.
Friday, August 06, 2004
Finally !!!
Below I gave you an article which outlines the flip-flops of our prsesident. This clip provided by Jon Stewart is a dramatic debate which makes this point more clearly. See for yourself and comment below
We're Back!!!!!
Comments were down for a while so you deserve an open thread- comment on whatever you want today -
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
More information on Terrorism alert level
We don't want to violate today's theme but this is a worthwhile read.
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
He has reason to celebrate.
Okay gang, be creative. Today we can only say positive things about W.
I will start. W. will make an excellent former president. Now you try it.
I will start. W. will make an excellent former president. Now you try it.
Not just red or blue anymore
We are not two-dimensional. Depending on the issue there are several colors we can be divided into. Check outthis map.
Cynical attempts to split Catholics
This link points to a fairly complete assessment of catholic positions on many of todays political issues.
the term gets thrown around a great deal by conservatives attacking people who have a track record that is developed and nuanced over several years. Articles like this however cause one to ponder whether the term means anything at all when coming from their mouths.
More on the mayor of St Paul
This article raises new possibilities I hadn't considered.
Kelly for Governor in 2006, clears the way for Pawlenty for senate in 2006. Afterall, didn't Pawlenty step aside for the Coleman in '02?
Is it a point of concern that Washington seems to be getting more and more involved in our state level and now even city level politics? There will be a few who will say "we don't know that" but the ties of Coleman to out-of state interests are obvious. His fingerprints on this maneuver, even if Dick Cheney or Karl Rove is controling the strings, are also apparent.
They made a major blunder, however. It would have been more perfect if they would have included St Paul in the terror alert and told us all to go shopping. Your thoughts?
Kelly for Governor in 2006, clears the way for Pawlenty for senate in 2006. Afterall, didn't Pawlenty step aside for the Coleman in '02?
Is it a point of concern that Washington seems to be getting more and more involved in our state level and now even city level politics? There will be a few who will say "we don't know that" but the ties of Coleman to out-of state interests are obvious. His fingerprints on this maneuver, even if Dick Cheney or Karl Rove is controling the strings, are also apparent.
They made a major blunder, however. It would have been more perfect if they would have included St Paul in the terror alert and told us all to go shopping. Your thoughts?
Monday, August 02, 2004
What "Lord of the Rings" Character are you?
Congratulations! You're Aragorn! When I took it a second time I was Sam. Guess what folks, none of these is too flattering.
World leader Quiz ( 9 questions)
Apparently this is a very accurate test, as far as these thigns go. It says about me: You are a people loving Macedonian dwarf. You are Mother Teresa. You lead with your good works and helpful nature. You just love to give.
This captured my very soul.
This captured my very soul.
personality quiz and obscure referrence all in one.
I am SEJANVS. This is what it says about this character:
You worked as Tiberius' most trusted advisor, but when that lazy coward fled Rome to shack up in his house near the beach, you basically took over as ruler. You are ambitious and righteous, and not above killing to get what you want. But, as with every other leader in Rome, you must keep an eye out for anyone who might thwart your plans. Don't trust anyone, no matter who they might be. You were portrayed by Patrick Stewart.
Cool, I like Patrick Stewart, and like him in this role< I still have most of my hair.
You worked as Tiberius' most trusted advisor, but when that lazy coward fled Rome to shack up in his house near the beach, you basically took over as ruler. You are ambitious and righteous, and not above killing to get what you want. But, as with every other leader in Rome, you must keep an eye out for anyone who might thwart your plans. Don't trust anyone, no matter who they might be. You were portrayed by Patrick Stewart.
Cool, I like Patrick Stewart, and like him in this role< I still have most of my hair.
Pop Quiz, What is the most regressive form of personal Tax?
Click link for answer. Don't be surprized that R's think this is a good idea. If you are rich your tax percentage goes way down. If you live paycheck to paycheck your percentage goes way up.
Are they stupid or heartless?
Are they stupid or heartless?
No Bounce for Kerry
Pundits are saying its because of their choice to not go negative. I think its simpler than that. The dems watched their convention and are more motivated than ever. The Republicans didn't watch, why should they listen to such lies, anyway. And the non committed voters don't care and won't care, if they are going to vote at all, until after labor day.
Does anyone agree with me that we should make a legally required number of open forum debates for presidency. These could be all over the nation in front of broad audience bases. Bpth candidates were in Ohio and Pennsylvania this weekend. How much more effort would it hav taken to put them together on one stage? Would this elevate the discourse? Would this focus us on real issues? Does it stand a snowballs chance in an Arizona desert?
Does anyone agree with me that we should make a legally required number of open forum debates for presidency. These could be all over the nation in front of broad audience bases. Bpth candidates were in Ohio and Pennsylvania this weekend. How much more effort would it hav taken to put them together on one stage? Would this elevate the discourse? Would this focus us on real issues? Does it stand a snowballs chance in an Arizona desert?
Incompetitent mayor follows lead of fluffy senator.
In order to understand this story it is important for people to be aware that Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman spent the mid- nineties polishing his teeth and fluffing his hair as he greedily contemplated a power grab in Minnesota politics. He very soon would make a calculated switch to the Republican Party to gain support from party cronies in a failed bid for Governor.
At the time of this party switch Norm declared that he had no interest in higher office and only wanted to continue as mayor of the capital city. No sooner was he re-elected than he began fist pumping and money grabbing for his race toward the governorship two years later. Upon losing that race the New-York boy with the perpetual grin told Minnesotans (particularly those in St Paul) that he was content to continue as Mayor.
When Norman decided to grab for power once again in 2001, his sights were once again on the governor's office for 2002. But a newly appointed president had different ideas for the shiny young slick politician who reminded him of a stupid Texas governor he once knew. He realized that with the "right' mix of out- of- state money, Norman could be a senator who could displace the pain-in-the ass ( George the first called him a chickensh*t in 1991) whose seat was up for re-election. Thus Norm Coleman, at the bidding of a president and vice president, entered the ugliest and most tragic senate race Minnesota had ever seen.
It was in that year that Coleman supported Kelly to replace him as mayor. So it is really no surprise that Kelly would make this irrelevant statement today. Kelly has probably become interested in a senate seat of his own someday (2006) and is looking for the same out- of- state money to fund his bid. Don't be surprised! In that time frame the messes in Saint Paul may not have blown up yet and it would be his best chance. Look for him to begin making dramtic shifts in his positions on gun control, taxes and welfare. He is coy about his immediate interest in being a poster boy for Bush. Look for that too. These guys do fluff quite well. But he will probably need to get contacts and a hair makeover.
Republicans are arrogant people. They probably think that Pawlenty is good enough as governor to have coattails for that election and that the current junior senator will retread the exact same negativity that he is spewing about Kerry ( most liberal, ineffective, etc.) toward his senior collegue, Mark Dayton.
This is my first blogged prediction. Write down the date. Comment below--
At the time of this party switch Norm declared that he had no interest in higher office and only wanted to continue as mayor of the capital city. No sooner was he re-elected than he began fist pumping and money grabbing for his race toward the governorship two years later. Upon losing that race the New-York boy with the perpetual grin told Minnesotans (particularly those in St Paul) that he was content to continue as Mayor.
When Norman decided to grab for power once again in 2001, his sights were once again on the governor's office for 2002. But a newly appointed president had different ideas for the shiny young slick politician who reminded him of a stupid Texas governor he once knew. He realized that with the "right' mix of out- of- state money, Norman could be a senator who could displace the pain-in-the ass ( George the first called him a chickensh*t in 1991) whose seat was up for re-election. Thus Norm Coleman, at the bidding of a president and vice president, entered the ugliest and most tragic senate race Minnesota had ever seen.
It was in that year that Coleman supported Kelly to replace him as mayor. So it is really no surprise that Kelly would make this irrelevant statement today. Kelly has probably become interested in a senate seat of his own someday (2006) and is looking for the same out- of- state money to fund his bid. Don't be surprised! In that time frame the messes in Saint Paul may not have blown up yet and it would be his best chance. Look for him to begin making dramtic shifts in his positions on gun control, taxes and welfare. He is coy about his immediate interest in being a poster boy for Bush. Look for that too. These guys do fluff quite well. But he will probably need to get contacts and a hair makeover.
Republicans are arrogant people. They probably think that Pawlenty is good enough as governor to have coattails for that election and that the current junior senator will retread the exact same negativity that he is spewing about Kerry ( most liberal, ineffective, etc.) toward his senior collegue, Mark Dayton.
This is my first blogged prediction. Write down the date. Comment below--
Type in "miserable failure". Hit the "I feel lucky" button. You probably won't be surprised.
comments below --
comments below --
Sunday, August 01, 2004
Terror Alert "High"
Be Afraid, Be very Afraid- but go about your business as if nothing is wrong and remember to vote Republican. Your comments below-
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